Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

Configuring Advanced Configuration for Admins

You can configure the action to be taken against the admin account when an admin user account is deleted using SCIM.

Actions on users through SCIM are reflected in the ZIA Admin Portal. For example, disabling a user through SCIM disables both the admin user and its linked user account in the ZIA Admin Portal. Configuring the action for deleted users only affects deleted users, and does not affect disabled users.

To configure advanced configuration for admins:

  1. Go to Administration > Administrator Management.
  2. Click the Administrator Management tab.
  3. On the Administrator Management page, in the Advanced Configuration section, choose one of the following options from the Admin Account Action When SCIM Deletes Linked User Account drop-down menu:
  • Select Delete if you want to allow SCIM to delete the admin user and its linked user account.
  • Select Do Nothing if you do not want to allow SCIM to delete the admin user and its linked user account. SCIM will return error 409 (Admin user cannot be deleted). Do Nothing is the default.

  1. Click Save and activate the change.
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