Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

Searching for Apps

You can search for apps by name, client ID, or publisher to find results in the App Inventory and the 3rd-Party App Governance app catalog. You can then add apps from the catalog to your inventory.

  • To search for an app by name:

    1. In the left-side navigation, go to Inventory.
    2. Enter the name of the app in the search bar.

    You can use the filter to view search results from the inventory, catalog, or both. By default, the search results from the inventory are displayed. Apps in the catalog that are not currently in your inventory appear in blue.

    1. (Optional) Click Add to inventory to add the app from the catalog to your inventory.

    If you cannot find the app in your inventory or 3rd-Party App Governance app catalog by name, you can search by client ID. If you still cannot find the app, you can submit the client ID for sandboxing.

  • To search for an app by client ID:

    1. In the left-side navigation, go to Inventory.
    2. Enter the client ID of the app in the search bar.

    You can use the filter to view search results from the inventory, catalog, or both. By default, the search results from the inventory are displayed. Apps in the catalog that are not currently in your inventory appear in blue.

    If you cannot find the app in your inventory or 3rd-Party App Governance app catalog by client ID, you can submit the client ID for sandboxing.

    1. (Optional) Click Add to inventory to add the app from the catalog to your inventory.

    You can add multiple apps to your inventory at once using client IDs. To learn more, see Uploading Apps in Bulk.

  • To search for an app by publisher:

    1. In the left-side navigation, go to Inventory.
    2. Click the Publisher filter. To learn more about filters, see App Inventory Filters.

    1. In the filter, search for and select the publisher's name. Multiple selections are allowed.

    Optionally, in the Publisher column of the App Inventory, click the app's publisher name to automatically apply it as a filter.

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