Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

NSS Feed Output Format: DNS Logs

The DNS Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) feed specifies the data from the DNS logs that the NSS sends to the security information and event management (SIEM) system. You can configure an NSS feed by including one or more fields. The fields and their values display in the NSS feed output.

  • "Mon Jun 20 14:56:51 2022","sales@zscaler.com","Service Admin","Road Warrior","Allow","Allow","DNS_1","Zscaler Bypass Traffic","AAAA","wpad.test.com","EMPTY_RESP","53","0","","","Corporate Marketing","Other","Zscaler","DESKTOP-J1E9T1L" 

The following tables display information about the DNS fields and example values for those fields. If applicable, the DNS fields are mapped to their corresponding columns in DNS Insights Logs (Analytics > DNS Insights > Logs). You can download a CSV file of the tables: Download


FieldDescriptionExampleInsights Logs
%s{time}The time and date of the transaction. This excludes the time zone.Mon Oct 16 22:55:48 2023Logged Time
%s{tz}The time zone. This is the same as the time zone you specified when you configured the NSS feed.GMT
%02d{ss}Seconds (0–59)48This field is derived from Logged Time.
%02d{mm}Minutes (0–59)55This field is derived from Logged Time.
%02d{hh}Hours (0–23)22This field is derived from Logged Time.
%02d{dd}The day of the month (1–31)16This field is derived from Logged Time.
%02d{mth}The month of the year10This field is derived from Logged Time.
%04d{yyyy}Year2023This field is derived from Logged Time.
%s{mon}The name of the monthOctThis field is derived from Logged Time.
%s{day}The day of the weekMonThis field is derived from Logged Time.
%d{epochtime}The epoch time of the transaction1578128400

Transaction Action

FieldDescriptionExampleInsights Logs
%s{reqrulelabel}The name of the rule that was applied to the DNS request Request Rule Name
%s{reqaction}The name of the action that was applied to the DNS requestREQ_ALLOW
Request Action
%s{resrulelabel}The name of the rule that was applied to the DNS response Response Rule Name
%s{resaction}The name of the action that was applied to the DNS response Response Action
%s{ecs_slot}The name of the EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) rule that was applied to the DNS transactionECS Slot #17ECS Object Name
%s{dnsgw_slot}The name of the DNS Gateway ruleDNS GATEWAY Rule 1Resolver Gateway

Transaction Information

FieldDescriptionExampleInsights Logs
%d{istcp}Indicates if the DNS transaction uses TCP
  • 1 = Yes
  • 0 = No
%s{cip}The IP address of the user. This can be the internal IP address if it is visible (e.g., traffic sent through a GRE tunnel or an internal IP address indicated using XFF). Otherwise, it's the client's internet (NATed Public) IP address., 2a02:2e0:40c:102:1:2b:10:80, 2001:db8::2:1Client IP
%d{durationms}The duration of the DNS request in milliseconds Request Duration
%s{sip}The server IP address of the request192.168.2.200, 2a02:2e0:40c:102:1:2b:10:80, 2001:db8::2:1Server IP
%d{recordid}The unique record identifier for each log This field is specific to NSS.
%s{pcapid}The path of the packet capture (PCAP) file that captured the transaction. The PCAP ID has the following format: <Company ID>/<Directory>/<PCAP File Name>. The company ID is the internal ID of an organization and can be found on the Company Profile page. The directory is the log type. To download the PCAP file, go to the Capture column on the DNS Insights Logs page.43139974/dns/663ba8fd30b50001.pcapCapture
%s{location}The gateway location or sub-location of the sourceHeadquartersLocation
%s{req}The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in the DNS requestmail.safemarch.comRequested Domain
%s{res}The resolved IP or NAME in the DNS response192.168.2.200, 2a02:2e0:40c:102:1:2b:10:80, 2001:db8::2:1, EMPTY_RESPResolved IP or Name
%s{domcat}The category of the content of the DNS requestProfessional ServicesRequest Categories
%s{respipcat}The category of the content of the DNS responseAdult ThemesResponse Categories
%s{reqtype}The DNS request typeA recordDNS Request Type
%s{restype}The DNS response type. The means or format of the response.IPv4, IPv6DNS Response Type
%d{sport}The server port of the request Server Port
%s{eedone}Indicates if the characters specified in the Feed Escape Character field of the NSS configuration page were hex encodedYesThis field is specific to NSS.
%s{error}The DNS error code. Usually an incomplete or failed transaction.EMPTY_RESPDNS Error Code
%s{ecs_prefix}The EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) prefix used in the DNS request. This field displays a numeric string. Prefix
%s{dnsgw_srv_proto}The DNS Gateway server protocolTCP, UDP, HTTPServer Protocol
%s{dnsgw_flags}Flags indicating the DNS Gateway status for the transaction
  • PRIMARY_SERVER_RESPONSE_PASS (i.e., Primary Server Attempted)
  • SECONDARY_SERVER_RESPONSE_PASS (i.e., Secondary Server Attempted)
  • FO_DEST_PASS (i.e., Query Forwarded to Destination)
  • FO_DEST_ERR (i.e., Error Response Returned to Client)
  • FO_DEST_DROP (i.e., Query Dropped)
  • None
DNS Gateway Flags
%s{http_code}The HTTP return code used in DNS over HTTPS sessions100 - ContinueHTTP Status Code
%s{dnsappcat}The DNS tunnel or network application categoryCommonly Blocked TunnelsDNS Tunnel & Network App Categories
%s{dnsapp}The type of DNS tunnel or network applicationGoogle DNSDNS Tunnels & Network Apps
%s{protocol}The protocol type
  • TCP
  • UDP
  • DoH (DNS over HTTP)
Protocol Type

User Information

FieldDescriptionExampleInsights Logs
%s{login}The login name in email address formatjdoe@safemarch.comUser
%s{dept}The departmentSalesDepartment
%s{company}The company nameZscalerThis field is specific to NSS.
%s{cloudname}The Zscaler cloud namezscaler.netThis field is specific to NSS.

Zscaler Client Connector Device Information

FieldDescriptionExampleInsights Logs
%s{devicehostname}The hostname of the deviceTHINKPADSMITHDevice Hostname
%s{devicename}The name of the deviceadminDevice Name
%s{deviceowner}The owner of the devicejsmithDevice Owner
%s{devicemodel}The model of the deviceVMware7,1Device Model
%s{deviceosversion}The OS version that the device usesMicrosoft Windows 10 Enterprise;64 bitDevice OS Version
%s{deviceostype}The OS type of the deviceWindows OSDevice OS Type
%s{deviceappversion}The app version that the device uses4.3.0.18Enrolled Device appversion
%s{devicetype}The type of deviceZscaler Client Connector

Data Center

FieldDescriptionExampleInsights Logs
%s{datacenter}The name of the data centerCA Client Node DCData Center
%s{datacentercity}The city where the data center is locatedSa
%s{datacentercountry}The country where the data center is locatedUS

Obfuscated Fields

Select DNS fields support obfuscation, as indicated by the prefix o. For example, the field %d{ocip} is the obfuscated version of %s{cip}. Instead of displaying the client IP address, the obfuscated field displays a random string in the NSS feed output.

The following fields have been added as obfuscated fields:

  • %d{ocip}
  • %s{odomcat}
  • %s{odevicehostname}
  • %s{odevicename}
  • %s{odeviceowner}

Hex-Encoded Fields

The Zscaler service hex encodes all non-printable ASCII characters that are in URLs when it sends logs to the NSS. Any URL character that is less than or equal to 0x20, or greater than or equal to 0x7F, is encoded as %HH. This ensures that your SIEM can parse the URLs that contain control characters. For example, a \n character in a URL is encoded as %0A, and a space is encoded as %20.

The following fields have been added as hex-encoded fields:

  • %s{elocation}
  • %s{edepartment}
  • %s{erulelabel}
  • %s{ethreatname}
  • %s{elogin}
  • %s{edevicehostname}
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