Workflow Automation

Managing Notification Templates

Adding notification templates in Workflow Automation is one of the tasks in configuring Workflow Automation. Admins with access to Workflow Automation must add and map the notification templates. Notification templates provide:

  • The format for the notifications that Workflow Automation generates and sends when admins are investigating an incident. Notifications are sent when the admin asks the end user to justify actions that led to an incident and when the admin escalates the incident to an approver from the Incidents page or the Incident Details page.
  • The format for the digest notifications that Workflow Automation sends to the users and the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) admins.
  • The format for the notifications that are generated and sent from the various workflows defined in Workflow Automation.

To learn more, see Managing Incident and Digest Template Mappings, About Incidents, Viewing & Managing Incident Details, Managing Workflow Templates, Managing Workflows, and Managing Workflow Mappings.

Workflow Automation provides the following system default notification template families and templates:

  • Email Families and Templates

    Notification Template FamilyNotification Template
    End-user Justification - Email TemplateEnd-user Justification - Email Template
    Escalation - Email TemplateEscalation - Email Template
    Digest - Email TemplateDigest - Email Template
    DLP Admin Digest - Email TemplateDLP Admin Digest - Email Template
  • Slack Families and Templates

    These families and templates are only available if you have integrated Workflow Automation with Slack.

    Notification Template FamilyNotification Template
    End-user Justification - Slack TemplateEnd-user Justification - Slack Template
    Escalation - Slack TemplateEscalation - Slack Template
    Digest - Slack TemplateDigest - Slack Template
    DLP Admin Digest - Slack TemplateDLP Admin Digest - Slack Template
  • Microsoft Teams Families and Templates

    These families and templates are only available if you have integrated Workflow Automation with Microsoft Teams.

    Notification Template FamilyNotification Template
    End-user Justification - Teams TemplateEnd-user Justification - Teams Template
    Escalation - Teams TemplateEscalation - Teams Template
    Digest - Teams TemplateDigest - Teams Template
    DLP Admin Digest - Teams TemplateDLP Admin Digest - Teams Template

For each template family, you can create only one template in each language. You cannot create two templates of the same language for a single template family.

Admins cannot edit the system default notification templates. They can only view and clone the default notification templates.

On the Notification Templates page in the Workflow Automation Admin Portal, admins can:

  • To view notification templates:

    1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
    2. (Optional) Filter the templates by status, type, template family, or language. You can also search for specific templates that you want to view.
    3. (Optional) Reset all the applied filters.
    4. View a list of notification templates configured for your organization. For each notification template, you can see:

      • Template Name: The name of the template.
      • Template Family: The family of the template.
      • Type: The type of template. Template types are Email, Slack, and Teams. The Slack and Microsoft Teams templates are only available if you have integrated Workflow Automation with Slack and Microsoft Teams, respectively.
      • Language: The language of the template.
      • Last Modified: The date and time the template was last modified.
      • Status: The status of the template. Statuses are Draft, Published, and System Default.

  • To add a notification template:

    1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
    2. Click Add More. The Notification Template page appears.

    3. On the Notification Template page, you can create a custom notification template for the following types of notifications:
  • To preview a notification template:

    1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
    2. In the Action column next to a template, click the View Template icon. The Notification Template page appears, displaying the notification template. The following images show examples of an email notification template, a Slack notification template, and a Microsoft Teams notification template.

    3. (Optional) Click Edit Template. You are redirected to a page where you can modify and publish the notification template. To learn more, see Add Notification Templates.

    4. Click Close.
  • You can only edit draft and published notification templates. You cannot edit or delete system default notification templates.

    • To edit a draft notification template:

      1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
      2. In the Action column next to a draft template, click the Edit Template icon. The Notification Template page appears, displaying the notification template.

      3. Edit the template details or the notification template design using the tools or format options provided for the template. To learn more, see Add Notification Templates.
      4. (Optional) Click Save as Draft. The edited template appears on the Notification Templates page with a draft status. You can come back later and continue to work on the template design.
      5. Click Publish Template. The template is published. Workflow Automation only uses published templates for its notifications.

      To delete a draft notification template, click the Delete Template icon in the Action column next to the template.

    • To edit a published notification template:

      1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
      2. In the Action column next to a published template, click the Edit Template icon. The Notification Template page appears, displaying the notification template.

      3. Edit the template details or the notification template design using the tools or format options provided for the template. To learn more, see Add Notification Templates.
      4. Click Update Template. The published template is updated. The template still appears on the Notification Templates page with a published status.

      To delete a published notification template, click the Delete Template icon in the Action column next to the template.

  • To translate a notification template into a different language:

    1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
    2. In the Action column next to a template, click the Translate Template icon. The Notification Template page appears, with the Translate dialog window.

      1. In the Translate dialog window, from the Translate To drop-down menu, select a language to which you want to translate the template.
      2. To view the translated template, click Preview. The template displays in the selected language.

      3. (Optional) To revert the template to the original language and also to revert any changes made after translation, click Reset.

    3. (Optional) Click Save as Draft. You can come back later and continue to work on the template.
    4. Click Publish Template. The template is published. Workflow Automation only uses published templates for its notifications.
  • To clone a notification template:

    1. Go to Setup > Notification Templates. The Notification Templates page appears.
    2. In the Action column next to a template, click the Clone Template icon. The Notification Template page appears. In the Template Name field, "Clone of" appears in front of the name of the notification template that you cloned.

    3. (Optional) In the Template Name field, change the template name.
    4. Edit the template details or the notification template design using the tools or format options provided for the template. To learn more, see Add Notification Templates.
    5. (Optional) Click Save as Draft. The cloned template appears on the Notification Templates page with a draft status. You can come back later and continue to work on the template design.

    6. (Optional) Click Translate to translate the newly created template to a different language. The Translate dialog window appears.
      1. In the Translate dialog window, from the Translate To drop-down menu, select a language to which you want to translate the template.
      2. Click Preview to view the translated template. The template displays in the selected language.
      3. (Optional) To revert the template to the original language and also to revert any changes made after translation, click Reset.
    7. Click Publish Template. The template is published. Workflow Automation only uses published templates for its notifications.

You can only update the template mappings with templates that are in a published status. You also receive notifications from Workflow Automation to update the template mappings to use this template.

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