Workflow Automation
Managing Priorities
Adding priorities to incident groups in Workflow Automation is one of the tasks for configuring Workflow Automation. Admins with access to Workflow Automation can add a priority to all the different incident groups for their organization. They can assign a priority of critical, high, medium, or low to an incident group.
After priorities have been assigned to incident groups, admins can then filter the incidents they are responsible for by priority on the Incidents page of the Workflow Automation Admin Portal. To learn more, see About Incidents.
Before managing priorities for incident groups, add incident groups on the Incident Group page of the Workflow Automation Admin Portal. To learn more, see Managing Incident Groups.
Adding Incident Group Priorities
To add an incident group priority:
- Go to Setup > Priorities. The Priorities page appears, listing all the incident groups and their assigned priorities for your organization.
On the Priorities page, click Add More. A new row appears after the last incident group that is displayed.
- In the new row:
- Incident Group: From the drop-down menu, select an incident group.
- Priority: Select a Critical, High, Medium, or Low priority for the incident group.
- Click Save.
Editing Incident Group Priorities
To edit an incident group priority:
- Go to Setup > Priorities. The Priorities page appears, listing all the incident groups and their assigned priorities for your organization.
- (Optional) On the Priorities page, use the Search field to locate the incident group for which you want to edit the priority.
- Next to the incident group, select a different Priority. You can also use the Incident Group drop-down menu to change the incident group. If you change the incident group, the priority is removed from the previous incident group and added to the new incident group.
- Click Save.
To delete an incident group priority configuration, click the Delete icon next to a priority configuration.
Viewing Incident Group Priorities
To view incident group priorities:
- Go to Setup > Priorities. The Priorities page appears, listing all the incident groups and their assigned priorities for your organization.
For each incident group, you can view:
- Incident Group: The name of the incident group.
- Priority: The priority assigned to the incident group. Priorities are Critical, High, Medium, or Low.