Workflow Automation

Managing Custom Email Domains

Adding custom email domains is optional when configuring Workflow Automation. Admins with access to Workflow Automation can manage custom email domains. Workflow Automation generates and sends email notifications for the various actions that you can perform, such as notifying the user of an incident, escalating an incident to an approver or manager, and performing bulk actions. By default, Workflow Automation uses notifications@zsworkflow.net as the sender for these different email notifications. After you add a custom email domain, Workflow Automation uses that custom email domain as the sender for these email notifications.

In the Workflow Automation Admin Portal, on the Custom Email Domain page, admins can:

  • To add a custom email domain:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization.

    2. On the Custom Email Domain page, click Add Domain. The Custom Email Domain Setup wizard appears, displaying the overview page for the wizard. On the overview page, you can see the different steps required to add a custom email domain. Step 1 is highlighted with a blue circle.

    3. Click Initial Setup. The Add Custom Domain page appears.
    4. On the Add Custom Domain page:

      • Domain Name: Enter the name of the custom email domain.
      • Originating Email Address: Enter the originating email address for the email notifications. Email notifications are sent from this email address.

    5. Click Add. The Next button becomes available.
    6. Click Next. Workflow Automation generates DNS records for domain verification, and the Add DNS Record page appears, displaying those DNS records. A message is displayed on the page stating that the system verification is in progress and that it might take up to 72 hours for the verification to complete. The status of the custom email domain is set to DNS verification pending.

    7. In your DNS provider, publish the DNS records that are displayed in the table. Click the Copy icon next to the Host Name field and Value field for each DNS record. You must publish these DNS records to your DNS provider within 72 hours. If you do not publish these DNS records within 72 hours, the status of the custom email domain changes to Expired. After the custom email domain has expired, you can regenerate DNS records for the domain. To learn more, see Regenerate DNS Records for Expired Custom Email Domains.

      After you publish the DNS records to the DNS provider, the DNS server calls Amazon Web Services (AWS) to check whether the records are valid. This verification process can take some time. After the verification process is complete:

      • If the records are valid, the custom email domain is added, and the status of the custom email changes to Success. You can now use this custom email domain for your notifications. In addition, a message is displayed on the Add DNS Record page stating that the domain was successfully verified, and the Next button becomes available. When you click the Next button, the Verify Custom Domain Setup page appears, where you can send a test email from the custom email domain to verify that it is working correctly. This step is optional.

      • If the records are not valid, or if there is a technical issue with verifying the records, the custom email domain is not added and the status of the custom email domain changes to Failed. To use a custom domain that has a Failed status, you must delete the custom email domain and add it again so that the system can regenerate the DNS records.

    8. (Optional) Click Next. The Verify Custom Domain Setup page appears.

    9. On the Verify Custom Domain Setup page, in the Send Test Email To field, enter the email address to which you want to send the test email.
    10. Click Send Test Email. The test email is sent to the email address you entered.
    11. Click Finish. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing the custom email domain with a Success status, and the Make Default icon appears in the Action column.

  • To specify the default custom email domain:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization.
    2. On the Custom Email Domain page, in the Action column, click the Make Default icon next to a domain name with a status of Success. You can only specify one custom email domain as the default. The status of the custom email domain changes to In Use.

  • To edit a custom email domain:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization.
    2. On the Custom Email Domain page, in the Action column, click the Edit icon next to a domain name that has a status of Success, In Use, or DNS verification pending.
      • If the custom email domain has a DNS verification pending status, the Add DNS Record page appears. From that page, you can continue adding the custom email domain.
      • If the custom email domain has an In Use or Success status, the Add Custom Domain page appears. You can only edit the Originating Email Address field. Edit the Originating Email Address field and then click Update. The Next button becomes available. When you click the Next button, the Verify Custom Domain Setup page appears. From that page, you can send a test email again to verify that the custom email domain is working correctly.

    To delete a custom email domain, in the Action column, click the Delete icon next to a domain name. You cannot delete a custom email domain with a status of In Use. You can select another domain and make it the default, and then you can delete the previous domain that was the default.

  • To regenerate DNS records for an expired custom email domain:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization.
    2. On the Custom Email Domain page, in the Action column, click the Regenerate icon next to a domain name that has a status of Expired.

      Workflow Automation regenerates the DNS records for the domain, and the Add DNS Record page appears, displaying those new DNS records.

    3. Continue with adding the custom email domain. To learn more, see Adding a Custom Email Domain.
  • To revert to the Zscaler domain:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization.
    2. On the Custom Email Domain page, click Revert to Zscaler Domain. A message appears asking whether you are sure that you want to revert to zsworkflow.net as the originating email domain.

    3. Click Yes.

      The Revert to Zscaler Domain button changes to Zscaler Domain in use, and you cannot select it.

    To use your custom email domain again as the default, in the Action column, click the Make Default icon next to the domain name that you want to set as the default. After you select the default, Revert to Zscaler Domain becomes available again.

  • To view custom email domains, go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization. The custom email domain you specified as the default appears in bold. For custom email domains, you can view the following information:

    • Domain Name: The name of the custom email domain.
    • From: The originating email address for the custom email domain.
    • Last Updated: The date and time when the custom email domain was last updated.
    • Status: The status of the custom email domain. Statuses are:
      • DNS verification pending: The custom email domain is pending verification of the DNS records. Only the Add Custom Domain page (first step) is complete for this domain.
      • Expired: The custom email domain is expired. You did not publish the DNS records to your DNS provider within the 72-hour deadline. If the custom domain has expired, you can regenerate the DNS records and publish them to your DNS provider. To learn more, see Regenerate DNS Records for Expired Custom Email Domains.
      • Failed: The custom email domain failed the verification of DNS records by AWS. To use this domain, you must delete it and then add it again so that the system can regenerate the DNS records.
      • In Use: The custom email domain that is set as the default for the email notifications. You can only set one custom email domain to this status.
      • Success: The custom email domain is verified. All the pages required for adding a custom email domain are complete. Only custom email domains with a Success status can be set as the default.

    To view the details for a custom email domain:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom Email Domain. The Custom Email Domain page appears, listing all the custom email domains for your organization.
    2. On the Custom Email Domain page, in the Action column, click the View Domain icon next to a domain name. The overview page for the Custom Email Domain Setup wizard appears. Depending on the status of the domain, a View button appears under the pages that you previously completed and you can view.

    3. Under the page that you want to view, click View. That page appears, displaying the information that you added on that page.
    4. (Optional) To view the information on the other pages, click Next or Back to traverse through the other pages.

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