Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

Executive Insights Report

The Executive Insights Report provides an organization’s key contacts with a monthly overview of the traffic volume and security posture of their organization. The report contains data represented through key statistics, easy-to-understand widgets, and charts that help key contacts identify actionable or investigable data.

For organizations that receive it, this report is located in Analytics > Executive Insights Email Report.

Report Schedule

There are two sets of recipients that receive the report. The first set receive the report on the first weekend, when the report is generated. The second set receive the report 7 days after the first set receive it.

If you want to add a recipient to receive the report, contact your Zscaler Account team to add them. Specify which set you want them to be added to, the first or second set of recipients.

Report Widgets

The report contains the following widgets:

  • Overall Traffic: Trend that displays traffic volume for the last 6 months.
  • Transactions Blocked Average Comparison: Displays three averages.
    • Your organization's average: Displays percentage of transactions blocked for your organization and the change from the previous month.
    • Peer average: Displays the average of the percentage of transactions blocked for your peer group and the change from the previous month for the peer group.
    • Cloud average: Displays the average of the percentage of transactions blocked for the cloud and the change from the previous month for the cloud.
  • Top Locations by Bandwidth: Displays the top 5 locations by bandwidth usage and the bandwidth usage per location.
  • Threats Blocked and Policy Violations: Displays trend of threats blocked and policy violations for the last 6 months for your organization.
  • Advanced Threat Types Blocked: Displays the top advanced threats blocked for your organization in the last month and the number of transactions blocked by threat type.
  • Top Office 365 Application Usage: Displays the top Office 365 apps for your organization in the last month and the bandwidth used per app.
  • News from Zscaler: Contains the latest news or notable Zscaler highlights.
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