Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

Configuring Workload Groups

You can configure workload groups to apply security policies to the workloads deployed on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. You can view all the workloads and their respective tags in the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal. A maximum of 8 key-value pairs can be used to build the expression for the workload group. To learn more, see About Workload Groups.

Only admins with full policy access can add or edit the workload groups.

To configure a workload group:

  1. Go to Administration > Workload Groups.
  2. Click Add Workload Group. The Add Workload Group window appears.

  1. In the Add Workload Group window:
  • Name: Enter a name for the workload group.
  • Description: (Optional) Enter additional notes or information about the workload group.
  • Tag Type: Select a tag type from the drop-down menu.
    • Click Add Tag to build an expression using appropriate tag keys and tag values for the workload group.

  • Enter a tag key in the text box and press Enter. The tag key is added to a list and available for selection. Select a tag key from the list for the workload group expression.

For the Attribute tag type, you cannot add tag keys manually. The Add Tag field populates a set of

  • GroupId
  • GroupName
  • IamInstanceProfile-Arn
  • ImageId
  • PlatformDetails
  • Vpc-id
To learn more, see Understanding Workload Groups.

  • Enter a tag value for the selected tag key in the text box and press Enter. The tag value is added to a list and available for selection. Select a tag value from the list for the workload group expression.

The added tag key and tag values are displayed in the list when you add new key-value pairs. When adding new tags, if the list doesn't contain your required key-value pair, enter the tag key and tag value in the text box and press Enter.

You can also add multiple key-value pairs for the same tag type and associate them with an AND or OR operation. Click on the operation sign to change the expression.

  • Click Add More to configure multiple tag types for the workload group that can be connected through AND or OR operations. You can click on the operation sign to change the expression.

  1. Click Show Expression to verify the tag expression you created for the workload group. This field displays a two-dimensional expression table with a single operator in each row and column.

  1. Click Save and activate the change.
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