Digital Experience Monitoring (ZDX)

Using the Zscaler Help Browser

The Zscaler Help Browser is available for all pages within the ZDX Admin Portal. Through the Help Browser, you can view Zscaler Help Portal articles in context with the page you're on, without leaving the ZDX Admin Portal.

To open the Help Browser:

  1. Go to the page where you want to view an article.
  2. Click the Help icon in the lower-right corner.

The Help Browser displays the article relevant to the page you are viewing. You can then watch videos and read about the page.

About the Help Browser

There are different features available to help you customize the help browser and navigate it.

Customizing the Help Browser

You can do the following to customize the Help Browser:

  • You can move the Help Browser anywhere within the menu bar and footer. When you hover over the browser header, a cursor appears. Click and drag the Help Browser to the desired location.

    Move browser functionality

  • You can resize the Help Browser to expand videos, pictures, and content. When you hover over the top-left corner of the browser, a cursor appears. Click and drag the corner to resize the window.

    Resizing the browser

  • There are a variety of font sizes for the Help Browser. Click the Font icons to increase or decrease the text size.

    Changing help browser font size


Zscaler saves your customization until you log out or the session expires.

Navigating the Help Browser

You can do the following to navigate the Help Browser:

  1. View the article relevant to the page you're viewing in the ZDX Admin Portal.
  2. Navigate back and forth across articles you've viewed.
  3. Search for an article.
  4. Copy the URL of an article.
  5. Close the Help Browser.
  6. Open the article in a new browser tab.


Closing the Help Browser clears your navigation history. When you reopen the Help Browser, it displays the article relevant to the page you are viewing, and you are unable to navigate back and forth to articles you've viewed in the previous Help Browser session.

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