Digital Experience Monitoring (ZDX)
Customizing Your Admin Account Settings
The ZDX service automatically creates a profile for each administrator account. Go to the Account page in the ZDX Admin Portal to view your profile, change your password, or log out.
To view your profile, change your password, or log out:
Click the User icon in the bottom-left corner of the ZDX Admin Portal. This displays the My Profile panel.
- You can view the following in the My Profile panel:
- Username: The username assigned when the account was created.
- Cloud: The information for your account.
- Organization ID: The ID for your organization.
Change Password: Click Change Password to open a window where you can change your password. If an update is made, this change applies to both the ZDX and ZIA Admin Portals.
The password must contain at least 10 characters and include one number, one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one special character. The password must not contain whitespace, 3 repeating characters, or a sequential order (e.g., 123, abc). Only ASCII characters are allowed.
- Current SKU: The ZDX subscription level for your organization.
- Theme: The selected system theme for your ZDX admin account. You can switch colors of the ZDX Admin Portal between the system's themes (e.g., Dark Mode). The default is Light Mode.
- Logout: Click Logout to log out from your ZDX admin account. If there is no user activity for 30 minutes, a user is automatically logged out. A confirmation window appears 5 minutes before an admin is automatically logged out, asking if they want to extend their session.
- If you change your password, click Save and activate the change.