Cloud & Branch Connector

Accessing and Navigating the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal

The Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal allows users to view and manage their Cloud and/or Branch Connectors.

  • After your organization is provisioned for Cloud & Branch Connector and you know your cloud name, you can access the Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal.

    1. Go to the Cloud & Branch Connector login page.
    2. Enter your Login ID, select Remember my Login ID if you want the portal to remember your username the next time you log in, and then click Next.
    3. Enter your Password and click Sign In.

    If you make 5 unsuccessful attempts to log in within one minute, the account is locked out for 5 minutes and the failed attempts are recorded.

    To simultaneously access the Zscaler Admin Portal of two different Zscaler services, you must either use a private browser or open each Zscaler service on a different browser. If you access the admin portals of multiple Zscaler services on different tabs of the same browser, the UI session you access first is automatically redirected to the portal of the service you accessed most recently.

    For example, if you log in to the Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal on one tab of your browser and later log in to the Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) Admin Portal on a different tab of the same browser, then the tab logged in to the Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal automatically redirects you to the most recently accessed ZIA Admin Portal.


    ZIdentity is a unified identity platform that allows users to use single sign-on (SSO) to access multiple Zscaler admin portals. To learn more, see What Is ZIdentity?

    1. Based on your organization's authentication preference, sign in to the ZIdentity Landing Page using one of the following methods:

        1. Enter your Login ID. If you want the service to remember your login ID the next time you log in, select Remember Me.

        2. Click Next.
        3. Enter your Password and click Sign In.

        4. Based on your organization's MFA policy, two-factor authentication (2FA) is required. Complete your 2FA to access the ZIdentity Landing Page.

          If you forget your password or want to configure a different secondary authenticator, click Having trouble signing in? > Reset Password or Reset Second Factor, and a reset email is sent to your email ID. The reset link within the email expires after 5 minutes. To learn more, see Resetting the Login Credentials or MFA.

      • If your account is configured with MFA, you can sign in using an email OTP as well:

        1. Enter your Login ID. If you want the service to remember your login ID the next time you log in, select Remember Me.
        2. Click Next and then, click Other Sign-in Options.

          The Sign-in Options window appears.

        3. In the Sign-in Options window, click Email OTP.

        4. Enter the OTP sent to your email address and click Sign In. The OTP expires after two minutes. If the OTP expires or you don't receive an OTP, click Resend to receive another OTP after 60 seconds.

        1. Enter your Login ID. If you want the service to remember your login ID the next time you log in, select Remember Me.
        2. Select Sign-in using Security Key or Biometric.

        3. Click Next.
        4. Based on your configuration, enter your security key or complete the biometric to access the ZIdentity Landing Page.

          If you want to configure with a different security key or biometric, click Having trouble signing in? > Reset Security Key or Biometric, and a reset email is sent to your email ID. The reset link within the email expires after 5 minutes. To learn more, see Resetting the Login Credentials or MFA.


    2. Click the Zscaler Cloud and Branch Connector tile to access the Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal. Perform the desired steps in the left-side navigation.

    You are redirected to the Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal.

  • The Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal has the following items on the left-side navigation:

    Left-side Navigation in the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal

    When you are ready to begin configuring Cloud Connector, see Step-by-Step Configuration Guide for Zscaler Cloud Connector. When you are ready to begin configuring Branch Connector, see Step-by-Step Configuration Guide for Zscaler Branch Connector.

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