Cloud & Branch Connector

Ranges & Limitations

This article lists the ranges and limitations for rules, policies, fields, and other features.


The following table shows group ranges and limitations:

Group Name255 characters
Network Services Groups126 groups
Source IP Address Groups4,000 groups
Destination Groups (Destination IP or FQDN Groups)4,000 groups
Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) or IP Addresses per Group8,000 addresses
Cloud Connector Groups1,000 groups
Branch Connector Groups1,000 groups
Virtual Machines (VMs) per Group16 VMs
Application Segment Groups600 groups


The following table shows location ranges and limitations:

Locations1,000 locations
Location Name255 characters
Location Templates500 templates


The following table shows ranges and limitations for Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) filter feeds:

NSS Servers2 servers
NSS Feeds per Server8 feeds
NSS Users per Feed1,024 users
NSS Departments per Feed1,024 departments
NSS Locations per Feed1,024 locations
NSS Clients per Feed1,024 clients
NSS Threat Names per Feed1,024 threat names


The following table shows the ranges and limitations for information related to the organization:

Address Line 110,240 bytes
Address Line 210,240 bytes
City/State/ZIP1,024 bytes
Name/Title/Phone/Alternate Phone1,024 bytes
Admin Users per Organization10K admins
Admin User Login ID128 characters
Admin User Email254 characters
Admin User Name256 characters
Admin User Comments10,240 bytes
Admin User Password100 characters
Admin Roles64 roles
Identity Providers16 identity providers


The following table shows the forwarding ranges and limitations:

Traffic Forwarding Rules1,020 rules
Log & Control Forwarding Rules1,020 rules
Domains/FQDNs per Organization1,024 domains/FQDNs
Domains/FQDNs per Rule1,024 domains/FQDNs
ZIA Gateways1,000 gateways
Log and Control Gateways1,000 gateways
DNS Gateways255 gateways
DNS Control Policy Rules1,020 rules
Application Segments50,000 segments
Description10,240 characters

Provisioning and Configuration

The following table shows the provisioning and configuration ranges and limitations:

Cloud Provisioning Templates1,000 templates
Branch Configuration Templates1,000 templates
Branch Connector Static Routes32 routes
Branch Connector DHCP Server Static Leases32 leases
Branch Connector Virtual local area networks (VLANs) per Interface9 subinterface VLANs and one main untagged VLAN per interface, or 10 subinterface VLANs without the main untagged VLAN
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