Cloud & Branch Connector
Ranges & Limitations
This article lists the ranges and limitations for rules, policies, fields, and other features.
The following table shows group ranges and limitations:
Feature | Limit |
Group Name | 255 characters |
Network Services Groups | 126 groups |
Source IP Address Groups | 4,000 groups |
Destination Groups (Destination IP or FQDN Groups) | 4,000 groups |
Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) or IP Addresses per Group | 8,000 addresses |
Cloud Connector Groups | 1,000 groups |
Branch Connector Groups | 1,000 groups |
Virtual Machines (VMs) per Group | 16 VMs |
Application Segment Groups | 600 groups |
The following table shows location ranges and limitations:
Feature | Limit |
Locations | 1,000 locations |
Location Name | 255 characters |
Location Templates | 500 templates |
The following table shows ranges and limitations for Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) filter feeds:
Feature | Limit |
NSS Servers | 2 servers |
NSS Feeds per Server | 8 feeds |
NSS Users per Feed | 1,024 users |
NSS Departments per Feed | 1,024 departments |
NSS Locations per Feed | 1,024 locations |
NSS Clients per Feed | 1,024 clients |
NSS Threat Names per Feed | 1,024 threat names |
The following table shows the ranges and limitations for information related to the organization:
Feature | Limit |
Address Line 1 | 10,240 bytes |
Address Line 2 | 10,240 bytes |
City/State/ZIP | 1,024 bytes |
Name/Title/Phone/Alternate Phone | 1,024 bytes |
Admin Users per Organization | 10K admins |
Admin User Login ID | 128 characters |
Admin User Email | 254 characters |
Admin User Name | 256 characters |
Admin User Comments | 10,240 bytes |
Admin User Password | 100 characters |
Admin Roles | 64 roles |
Identity Providers | 16 identity providers |
The following table shows the forwarding ranges and limitations:
Feature | Limit |
Traffic Forwarding Rules | 1,020 rules |
Log & Control Forwarding Rules | 1,020 rules |
Domains/FQDNs per Organization | 1,024 domains/FQDNs |
Domains/FQDNs per Rule | 1,024 domains/FQDNs |
ZIA Gateways | 1,000 gateways |
Log and Control Gateways | 1,000 gateways |
DNS Gateways | 255 gateways |
DNS Control Policy Rules | 1,020 rules |
Application Segments | 50,000 segments |
Description | 10,240 characters |
Provisioning and Configuration
The following table shows the provisioning and configuration ranges and limitations:
Feature | Limit |
Cloud Provisioning Templates | 1,000 templates |
Branch Configuration Templates | 1,000 templates |
Branch Connector Static Routes | 32 routes |
Branch Connector DHCP Server Static Leases | 32 leases |
Branch Connector Virtual local area networks (VLANs) per Interface | 9 subinterface VLANs and one main untagged VLAN per interface, or 10 subinterface VLANs without the main untagged VLAN |