Posture Control (ZPC)

Viewing IaC Scan Results on the Jenkins UI

ZPC generates a graphical report that contains details of the IaC scan results and policy violations detected in a Jenkins job. You can see the report for both single and multibranch pipeline jobs in the Jenkins UI and also download the report as a CSV or PDF file.

To view the IaC scan results in Jenkins:

  1. On the Jenkins dashboard, click the build number that you submitted for deployment.
  2. In the left-side navigation, select Zscaler IaC Scan Results to view the report.

If you see an error message in the report, it can be due to one of the following reasons:

  • IaC resources are not available
  • Parsing error
  • IaC scan is not initiated
  • IaC scan failed to complete

Resolve the issue and run the IaC scan again.

Report Details

The Jenkins report displays the following information:

  1. Project Details: The project name, build number, build status, and the date and time when the build was scanned.
  2. Scan Status: The total number of scans and status (Passed, Failed, Skipped).
  3. Severity: The overall severity level of the policy violations (Critical, High, Medium, or Low).
  4. Export CSV: Download the report as a CSV file.
  5. Export PDF: Download the report as a PDF file.
  6. Failed, Skipped, and Passed tabs: The number of policies that were failed, skipped, and passed during the IaC scan. For each policy, you can see:
    • Policy Name: The policy title.
    • Scan Status: The status of the scan (Failed, Skipped, or Passed).
    • Policy ID: The unique identification number for the security policy.
    • Severity: The severity level of the policy violation (Critical, High, Medium, or Low).
  7. Resource Details: Click the arrow next to the Policy Name to view:
    • Resource: The name of the resource.
    • Resource Type: The type of resource (e.g. AWS S3 bucket).
    • File: The name of the file that was scanned.
    • Line: The line within the code that has misconfigurations.

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