Posture Control (ZPC)

Configuring IaC Scan for Azure Pipelines

This article provides step-by-step instructions to configure the Zscaler IaC Scan for Azure Pipelines.

The IaC Scan plugin scans and identifies security misconfigurations and policy violations in the IaC Terraform, Kubernetes, Helm, ARM, and CloudFormation templates for Azure pipeline jobs, and displays the scan results in the Azure console output.


Ensure you use the supported operating systems only, otherwise the IaC integration fails.

Configuring the Zscaler IaC Scan Plugin for Azure Pipelines

To configure the Zscaler IaC Scan plugin for Azure:

  1. Go to Administration >Version Control & CI/CD Systems.
  2. On the IaC Integrations page, click Add IaC Integration.

  1. Under General Information:
    1. For IaC Scanner Type, select CI/CD.
    2. For Platform, select Azure Pipelines.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Under Configuration:
    1. Enter the unique name for the Azure Pipeline, then click Confirm.

A Client ID and Client Secret Key are generated after confirmation. These values are required to authorize the Zscaler IaC Scan plugin to access the Azure Pipeline jobs.

  1. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret Key.
    1. Sign in to your Azure DevOps account.

    Make sure you've downloaded the Zscaler IaC Scan plugin from the Visual Studio Marketplace and installed in the required Azure organization. To learn more, see the Azure Documentation.

    1. Select Pipelines in the left-navigation menu, then select the Pipeline you want to edit. To learn how to create a new Pipeline, see the Azure Documentation.
    2. Use the task assistant to add tasks to the YAML pipeline. Click Show assistant to view the list of tasks in Azure DevOps. All third-party tools, including the Zscaler IaC Scan plugin, are called Tasks in Azure DevOps.
    3. Select Zscaler IaC Scan from the list.
    4. Fill in the required configuration parameters:
    • Region: Select the region (EU, US, or Custom) where your tenant resides.

    • Client ID: Paste the value you copied on the ZPC Admin Portal.
    • Client Secret: Paste the value you copied on the ZPC Admin Portal.

    If you want to secure the Client ID and Client Secret, you can add the values to the Azure Key Vault and specify the parameters in the YAML pipeline.

    To learn more, see the Azure DevOps Documentation.

    • IaC Directory to scan: Enter the name of the directory that must be scanned. If you don’t add a directory, then the entire repository is scanned.
    • IaC File to scan: Enter the name of the IaC file that must be scanned.
    • Output format: Enter the format (JSON, YAML, SARIF, or human) for displaying the scan results.
    • Fail build: Select the checkbox to fail the build when misconfigurations and policy violations are detected in the code.

    1. Click Add.
    2. The parameters are added to the YAML pipeline. Click on Settings within the script to edit the parameters if required.

  1. Return to the Configuration page in the ZPC Admin Portal, and click Finish.

The Azure DevOps account is displayed on the IaC Integrations page. However, the status of this account is displayed as Pending. When you complete the configuration steps explained above, the status changes to Success and the Azure DevOps URL is displayed for the account.

Viewing the IaC Scan Results for Azure Pipelines

ZPC generates a graphical report that contains details of the IaC scan results and policy violations detected in an Azure Pipeline job. You can see this report on Azure DevOps and also download the report as a CSV or PDF file.

To view the IaC scan results on Azure DevOps:

  1. Log in to Azure DevOps.
  2. In the left-navigation menu, click Pipeline to view the list of recently run Pipeline jobs.
  3. Click the required Pipeline job.

  1. Click the Zscaler IaC Scan tab to view the report with the following details:
  • Scan Status: The total number of scans and status (Passed, Failed, Skipped).
  • Severity: The overall severity level of the policy violations (Critical, High, Medium, or Low).
  • Failed, Skipped, and Passed tabs: The number of policies that were failed, skipped, and passed during the IaC scan. For each policy, you can see:
    • Policy Name: The policy title. Click the arrow next to the policy to view:
      • Resource: The name of the resource (e.g., the name of the AWS S3 bucket).
      • Resource Type: The type of resource (e.g., aws_s3_bucket).​​​
      • File: The name of the file that was scanned.
      • Line: The line within the code that has misconfigurations.
    • Scan Status: The status of the scan (Failed, Skipped, or Passed).
    • Policy ID: The unique identification number for the security policy.
    • Severity: The severity level of the policy violation (Critical, High, Medium, or Low).

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