Secure Private Access (ZPA)

Configuring Private Cloud Controllers

Within the ZPA Admin Portal, you can create Private Cloud Controllers, Private Cloud Controller groups, and provisioning keys. For a complete list of ranges and limits per feature, see Ranges & Limitations.

To add a new Private Cloud Controller:

  1. Go to Configuration & Control > Business Continuity > Business Continuity Management > Private Cloud Controllers.
  2. Click Add.

    The Add Private Cloud Controller page appears.

  3. On the Add Private Cloud Controller page:
    • Create a provisioning key or choose an existing one. The provisioning key is a secure random text string that you need to enter when you deploy the Private Cloud Controller on a platform. Each key is associated with a specific Private Cloud Controller group and functions like an ID for the Private Cloud Controller.

      After deployment, the Private Cloud Controller launches and makes initial contact with the ZPA cloud. It presents a key as its ID, allowing the ZPA cloud to verify that this is an authentic Private Cloud Controller and to identify which Private Cloud Controller group it belongs to. ZPA then automatically completes the deployment process.

      On the Choose Key page, choose one of the following options:

      1. On the Signing Certificate page, select the certificate from the drop-down menu that ZPA uses to sign certificates it issues to the Private Cloud Controller. If you need to generate a new enrollment certificate, see Generating an Enrollment Certificate.
      2. Click Next.

      To learn more about certificates, see About Certificates.

    • On the Private Cloud Controller Group page, choose one of the following options:

        1. Select an existing Private Cloud Controller group from the drop-down menu. You can search for a specific group, or click Clear to remove any selections. Private Cloud Controller groups can be associated with multiple provisioning keys. So, you can assign this Private Cloud Controller to an existing group that's already associated to a provisioning key.
        2. Click Next.
        1. Click Add Private Cloud Controller Group:

          • Name: Enter a name for the group. The name cannot contain special characters, with the exception of periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores ( _ ).
          • Status: Ensure Enabled is selected.
          • Description: (Optional) Enter a description for the group.
          • Private Cloud for Business Continuity: Select the Private Cloud to which this Private Cloud Controller group should belong to.
          • Persist Local Version Profile: Enable if the Private Cloud Controller group should persist the local Version Profile. By default, Disabled is selected.
          • Version Profile: Displays the current Version Profile. The default value is set to Default. To learn more, see Configuring a Version Profile.
          • Private Cloud Controller Software Update Schedule: Schedule the periodic Private Cloud Controller software update for the group by selecting or searching for the day of the week and start time.
          • Private Cloud Controller Location: Enter the location where the Private Cloud Controllers in the group are set up. The map displays the location you've entered. If you click the location marker on the map, the Latitude, Longitude, and Location Address fields are automatically populated.
            • Latitude: Displays the latitude coordinate.
            • Longitude: Displays the longitude coordinate.
            • Country Code: Displays the country code for the location address you’ve entered.
            • Location Details: Displays the location address you've entered.

        2. Click Next.
      1. On the Create Provisioning Key page:
        • Name: Enter a name for the provisioning key. The name cannot contain special characters, with the exception of periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores ( _ ).

          This name is automatically assigned as a prefix for the name of each Private Cloud Controller enrolled with it. Meaning that all Private Cloud Controllers in a given Private Cloud Controller group use the same prefix in its name.

          To help distinguish between the different Private Cloud Controllers in a group, each Private Cloud Controller also has a number automatically added to its name upon being enrolled. This number signifies that it is the nth Private Cloud Controller to be enrolled with the key. For example, if you enter AWS Oregon as a provisioning key name in this step, the first Private Cloud Controller you enroll with this key is named AWS Oregon-1. The next Private Cloud Controller you enroll with the same key is named AWS Oregon-2, and so on.

        • Maximum Reuse of Provisioning Key: Enter the maximum number of instances where this key can be used to enroll a Private Cloud Controller. After adding the Private Cloud Controller, this number can be modified.
          The Instances of Provisioning Key Reuse field cannot be modified. ZPA tracks the number of Private Cloud Controllers enrolled in this Private Cloud Controller group and automatically displays the number in this field. This helps ensure that keys are not being used improperly by unknown parties to enroll Private Cloud Controllers.

      1. Click Next.
      1. On the Review page, review your configuration settings.
      2. Click Save.
      1. On the Review Documentation page:
        • Copy Provisioning Key: Copy the Private Cloud Controller provisioning key. You need to enter this key when you deploy the Private Cloud Controller to a platform. You can click the Copy icon to copy the key to your clipboard.
        • Review Documentation: Choose the platform you want to deploy your Private Cloud Controller on, and follow the instructions that appear.

      1. Click Done.
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