Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)
Migrating Virtual Service Edge ZscalerOS to Version 24 for Microsoft Azure
As part of our efforts to improve the scalability and robustness, and performance of our cloud, Zscaler has released ZscalerOS version 24, which is to be used across all virtual cloud nodes. The latest ZscalerOS 24 comes with advanced security features and key benefits, such as security patches for the OS as well as new libraries, TLS 1.3 support, and enhancements to the performance of the Zscaler service.
If you are running ZIA Virtual Service Edge (formerly Virtual ZEN or VZEN) on Azure with ZscalerOS 10 or earlier, you must copy the latest service edge on Azure OS Virtual Hard Drive (VHD) image from Zscaler's storage account and swap out the existing OS disk with the new one using PowerShell. Complete the following steps.
To migrate ZscalerOS to version 24 on Service Edge:
- Step 1: Check the ZscalerOS Version on the VM
Run the following command on an SSH terminal connection to check the ZscalerOS version on the VM:
uname -a
Steps 2 to 8 apply only to Service Edge on Azure VM running ZscalerOS 10 or older.
- Step 2: Copy the New OS Disk VHD File to the Original OS Disk VHD File Location
You can copy the OS disk VHD file using Azure CLI, PowerShell, or Azure Storage Explorer. Only the procedure for Azure Storage Explorer is included here.
Use the following information to ensure the fastest copy time:
Value Description Blob Service SAS URL Storage Account Name zos24migrationprod Blob Container Name zos24-migration-osdisk To copy the new OS disk VHD file to the original OS disk VHD file location using Azure Storage Explorer:
- Download and launch Azure Storage Explorer.
If you are running Azure Storage Explorer on a machine that is behind ZIA with SSL Inspection enabled, you might need to bypass the following FQDN from inspection:
- Click the Add Account icon (plug icon).
The Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer - Connect window appears.
- In the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer - Connect window, under the Select Resource section, select Storage account or service.
The Select Connection Method section appears.
- In the Select Connection Method section, select Shared access signature URL (SAS).
- Click Next.
The Enter Connection Info section appears.
- In the Enter Connection Info section, configure the following attributes:
- Display name: The display name is automatically populated based on the service URL.
- Service URL: Enter the service URL shared by Zscaler.
- Click Next.
The Summary section appears.
- Review the connection summary and click Connect.
- Once the connection is successful, in the left panel, go to Storage Accounts > zos24migrationprod (SAS) > Blob Containers > zos24-migration-osdisk. The VHD file is located here.
- Select the VHD file and click Copy.
- In the left panel, go to the blob container of your personal storage account that contains the original OS disk VHD file, and click Paste to add the new OS disk VHD file to your blob container. The transfer may take some time. The Activities tab at the bottom indicates when the transfer is complete.
You’ll see the new OS disk VHD file in the blob container.
- Log in to the Azure Portal.
- Go to your destination blob container. You’ll see the VHD file in the blob container.
- Step 3: Check the Backup Archive Status
Run the following command on an SSH terminal connection to check the status of the backup archive:
sudo vm-backup-status
Zscaler automatically takes a backup of several configuration items from the old OS disk and restores them automatically after the OS disk replacement. This step is to confirm that the backup has been taken properly.
- Step 4: Shut Down the VM
To shut down the VM using an SSH terminal connection:
- Run the following command to stop the Service Edge instance:
sudo vzen stop
- Run the following command to shut down the VM:
sudo shutdown -h now
Close - Step 5: Stop and Deallocate the VM in the Azure Portal
To deallocate the VM in the Azure Portal:
- In the Azure Portal, go to the Overview tab.
- Click Stop.
The Stop this virtual machine window appears.
- In the Stop this virtual machine window, click OK.
Ensure that the status of the VM changes to Stopped (deallocated).
Close - Step 6: Replace the Original OS Disk VHD File With the New OS Disk VHD File
To replace the original OS disk VHD file with the new OS disk VHD file:
- Populate the values in the Config.txt file.
- See the table for the description of each value.Close
Value Description vmname Name of the virtual machine newdisk VHD URI of the new OS disk rgname Resource group where VM is provisioned - See the sample file.
vmname=migration-vzen-demovm newdisk= rgname=vzenrg
You can download the sample Config file: Download sample Config file
- Run the script.
powershell.exe DiskSwap.ps1 .\config.txt
- See the DiskSwap PowerShell script file.
#Test if the azure powershell modules are present on the system $scmd="Connect-AzAccount" $cmdout=Get-Command $scmd -eA SilentlyContinue -EV $serr -OV $sout if(!$cmdout.CommandType) { echo "Required powershell modules are missing. Please install the azure modules and retry" exit } #Sign in for this session Connect-AzAccount #Fetch the config file to be loaded if( $args[0] -ne $null ){ $filename=$args[0] } else { $filename="./config.txt" } $SubSelect = 'n' Do { $subs=Get-AzSubscription echo "Listing available subscriptions in your account" $subid=0 $ProvisionSub=99999 foreach ($sub in $subs) { echo "Subscription $subid :" echo $sub $subid++ } if($subid -ge 1) { $ProvisionSub=Read-Host -Prompt "Select one of the above for provisioning" } else { $ProvisionSub=0 } echo "Selected subscription for provisioning :" echo $subs[$ProvisionSub] $SubSelect=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter `"y`" to continue with this subscription or `"n`" to choose again" } While($SubSelect -eq 'n' -or $SubSelect -eq 'N') if($SubSelect -ne 'y' -and $SubSelect -ne 'Y') { echo "You did not choose a subscription to deploy in, script will exit now" exit } $subscription=$subs[$ProvisionSub] echo "Script will continue to provision in the selected subscription $subscription " Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscription.Id echo "Azure Subscription for current session set to the following" Get-AzContext $select=Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to continue(y/n):" if($select -ne 'y' -or $select -ne 'Y') { echo "Script terminating per user input" exit } echo "Provisioning will continue with the selected subscription" if ( -not (Test-Path $filename)) { echo "Config file not found at $filename" exit } else { echo "Found the configuration file, populating parameters from $filename" } $vmname="" $osdisk="" $rgname="" $docopy="" $disksize=225 foreach ($line in Get-Content $filename) { if($line -match "^#.*") { #Commented continue } if( [string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($line)) { #Empty line continue } $entries=$line.split("=",2,[StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries') #$entries=$line.split("=") $e1=$entries[0] $e2=$entries[1] #Write-Host $e1 $e2 -Separator "," $key=$e1.Trim() $value=$e2.Trim() #echo "Got entries" $entries[0] "->" $entries[1] if($key -eq "vmname") { $vmname=$value continue } if($key -eq "rgname") { $rgname=$value continue } if($key -eq "newdisk") { $osdisk=$value continue } if($key -eq "copy") { $docopy=$value continue } if($key -eq "size") { $disksize=$value } } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "VM Name: " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $vmname Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "Resource Group: " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $rgname Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline "New OS Disk location: " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan $osdisk #sleep 30 $proceed=Read-Host "Continue? (y/n)" if ($proceed -ne "y" -or $proceed -ne "Y") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Script terminating..." exit } $vm=Get-AzVm -Name $vmname -ResourceGroupName $rgname if( $vm.ProvisioningState -ne "Succeeded" ) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The target vm original provisioning status is not \" Succeeded\"" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Exiting migration. Please contact zscaler support for further assistance" exit } $vmstatuses=Get-AzVm -Name $vmname -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Status $vmstatus="Nil" foreach ($status in $vmstatuses.Statuses){if ($status.Code -Match "Power" ){ $vmstatus=$status.Code}} if ($vmstatus -NotMatch "deallocated") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "VM state should be de allocated before proceeding. Script will exit now. " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewLine "Current VM state:" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $vmstatus exit } Write-Host "Proceeding to replace disks." $vm=Set-AzVMOSDisk -VM $vm -VhdUri $osdisk -DiskSizeInGB $disksize Update-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $rgname -VM $vm sleep 30 Write-Host "Attempting to start the vm now" $start=Read-Host "Continue? (y/n)" if ($start -ne "y" -or $start -ne "Y") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Script terminating. Start VM from the portal." exit } Start-AzVM -Name $vmname -ResourceGroupName $rgname
You can download the DiskSwap PowerShell script file: Download DiskSwap PowerShell script file
The script prompts you to start the VM after successfully replacing the original OS disk VHD file with the new OS disk VHD file. Enter y to immediately start the VM, otherwise, you can boot the VM from the Azure Portal.
Close - Step 7: Log In to the New VM After 10 Minutes
In the Azure Portal, enter the following credentials at the FreeBSD command prompt to log in:
Username: zsroot
Password: zsrootThe following guidelines apply:
- Zscaler strongly recommends that you change this default password by running the passwd command.
- Direct root login is not permitted. Administrators must use the sudo utility to run a command with higher privileges.
- Step 8: Check the Health of the New VM
Run the following command on an SSH terminal connection to check the health of the new VM:
sudo vm-restore-status