Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

Configuring Google Chrome to Use a PAC File

To redirect your web traffic to the Zscaler cloud, you can configure your browser to use a PAC file. A PAC file is a text file that directs a browser to forward traffic to a proxy server before going to the destination server. The Zscaler service hosts a default PAC file that uses geolocation technology to forward traffic to the nearest ZIA Public Service Edge. To learn more, see Using Default PAC Files to Forward Traffic to ZIA.

The following steps describe how to configure Google Chrome to use a PAC file on Windows systems:

  • The browser version used in this example is Google Chrome 53.0.2785.143 m. These steps may vary for different versions of Google Chrome.

    To configure Google Chrome to use Zscaler’s PAC file URL:

    1. Copy the default PAC file URL from your ZIA Admin Portal:
      1. Go to Administration > Hosted PAC Files.

    1. Copy the URL of the Proxy PAC file to your clipboard.

    1. Open Google Chrome, open the Chrome menu, then click Settings.

    1. In the Settings window, click Show advanced settings....

    1. Under Network, click Change proxy settings....

    The Internet Properties window appears.

    1. In the Internet Properties window, under the Connections tab, click LAN settings.

    The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window appears.

    1. In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, select Use automatic configuration script and paste the PAC file URL that you copied from the ZIA Admin Portal.

    1. Click OK to save the configuration.
  • The browser version used in this example is Google Chrome 96.0.4664.45. These steps may vary for different versions of Google Chrome.

    To configure Google Chrome to use Zscaler’s PAC file URL:

    1. Copy the default PAC file URL from your ZIA Admin Portal:
      1. Go to Administration > Hosted PAC Files.

    1. Copy the URL of the Proxy PAC file to your clipboard.

    1. Open Google Chrome, open the Chrome menu, then click Settings.

    1. In the Settings window, click Advanced and then System.
    2. Click Open your computer's proxy settings.

    The Proxy settings page of your system appears.

    1. In the Proxy settings page, enable Use setup script and then paste the PAC file URL that you copied from the ZIA Admin Portal into the Script address field.

    1. Click Save to save the configuration.

For more information about getting started on the Zscaler service, see Getting Started.

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