- Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA) Help
- API Developer & Reference Guide
- Reference Guide
- Advanced Settings
- API Developer & Reference Guide
- Getting Started
- Configuring the Postman REST API Client
- Understanding Rate Limiting
- API Response Codes and Error Messages
- Reference Guide
- 3rd-Party App Governance API
- Admin & Role Management
- Advanced Threat Protection Policy
- Browser Isolation
- /browserIsolation/profiles
- Cloud App Control Policy
- Cloud Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS)
- Data Loss Prevention
- /dlpDictionaries
- /dlpDictionaries/lite
- /dlpDictionaries/{dlpDictId}
- /dlpDictionaries/{dictId}/predefinedIdentifiers
- /dlpDictionaries/validateDlpPattern
- /dlpEngines
- /dlpEngines/lite
- /dlpEngines/validateDlpExpr
- /dlpEngines/{dlpEngineId}
- /dlpExactDataMatchSchemas
- /dlpExactDataMatchSchemas/lite
- /dlpNotificationTemplates
- /dlpNotificationTemplates/{templateId}
- /icapServers
- /icapServers/lite
- /icapServers/{icapServerId}
- /idmprofile
- /idmprofile/lite
- /idmprofile/{profileId}
- /incidentReceiverServers
- /incidentReceiverServers/lite
- /incidentReceiverServers/{incidentReceiverServerId}
- /webDlpRules
- /webDlpRules/lite
- /webDlpRules/{ruleId}
- File Type Control Policy
- Firewall Policies
- /firewallFilteringRules
- /firewallFilteringRules/{ruleId}
- /ipDestinationGroups
- /ipDestinationGroups/ipv6DestinationGroups
- /ipDestinationGroups/ipv6DestinationGroups/lite
- /ipDestinationGroups/lite
- /ipDestinationGroups/{ipGroupId}
- /ipSourceGroups
- /ipSourceGroups/ipv6SourceGroups
- /ipSourceGroups/ipv6SourceGroups/lite
- /ipSourceGroups/lite
- /ipSourceGroups/{ipGroupId}
- /networkApplicationGroups
- /networkApplicationGroups/lite
- /networkApplicationGroups/{groupId}
- /networkApplications
- /networkApplications/{appId}
- /networkServiceGroups
- /networkServiceGroups/lite
- /networkServiceGroups/{serviceGroupId}
- /networkServices
- /networkServices/lite
- /networkServices/{serviceId}
- /timeWindows
- /timeWindows/lite
- Forwarding Control Policy
- Intermediate CA Certificates
- /intermediateCaCertificate
- /intermediateCaCertificate/downloadAttestation/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/downloadCsr/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/downloadPublicKey/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/finalizeCert/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/generateCsr/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/keyPair/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/lite
- /intermediateCaCertificate/lite/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/makeDefault/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/readyToUse
- /intermediateCaCertificate/showCert/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/showCsr/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/uploadCert/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/uploadCertChain/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/verifyKeyAttestation/{certId}
- /intermediateCaCertificate/{certId}
- /sslSettings/downloadcsr
- /sslSettings/generatecsr
- /sslSettings/showcert
- /sslSettings/uploadcert/text
- /sslSettings/uploadcertchain/text
- /sslSettings/certchain
- /sslSettings/exemptedUrls
- IoT Report
- Location Management
- /locations
- /locations/bulkDelete
- /locations/supportedCountries
- /locations/lite
- /locations/{locationId}
- /locations/{locationId}/sublocations
- /locations/groups
- /locations/groups/count
- /locations/groups/lite
- /locations/groups/lite/{id}
- /locations/groups/{id}
- Malware Protection Policy
- PAC Files
- Policy Export
- /exportPolicies
- Sandbox Policy & Settings
- Security Policy Settings
- Shadow IT Report
- Traffic Forwarding
- /subclouds
- /subclouds/isLastDcInCountry/{id}
- /subclouds/{id}
- /extranet
- /extranet/lite
- /extranet/{id}
- /greTunnels
- /greTunnels/availableInternalIpRanges
- /greTunnels/{Id}
- /ipv6config
- /ipv6config/dns64prefix
- /ipv6config/nat64prefix
- /orgProvisioning/ipGreTunnelInfo
- /region/byGeoCoordinates
- /region/byIPAddress/{ip}
- /region/search
- /staticIP
- /staticIP/validate
- /staticIP/{Id}
- /vips
- /vips/groupByDatacenter
- /vips/recommendedList
- /vpnCredentials
- /vpnCredentials/bulkDelete
- /vpnCredentials/{vpnId}
- URL Categories
- URL Filtering Policy
- User Management
- /departments
- /departments/lite
- /departments/{id}
- /departments/lite/{id}
- /departments/{departmentId}
- /groups
- /groups/lite
- /groups/{groupId}
- /groups/lite/{groupId}
- /users
- /users/bulkDelete
- /users/references
- /users/{userId}
- /users/auditors
- Workload Groups
- /workloadGroups
- API Rate Limit Summary
- Working with APIs
- Generating Admin Audit Logs Using API
- Managing Admins and Roles Using API
- Managing Intermediate CA Certificates Using API
- Managing Locations Using API
- Obtaining Sandbox Reports Using API
- SD-WAN Integrations Using API
- Configuring VPN Credentials for IPSec Tunnels Using API
- Managing URL Allowlist and Denylist Using API
- Configuring URL Categories Using API
- Managing Users Using API