Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

Adding Notes to Dashboards and Interactive Reports

You can add notes to dashboards and interactive reports (both standard and custom reports) for a variety of annotation purposes.

You can place notes anywhere on the screen so that they pertain to just one item or to multiple items in dashboards or in reports. You can add up to 7 notes per dashboard or report, and each note can contain up to 256 characters.

A note in a widget in the Zscaler Web Browsing dashboard

A note on a Zscaler Interactive Report

All admins can add notes or modify notes created by other admins, as long as the admin’s role has full permission to Dashboard Access and Reporting Access. Once posted, the notes automatically display the name of the admin who added or most recently modified the note, as well as the date and time the note was added or last modified.

When you add notes to a dashboard, the notes become attached to that specific dashboard, but not to a specific iteration of that dashboard. For example, if you add notes to the Web Overview dashboard, those notes will not appear in another dashboard (e.g., the Security or Web Browsing dashboard). However, if you modify the Web Overview dashboard after adding notes to it (e.g., if you edit the widgets in the dashboard or if you change the time frame), the notes will still appear in the same place.

The notes function in a similar way for interactive reports. The notes you create are attached to a specific report, but not to a specific iteration of the report. For example, if you add notes to the Company Summary Report, those notes do not appear in any other report. However, if you change the time frame of that Company Summary Report (e.g., from Current Day to Current Week), the notes will still appear in the same place.

Adding Notes

To add notes:

  1. In a Dashboard or in one of the Interactive Reports (Analytics > Interactive Reports), click the Add Note icon.

The Add Note icon on the Zscaler Web Overview dashboard

The Add Note icon on a Zscaler Interactive Report

The Add Note Description text editor appears.

  1. In the Add Note Description text editor, type in the content for your note. Notes can be up to 256 characters.
  2. Click Save, move the note to the appropriate place in the dashboard or report, and click again to post the note. The note will display the name of the admin that created the note, as well as the date and time it was created.

Editing or Deleting Notes

To edit or delete notes, hover your mouse over a note so that the Edit and Delete icons appear.

  • To edit the note:
    1. Click the Edit icon. The Add Note Description text editor appears.
    2. In the Add Note Description text editor, modify the text as applicable.
    3. Click Save.
  • To delete the note, click the Delete icon.

The Edit and Delete icons that appear when you hover your mouse over a note

Showing or Hiding Notes

To hide all notes, click the Hide Notes icon.

The Hide Notes icon for in a Zscaler Interactive Report

To show all notes again, click the Show Notes icon.

The Show Notes icon for in a Zscaler Interactive Report

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