Secure Internet and SaaS Access (ZIA)

About TLD Categories

Top-level domain (TLD) categories are URL categories that give you the ability to group together TLDs for use in the following policies:

You can use TLD categories in policies to control access to domains for a specific country or to block access to TLDs that might be used solely for malicious purposes.

About the TLD Categories Page

On the TLD Categories page, you can do the following:

  1. See the maximum limit of custom URLs or TLDs that are allowed and the number of custom URLs or TLDs used in your policies. For a complete list of ranges and limits per feature, see Ranges & Limitations.
  2. Go to the URL Categories page, where you can add and manage URL categories.
  3. Add a TLD Category.
  4. View a list of all configured TLD categories. For each TLD category, you can view the following information:
  • Name: The name of the TLD category.
  • No. of Top Level Domains: The number of custom TLDs in the category.
  • Description: (Optional) The description of the policy rule if available.

The No. of Top Level Domains column displays up to 20 TLDs when you click the number under it. You can view the complete list of TLDs in the edit mode of the TLD category page.

  1. Edit a TLD Category.
  2. Search for a TLD Category.

Annotated screenshot of the TLD categories page in the Admin Portal

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