Digital Experience Monitoring (ZDX)

Monitoring the Wi-Fi Dashboard

The Wi-Fi Dashboard utilizes existing user and device Wi-Fi data in your organization to monitor device performance. This data can help identify specific locations in which users might have issues with their Wi-Fi access points.


To monitor Wi-Fi performance within the Wi-Fi Dashboard, ensure:

  • Your ZDX subscription level supports monitoring the Wi-Fi Dashboard. To learn more, see Ranges & Limitations.
  • Your ZDX role has the proper permission level. To learn more, see Adding ZDX Roles.

Viewing the Wi-Fi Dashboard

To access the Wi-Fi Dashboard, go to Dashboard > Wi-Fi Dashboard. Time range options are available in increments from the previous 2 Hours to 48 Hours, or a Custom Range within the last 14 Days. Use the time range filter and page filters to help narrow your scope of information:

  • Wi-Fi SSID: The network Service Set Identifier. You can select up to 5 SSIDs from the drop-down menu. The SSID associated with the highest number of devices is selected by default.
  • Departments: See About Departments.
  • Zscaler Locations: See About Locations.
  • Geolocations: The geographic areas where your users are located.
  • Operating System: The operating system versions installed on user devices in your organization.
  • Vendors: Supported Wi-Fi vendors.
  • AP Prefix: Enter up to 6 prefixed characters to filter access points.

View an overview about Wi-Fi access points on the Wi-Fi Dashboard

View details about the distribution and performance of Wi-Fi access points and connected devices:

  • Total Access Points: The current number of active access points with a percentage increase or decrease over the selected time period.
  • Wi-Fi Performance of Access Points: A performance distribution based on Good, Okay, and Poor ZDX Scores. Hover over the bar chart to view the performance distribution.
  • Total Devices Connected: The current number of active devices with a percentage increase or decrease over the selected time period.
  • ZDX Score Distribution: The distribution of Good, Okay, and Poor ZDX Scores for all connected devices. Hover over the bar chart to view the device count distribution.
  • Wi-Fi Band Distribution: The estimated number of total active devices delineated by Wi-Fi band percentage. The device count is duplicated for any device using more than one Wi-Fi band at a given time.
  • Top Geolocations by Devices Connected: The top 5 geolocations with the highest device counts, along with the distribution of their respective ZDX Scores.
    • Click an individual location to launch a consolidated view of its Wi-Fi access points.
    • Hover over the Score Distribution bar chart to view a device count per ZDX Score.
  • Wi-Fi Performance by Geolocation: The SSID performance distribution via map location, with each Wi-Fi location color-coded to reflect the ZDX Scores of devices in that location.
    • Hover over a Wi-Fi location to launch a tooltip with Wi-Fi and device details.
    • Click View Access Points within the tooltip to launch a consolidated view of Wi-Fi access points within the location.

To learn more about ZDX Score categories, see About the ZDX Score.

Viewing Wi-Fi Access Points

You have the option to display a consolidated view of access points in either a Tree View or List View.

Access Points in Tree View

The default Tree View of a location's access points is color-coded according to Wi-Fi performance, with each tile color based on a ZDX Score. The size of each tile is based on user volume, with the largest user count shown on the left side of the page, and the lowest user count shown towards the right side of the page.

Hover over an access point tile to view the following information:

  • The number of users and devices connected to the access point.
  • The latency and jitter metrics for the access point.
  • A link to view granular details about the access point.
  • A link to optionally customize the access point info.

Access Points in List View

Click List View to display the Wi-Fi access points in a tabular format that provides the following information:

  • MAC Address: The access point identifier.
  • Custom Name: If applicable, the customized name for the access point.
  • Wi-Fi Performance: The ZDX Score rating as Good, Okay, or Poor.
  • Number of Users: The total count of active users connected to the access point.
  • Number of Devices: The total count of active devices connected to the access point.
  • Avg Latency: The average latency of the access point, measured in milliseconds.
  • Avg Jitter: The average jitter of the access point, measured in milliseconds.

Click an access point to view its details. You can also click the Edit icon to customize the access point info.

Viewing Access Point Details

The access point details page provides a brief summary of a selected access point:

  • SSID: The network Service Set Identifier for the access point.
  • Location: The geographic location of the access point.
  • Wi-Fi Performance: The ZDX Score rating as Good, Okay, or Poor.
  • AP MAC: The MAC address of the access point.
  • Access Point Info: The renamed or customized access point, or the link to add info to customize the access point.
  • Devices: The number of devices within the access point location.

Key Metrics

Salient metrics are provided for the access point in the following charts:

  • Source to Gateway Latency: The average time for a data packet to travel from the source device to the gateway within the selected time range.
  • Source to Gateway Jitter: The average variation in latency between data packets traveling from the source device to the gateway within the selected time range.
  • Active Users: The number of active users and devices connected to the access point within the selected time range.

A table that identifies each user connected to the access point provides additional Wi-Fi information. Click a user or device name within the table to view details about each entry.

  • Device: A user's device connected to the access point.
  • User: A user connected to the access point.
  • BSSID: The Basic Service Set Identifier.
  • Wi-Fi Adapter: The adapter brand of the access point.
  • ZDX Score: The score for the device connected to the access point.
  • Signal Strength: The average Wi-Fi signal strength of the device.
  • Wi-Fi Type: The wireless communication standard of the access point.
  • Wi-Fi Channel: The channel number associated with the band frequency.
  • OS: The device's operating system.
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