Managing Server Agent Update Groups
You can manage agent update groups using the various options under the Actions column.
Enabling or Disabling Updates
To enable or disable the updates for a specific agent update group:
- Go to Settings > Server Agents Settings > Agent Update Groups.
Locate the agent update group for which you want to enable or disable updates. Under the Actions column, click the checkmark icon to disable phased updates for an agent update group, or click the X icon to enable phased updates.
You can see the status of each group and how many server agents have been updated in the table.
Downloading Status Details
To download the status details of an agent update group as a CSV file:
- Go to Settings > Server Agents Settings > Agent Update Groups.
Locate the agent update group for which you want to download the update details, and click the Download icon under the Actions column.
A CSV file with the agent group update status is downloaded to your system.
Editing an Agent Update Group
To edit an agent update group:
- Go to Settings > Server Agents Settings > Agent Update Groups.
Locate the agent update group that you want to edit, and click the Edit icon under the Actions column.
In the Agent Update Group Details window, make the necessary changes.
- Click Save.
Exporting Hostnames
To export hostnames from an agent update group as a TXT file:
- Go to Settings > Server Agents Settings > Agent Update Groups.
Locate the agent update group that you want to export, and click the Edit icon under the Actions column.
In the Agent Update Group Details window, click Export hostnames.
A TXT file containing the list of hostnames is downloaded to your system.
Deleting an Agent Update Group
To delete an agent update group:
- Go to Settings > Server Agents Settings > Agent Update Groups.
Locate the agent update group that you want to delete, and click the Delete icon under the Actions column.
In the confirmation window, click OK.
See image.The agent update group is deleted.