
Adding a Server Agent Update Group

You can add an agent update group with a selection criterion based on hostnames to selectively roll out the updates for server agents.

To add an agent update group:

  1. Go to Settings > Server Agents Settings > Agent Update Groups.
  2. Click Add Group.

  3. In the Agent Update Group Details window:
    1. Name: Enter a name for the agent update group.
    2. Enable Updates: Select to enable phased updates for the agent update group.
    3. Selection Criterion: Select a criterion from the drop-down menu:
      • Hostname List: Applies updates to all the agents where the hostname of the system exactly matches the hostnames specified in the Hostname List field.

      • Hostname RegEx: Applies updates to all the agents where the hostname of the system matches the hostname pattern specified as a regular expression in the Hostname RegEx field.

        Zscaler recommends that you add a group named "All systems" with a catch-all regular expression ( .* ), and enable this group after you complete the testing to make sure all servers are upgraded.

  4. Click Save.

    The agent update group is created and appears in the Agent Update Groups table.

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