
Editing or Deleting a Credential Exposure Scan

You can edit or delete a credential exposure scan that you configured.

Editing a Credential Exposure Scan

To edit a credential exposure scan:

  1. Go to ITDR > Manage > Endpoint Credential Exposure.
  2. Click the Edit icon for the scan you want to modify.

  1. In the configuration window, modify the details as necessary. You can modify:

  1. Click Save.

Deleting a Credential Exposure Scan

To delete a credential exposure scan:

  1. Go to ITDR > Manage > Endpoint Credential Exposure.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the scan you want to delete.

  1. In the confirmation window, click OK.

After you delete a scan, all the identity vulnerability results pertaining to that credential exposure on the Endpoint Credential Exposure are deleted.

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