
Configuring Endpoint Credential Exposure Scan

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You can configure a credential exposure scan on the endpoint agents installed in ITDR to identify credential vulnerabilities and potential privilege escalation points.

To configure a credential exposure scan:

  1. Go to ITDR > Manage > Endpoint Credential Exposure.
  2. Click Add Configuration.

  1. In the Configuration Details window:
    • Configuration Name: Enter the name for the configuration.
    • Scan frequency: Select a scan frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly) from the drop-down menu.
    • Scan Time (UTC): Select a scan time.
    • Password Analysis: Enable or disable password hashing using custom salt.

By default, Password Analysis is enabled.

  1. Click Save.

The endpoint agent is added for scanning at the scheduled frequency. You can also run an on-demand scan to scan the endpoints as necessary.

After the endpoint is scanned for credential vulnerabilities, you can view the results on the Endpoint Credential Exposure dashboard.

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