Business Insights
Scheduling Workplace Reports
You can schedule attendance reports for workplaces and distribute them to various email recipients.
To schedule a report:
- Go to Reports > Workplace Reports.
Click Workplace Report.
The New Workplace Report drawer appears.
- In the New Scheduled Report drawer:
- What - Name: Enter a name for the report (e.g.,
Weekly Report of IT Department in All Offices
). - Report Enabled: Enable or disable the report.
- When - Time Period: Select Weekly or Monthly as the time period for the workplace attendance report.
- Who: Select the users you want included in the report.
- All Users: Select this option to include all the users in your organization.
- Users by Department: Select this option and select the departments that you want to include in the report from the drop-down menu that appears.
- Users by Division: Select this option and select the divisions that you want to include in the report from the drop-down menu that appears.
- Where: Select the workplaces for which you want to generate the report.
- All Offices: Select this option to include all the offices in the report except the remote users. Users with zero office visits are categorized under remote users.
- Select Offices: Select this option to choose the offices for which you want to generate the report.
- All Offices and Remote Users: Select this option to include all the offices and remote users in the report. Users with zero office visits are categorized under remote users.
- Remote Users: Select this option to generate the report for all remote users.
- How - Organize data by: Select how you want to view the data in the report. You can select one of the following options:
- Office: Select this option to organize the data in the report based on the office. The report displays information in the following format:
- Date: The attendance date.
- Workplace: The workplace name.
- Visits: The number of visits on that date.
- User: Select this option to organize the data in the report based on individual users and the time spent in the office. The report displays information in the following format:
- User: The name of the user.
- Date: The attendance date.
- Timespan: The time spent in the office during the visit.
- Workplace: The name of the workplace visited by the user.
- Data Aggregated: Select the data aggregation time period for the report from Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. You must select the time period less than or equal to the value selected in the When - Time Period field. For example, select the time period for a report as weekly, then set data aggregation to daily to view the attendance data for each day of the week, or set the data aggregation to weekly to view the data accumulated for the entire week in the report.
- Office: Select this option to organize the data in the report based on the office. The report displays information in the following format:
- Delivery Method: Choose how you want reports delivered.
- Email Recipients: Enter the email addresses of the recipients for receiving the report via email.
Schedule: Select the day on which you want to schedule the report for email distribution from Weekly on Mondays or Monthly on First Monday.
- What - Name: Enter a name for the report (e.g.,
Click Save.
The report is successfully scheduled. You can view the scheduled report on the Workplace Reports Page.