Zscaler Deployments & Operations

Advanced Sandbox Deployment and Operations Guide

This guide describes the benefits of using Advanced Sandbox and the steps necessary for configuring Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) to add Advanced Sandbox to your security posture.

Advanced Sandbox provides an additional layer of security by analyzing suspected malware files in a virtual environment to detect malicious behavior. It distributes a hash of malicious files to all ZIA Public Service Edges, effectively maintaining a real-time denylist. The analysis based on the denylist prevents users (anywhere) from downloading malicious files.

To learn more, see About Sandbox.

Value of Deploying Advanced Sandbox

Using Advanced Sandbox provides more capabilities and more security options than Basic Sandbox:

  • Scans more file types than .exe and .dll, including .jar, archives, scripts in MS files, MS macros, .pdf, .swf, and .apk.
  • Scans files sized higher than 2 MB.
  • Quarantines files via configuration rules.

Deployment Phase

The deployment phase initially sets up and integrates ZIA solutions into an existing network infrastructure. During the deployment phase, you configure ZIA Advanced Sandbox to meet the needs of your infrastructure. The following sections discuss the steps to deploy ZIA Advanced Sandbox.


One of the following Zscaler subscriptions is required:

  • ZIA Transformation Edition and later.
  • Advanced Sandbox Add-On.

Deployment Steps

The following steps explain how to deploy ZIA Advanced Sandbox:

  1. Make sure to enable the inspection on inbound and outbound traffic.
  2. (Optional) Review and implement the recommended policies for Sandbox.
  3. (Optional) Edit the default Sandbox rule if necessary.
  4. Add policies to Sandbox that match your organization’s needs.
  5. (Optional) Configuring the Patient 0 Alert and other Alert Definitions.
  6. (Optional) Configure Sandbox end user notifications.


Review the following considerations:

  • Rules in the Rule Order List are applied first to last. The last rule checked is the default rule.
  • Any rule that applies to unauthenticated traffic must apply to all groups and departments.
  • The Zscaler service does an initial static analysis for unknown PDF or Microsoft Office files to check for active content:
    • If the Zscaler service detects active content, it sends the files to the Sandbox for behavioral analysis.
    • If the Zscaler service does not detect active content, the files are classified as benign and allowed to download.
  • If you choose Allow as the action for subsequent downloads, and a user attempts to download a malicious Sandbox classified file, the service allows the download. Zscaler recommends disallowing subsequent downloads of flagged malicious content (unless it is for testing).

Operations Phase

This section describes common practices used to operate Zscaler solutions when integrated with your environment. You can monitor and tune ZIA Advanced Sandbox during operations to meet your infrastructure needs.


For Advanced Sandbox operation, complete the following prerequisites:

Deployment Checklist

Zscaler recommends downloading the Advanced Sandbox Deployment and Operations Checklist to help plan and implement ZIA Advanced Sandbox: Download PDF

Additional Information

For more SaaS Security information and troubleshooting instructions, see the Zscaler Support Portal and the Zscaler Zenith Community.

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