Posture Control (ZPC)

Scheduling Compliance Reports

You can schedule compliance summary reports for regular distribution to specified recipients.

A warning icon appears next to the Schedule Name if there is an issue with the schedule scope (e.g., the Business Unit assigned to the scheduled report was deleted).

To schedule a compliance report:

  1. Go to Administration > Scheduled Reports.
  2. Click Add Schedule.

  1. On the General Information tab:
    • Schedule Name: Enter a unique name for the report.
    • Format: Select either Excel or PDF.
    • Benchmark: Select one or multiple active compliance benchmarks.
  2. Click Next.

  1. On the Scope tab, use the following filter drop-down menus to focus on desired information:
    • Business Units: Select one or multiple business units. Business units are logical groups of multiple cloud accounts.
    • Clouds: Select one or multiple cloud service providers.
    • Accounts: Select one or multiple cloud accounts.
    • Regions: Select one or multiple regions

To learn more about filters, see Using Filters.

  1. Click Next.
  2. On the Schedule tab:
    • Frequency: Select a schedule as follows:
      • Select Daily and select the time and timezone.
      • Select Weekly and select the day, time, and timezone.
      • Select Monthly and select the date, time, and timezone.
    • Recipients: Enter the email addresses of the recipients.

  1. Click Next, then click Finish.
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About Scheduled ReportsScheduling Compliance ReportsEnabling or Disabling Scheduled ReportsEditing or Deleting Scheduled Reports