Posture Control (ZPC)
Release Upgrade Summary (2023)
This article provides a summary of all new features and enhancements for Zscaler Posture Control (ZPC). To see scheduled maintenance updates for your cloud, visit the Trust Portal.
The following service updates were deployed to on the following dates.
- Feature Available
Enhancement to Asset Property Predicate Operators
The asset property predicate supports two new operators for IP address and integer property types: Included In (⊆) and Not Included In (⊈).
To learn more, see Creating Custom Security Policies.
Enhancement to Ignore Compliance Rules
ZPC allows you to configure ignore rules to exclude irrelevant compliance findings. ZPC does not display any ignore compliance findings on the compliance dashboards or reports. Using compliance ignore filters can affect ZPC's compliance score evaluation. When you ignore or include an asset or policy on ZPC, the compliance score might change.
You can configure compliance ignore rules based on a combination of policies, asset types, regions, and accounts.
To learn more, see Configuring an Automatic Compliance Ignore Filter.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- KubernetesClose
Security Policy Title EKS CIS - Avoid use of system:masters group EKS CIS - Limit use of the Bind, Impersonate and Escalate permissions in the Kubernetes cluster [Role] EKS CIS - Ensure Image Vulnerability Scanning using Amazon ECR image scanning or a third party provider AKS CIS - Restrict Access to the Control Plane Endpoint AKS CIS - Ensure clusters are created with Private Endpoint Enabled and Public Access Disabled AKS CIS - Use Azure RBAC for Kubernetes Authorization GKE CIS - Manage Kubernetes RBAC users with Google Groups for GKE GKE CIS - Ensure Kubernetes Web UI is Disabled K8s CIS - Limit use of the Bind, Impersonate and Escalate permissions in the Kubernetes cluster [ClusterRole] K8s CIS - Ensure that all Namespaces have Network Policies defined K8s CIS - Minimize access to create pods through Cluster Role K8s CIS - Minimize access to secrets through Cluster Role K8s CIS - Minimize access to secrets through Role K8s CIS - Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for Service Account K8s CIS - Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used K8s CIS - Minimize access to create pods through Role K8s CIS - Minimize wildcard use in ClusterRoles K8s CIS - Minimize wildcard use in Roles K8s CIS - Ensure that the --event-qps argument is set to 0 or a level which ensures appropriate event capture
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
- Kubernetes
Trusted IP Management
ZPC allows you to create and upload a list of trusted IP addresses used by your organization to access the public environment. ZPC excludes these trusted IPs when examining assets or identities that are publicly exposed and eliminates false alerts generated for IPs.
The trusted IP list helps identify public exposure scenarios and distinguishes between either an exposure that serves a legitimate business purpose or one that poses a security risk.
To learn more, see About Trusted IPs.
- Feature Available
Ignore Compliance Filters
You can selectively ignore compliance security policies or assets on your cloud deployment from being evaluated by ZPC. You can use the compliance ignore filters to perform actions such as:
- Ignore specific compliance security policies for all AWS S3 buckets in your cloud deployment because you use S3 buckets exclusively for internal testing.
- Ignore non-production EC2 instances for specific compliance security policies.
Using compliance ignore filters can affect ZPC's compliance score evaluation. When you ignore or include an asset or policy on ZPC, the compliance score might change.
To learn more, see Configuring a Compliance Ignore Filter.
- Feature Available
Alert Payload with Additional Attributes Sent to IT Service Management
Cloud and IaC alert payloads that are sent from ZPC to ITSM (Jira and ServiceNow) are enhanced to include additional attributes: Audit Procedure, Remediation, and Resource Metadata.
To learn more, see About Alerts and Adding Alert Rules.
Alert Timeline
You can view all activities of a cloud alert, the timestamp for when the alert was created and when the alert status was updated, and the ZPC user who performed the action on the alert.
To learn more, see Viewing Alert Details.
AWS Local Identities Support
ZPC offers authentication information such as access keys, passwords, or certificates for all AWS local identities. ZPC supports AWS local identities in the investigation and custom policy query creator. You can use AWS local identity predicates for queries such as:
- Find all active identities that have an access key that expired last month.
- Find all identities that have set up both password-based authentication and have access keys.
To learn more, see Viewing Cloud Identity Details and Creating a New Investigation.
Cloud Alerts Export Option Enhancement
You can select additional attributes to export for cloud alerts along with the alerts table to an Excel file and download the report.
To learn more, see About Alerts and Downloading Reports.
Enhancements to IaC Scanning
The following enhancements are available for IaC Scanning:
View IaC Errors and Remediation in Code Repositories
ZPC performs IaC scans of templates in code repositories and displays the IaC errors and remediation steps within the code, allowing developers to investigate the issues immediately.
To learn more, see About IaC Integrations.
IaC Scanning Support for Amazon Linux 2
ZPC provides support for IaC CI/CD scanning on Amazon Linux 2 operating systems.
To learn more, see Supported OS Versions for IaC Scanning.
Enhancements to Vulnerability Scanning
The following enhancements are available for Vulnerability Scanning:
Default Weekly Schedule for Vulnerability Scanning
The default scan schedule is set to weekly for cloud workloads. The scan schedule can be switched to daily if required.
To learn more, see Adding a Vulnerability Scanning Rule for Cloud Workloads.
Detailed Error Messages for Failed Scans
Comprehensive error messages are displayed for failed vulnerability scans.
To learn more, see Viewing the Cloud Workload Details.
Identity Type Classification Enhancement
ZPC aligns tightly with how each cloud service provider classifies identities as human and non-human. Each cloud service provider offers different best practices for managing human identities and workload identities and enable them to safely perform actions in your cloud deployment. ZPC can check for violations of these best practices across cloud service providers and generate alerts.
To learn more, see Understanding Identity Types.
Schedule an Executive Report
You can schedule executive reports for regular distribution to specified recipients at the specified frequency.
To learn more, see Scheduling Executive Reports and Managing Scheduled Executive Reports.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure that Auto provisioning of 'Vulnerability assessment for machines' is Set to 'On' Ensure that Auto provisioning of 'Microsoft Defender for Containers components' is Set to 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for IoT Hub Is Set To 'On' Ensure that SKU Basic/Consumption is not used on artifacts that need to be monitored (Particularly for Production Workloads) Ensure that Public IP addresses are Evaluated on a Periodic Basis Ensure that ‘Enable Infrastructure Encryption’ for Each Storage Account in Azure Storage is Set to ‘enabled’ Ensure 'TLS Version' is set to 'TLSV1.2' for MySQL flexible Database Server - GCPClose
Security Policy Title Ensure the Latest Operating System Updates Are Installed On Your Virtual Machines in All Projects Ensure 'Access Transparency' is 'Enabled' Ensure Secrets are Not Stored in Cloud Functions Environment Variables by Using Secret Manager Ensure Essential Contacts is Configured for Organization - KubernetesClose
Security Policy Title Manage Kubernetes RBAC users with AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes or Upgrade to AWS CLI v1.16.156 or greater Ensure clusters are created with Private Nodes Ensure clusters are created with Private Endpoint Enabled and Public Access Disabled [AKS CIS] Enable audit Logs [GKE CIS] Ensure use of Binary Authorization [GKE CIS] Ensure Legacy Authorization (ABAC) is Disabled [GKE CIS] Ensure Stackdriver Kubernetes Logging and Monitoring is Enabled [GKE CIS] Ensure clusters are created with Private Nodes [GKE CIS] Ensure clusters are created with Private Endpoint Enabled and Public Access Disabled [GKE CIS] Ensure Master Authorized Networks is Enabled [GKE CIS] Ensure use of VPC-native clusters [GKE CIS] Enable VPC Flow Logs and Intranode Visibility [GKE CIS] Ensure Shielded GKE Nodes are Enabled [GKE CIS] When creating New Clusters - Automate GKE version management using Release Channels [GKE CIS] Ensure Kubernetes Secrets are encrypted using keys managed in Cloud KMS [GKE CIS] Ensure Secure Boot for Shielded GKE Nodes is Enabled [GKE CIS] Ensure Integrity Monitoring for Shielded GKE Nodes is Enabled [GKE CIS] Ensure Node Auto-Upgrade is enabled for GKE nodes [GKE CIS] Ensure Node Auto-Repair is enabled for GKE nodes [GKE CIS] Ensure Container-Optimized OS (cos_containerd) is used for GKE node images [GKE CIS] Ensure legacy Compute Engine instance metadata APIs are Disabled [GKE CIS] Enable Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) for GKE Persistent Disks (PD) [GKE CIS] Ensure GKE clusters are not running using the Compute Engine default service account - OCIClose
Security Policy Title Ensure user auth tokens rotate within 90 days or less Ensure user customer secret keys rotate within 90 days or less Ensure user API keys rotate within 90 days or less
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
System Notifications for Vulnerability Scan Errors
Information about vulnerability scan errors related to insufficient privileges or missing cloud resources are displayed on the Notification Center page in the ZPC Admin Portal.
To learn more, see About System Notifications.
- Feature Available
Executive Reports
The Executive Report provides insight into the assets deployed in your cloud accounts, risks and vulnerabilities associated with the asset, policy violations and misconfigurations associated with the accounts, and much more. You can customize the report and share the report in PDF format.
To learn more, see About the Executive Report and Managing Executive Reports.
Ignore Filter Rule Enhancements
The following improvements are available for the Ignore filter:
- The Add Ignore filter action is now available by default to the Administrator and Security Operations (SecOps) role. All other ZPC users have view-only permission. You can enable the Add Ignore Filter action for other ZPC users by adding or modifying Ignore Rules permissions in Global Modules using custom roles.
- The Cloud Accounts attribute on the Filter Scope page is optional. You can select any one of the attributes on the Filter Scope page to define the filter.
To learn more, see Adding Ignore Filters and Adding a Custom Role.
Improved Service Coverage
ZPC now offers security posture for the following services for cloud service providers:
- Microsoft AzureClose
Service Name Microsoft.Security/assessments Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines - GCPClose
Service Name CloudBuild - WorkerPool CloudBuild - Build CloudBuild - Trigger VertexAI - SpecialistPool VertexAI - MetadataStore VertexAI - Model VertexAI - Dataset
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Types and Asset Categories.
- Microsoft Azure
Investigation and Custom Policy Query Enhancements
ZPC supports the asset property predicate which offers the ability to investigate AWS assets based on any key-value pair in the asset metadata. ZPC accommodates for array, multiple, and partial value matching.
To learn more, see Creating a New Investigation.
New Remediation Attributes and Filters
Four new remediation attributes and filters are added to the Cloud Alerts table: Supports Remediation, Remediation Allowed, Remediation Status, and Remediation Initiated By. You can see these in the main Alerts table.
To learn more, see About Alerts and Using Filters.
Onboarding Private GKE Clusters
In addition to onboarding public and hybrid clusters, ZPC supports onboarding private GKE clusters. When onboarded, ZPC can collect configuration metadata and offer cloud posture insights.
To learn more, see Onboarding a Private Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster.
Security Advisory Support for Vulnerability Scanning
Security advisories are notifications about significant new trends or developments related to threats impacting the information systems of an organization. These advisories are typically the early stages of common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs). ZPC scans your cloud assets and provides more information on detected security advisories along with accessible links to understand in detail about the threat methods and associated risks.
To learn more, see About Vulnerability Management.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure an Azure Bastion Host Exists Ensure that 'Enable key rotation reminders' is enabled for each Storage Account Ensure That 'Firewalls & Networks' Is Limited to Use Selected Networks Instead of All Networks Ensure server parameter 'audit_log_events' has 'CONNECTION' set for MySQL Database Server Ensure server parameter 'audit_log_enabled' is set to 'ON' for MySQL Database Server Ensure Azure Database for MariaDB servers enable encryption in transit - KubernetesClose
Security Policy Title Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for Statefulset Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for DaemonSet Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for CronJob Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for Job Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for Deployment Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary for Pod Ensure that a limit is set on pod PIDs Ensure that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true Ensure that the --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults argument is set to true Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
- Microsoft Azure
- Feature Available
Improved RBAC Features
The role-based access control (RBAC) feature has undergone enhancements. ZPC now supports the ability for administrators to be part of multiple groups including single sign-on (SSO) groups. The concept of business units was earlier tightly coupled with defining roles, but now customers can define roles and business units separately. Business units are now mapped to groups.
Existing administrators need not make any changes, as all the roles and permissions are updated to the new model.
To learn more, see About Administrators, About Groups, and About Roles.
- Feature Available
Admin's Last Login Details
ZPC provides additional information by displaying the last login time of each administrator on the Administrators page. The login time indicates the time they last logged in to the ZPC Admin Portal.
To learn more, see About Administrators.
Alert Payload to Third-Party Integrations
Alerts sent from ZPC to the cloud storage service (Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Splunk, or AWS Security Lake) are enhanced to include the following attributes: Audit Procedure, Remediation, and Resource Metadata.
To learn more, see About Third-Party Integrations and Adding Cloud Alert Rules.
API Improvements
Internal server errors return a correlation ID in an optional response header and the response body to support troubleshooting.
To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.
Cloud Identities Enhancements
The following enhancements are available for ZPC's Cloud Identities:
- The Cloud Identities page now offers complete metadata, power score, authentication methods, and open alert count.
- Clicking the open alert count directly opens the alert drawer showing all open alerts for a particular identity.
To learn more, see About Cloud Identities.
Customized Default Filters
You can define a default filter to view customized data in the ZPC Admin Portal. You can also select a saved filter as the default filter. Default filters are retained so you can view customized data every time you revisit the page or when you log out and log back in to the ZPC Admin Portal.
To learn more, see Using Filters.
Improved Service Coverage
ZPC now offers security posture for the following services for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Service Name AWS::DocumentDB::DBCluster AWS::Neptune::DBCluster AWS::Neptune::DBInstance AWS::GuardDuty::Detector AWS::ServerlessRepo::Applications Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth AWS::WAF::IPSet AWS::WAF::RuleGroup AWS::WAFv2::IPSet AWS::WAFRegional::Rule AWS::WAFRegional::WebACL AWS::WAFRegional::IPSet AWS::WAFRegional::RuleGroup - Microsoft AzureClose
Service Name Object Anchors Microsoft Energy Data Services Project Bonsai Remote Rendering Spatial Anchors - GCPClose
Service Name CertificateAuthorityService - CertificateRevocationList CertificateAuthorityService - Certificate CertificateAuthorityService - CaPool CertificateAuthorityService - Certificate Authority FileStoreInstance - Backup Secret Manager - SecretVersion - OCIClose
Service Name OCI WAF OCI Streaming OCI Service Connector Hub OCI Network Load Balance OCI Logging Management OCI File Storage OCI Networking OCI VNIC OCI ONS Topic OCI Event Rule
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Types and Asset Categories.
Investigation and Custom Policy Query Enhancements
ZPC supports all cloud service provider supported tags in the investigation and custom policy query creator. You can use tag-based predicates for queries such as:
- Display all EC2 instances that do not contain specific mandatory tags.
- Set up an alert when an EC2 instance is running in production is detected with specific missing set of tags.
To learn more, see Creating a New Investigation.
Manual Remediation of AWS Alerts
ZPC supports manual remediation of AWS alerts. You can remediate single alerts, bulk alerts, or all alerts generated by a specific policy.
To learn more, see Remediating Alerts.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure 'Infrastructure double encryption' for PostgreSQL Database Server is 'Enabled' Ensure Application Gateway redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS Ensure Azure Database for MariaDB servers backups are 'Geo-Redundant' Ensure Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers backups are 'Geo-Redundant' Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Create or Update Public IP Address rule Ensure that Activity Log Alert exists for Delete Public IP Address rule Ensure Azure Database for MySQL servers backups are 'Geo-Redundant' Ensure Azure Database for MySQL servers enable Infrastructure double encryption Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Resource Manager Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Cosmos DB Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for DNS Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Open-Source Relational Databases Is Set To 'On' Ensure the "Minimum TLS version" for storage accounts is set to "Version 1.2" Ensure that logging for Azure AppService 'HTTP logs' is enabled Ensure Azure Monitor Log Profile is collecting all activity categories - GCPClose
Security Policy Title GCP Artifact Registry is running an image with critical vulnerabilities Ensure Instance IP assignment is set to private Internet facing virtual machine potentially exposes a vulnerable service to the internet - Oracle Cloud InfrastructureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure a notification is configured for network security group changes Ensure a notification is configured for user changes Ensure a notification is configured for changes to network gateways Ensure a notification is configured for VCN changes Ensure a notification is configured for Identity Provider changes Ensure a notification is configured for security list changes Ensure a notification is configured for IdP group mapping changes Ensure a notification is configured for IAM group changes Ensure all OCI IAM user accounts have a valid and current email address Ensure a notification is configured for IAM policy changes Ensure a notification is configured for changes to route tables
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
- Microsoft Azure
Slack Integration
Slack integration is available. You can receive ZPC alert notifications on Slack channels and streamline the mitigation directly into your developer tool.
To learn more, see Integrating ZPC with Slack.
Vulnerability Scanning of AKS Containers
ZPC identifies all active images used by containers in monitored Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters and scans the images for vulnerabilities. Administrators can generate vulnerability reports for the findings, run investigation queries, and set custom policies based on CVE findings.
To learn more, see About Vulnerability Scanning.
- Feature Available
Cloud Accounts Enhancements
The following enhancements are available for cloud accounts:
- Exporting cloud account details as an Excel file are now available with the following naming conventions:
- Cloud Accounts: Cloudaccounts_<timestamp>
- Organizations: Cloudaccounts_organizations_<timestamp>
- Kubernetes: Cloudaccount_kubernetes_<timestamp>
- The Cloud Accounts page displays a new column called Onboarded Date for each cloud account.
To learn more, see About Cloud Accounts.
- Exporting cloud account details as an Excel file are now available with the following naming conventions:
Container Workloads Investigation Enhancement
The following enhancements are available for Kubernetes workload investigation:
- ZPC supports additional predicates for investigation queries and custom policies over Kubernetes clusters. You can identify running containers as opposed to idle or stale ones and detect publicly exposed containers.
- Kubernetes container investigation results can now be exported as an Excel file.
To learn more, see About Investigation.
Improved Service Coverage
ZPC now offers security posture for the following services for cloud service providers:
- Microsoft AzureClose
Service Name Azure Static Sites Virtual WAN Microsoft Genomics Azure Media Services Azure Maps Azure Web PubSub Azure Virtual Network Manager Azure Video Indexer Azure Time Series Insights Azure Spring Apps Azure Resource Mover Azure Resource Manager templates - GCPClose
Service Name Compute Engine - VpnGateway Network Intelligence Center - ConnectivityTest Compute Engine - NodeGroup NetworkConnectivity: Spoke NetworkConnectivity: Hub Run - Service Compute - HealthCheck Compute - InstanceTemplate Compute Engine - Address Compute Engine - Autoscaler
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Types and Asset Categories.
Onboarding AKS clusters with Local Authentication
In addition to AKS clusters authenticated by Azure RBAC and Kubernetes RBAC, ZPC supports onboarding AKS clusters with local authentication.
To learn more, see Onboarding AKS clusters with Local Authentication.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Security Policy Title High privileged identity with access keys Amazon ECR is running an image with critical vulnerabilities - Microsoft Azure
- GCPClose
Security Policy Title High privileged identity with access keys GCP Container Registry is running an image with critical vulnerabilities - KubernetesClose
Security Policy Title CIS EKS - Ensure Network Policy is Enabled and set as appropriate CIS AKS - Ensure Network Policy is Enabled and set as appropriate CIS GKE - Ensure Network Policy is Enabled and set as appropriate Manage Kubernetes RBAC users with Azure AD Ensure Kubernetes Secrets are encrypted Verify that admission controllers are working as expected Ensure clusters are created with Private Nodes Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables [DEAMONSETS] Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables [STATEFULSETS] Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables [DEPLOYMENTS] Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables [CRONJOBS] Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables [JOBS] Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers associated with STATEFULSETS Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers associated with Deployments Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers associated with CRONJOBS Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers associated with JOBS
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
Support for Amazon Security Lake Integration
ZPC continues to support the integration with Amazon Security Lake with appropriate adjustments to align with the formal GA release that Amazon published.
To learn more, see Integrating with Amazon Security Lake.
Support for Scanning Azure Workload Images Created in Compute Gallery
ZPC now provides support for scanning cloud workload images created in Azure Compute Gallery. Previously, ZPC provided support only for scanning workload images in the Azure Marketplace.
To learn more, see Integrating Vulnerability Management for Microsoft Azure Workloads.
View Container Status in Vulnerability Management
You can easily differentiate between active and non-active containers. ZPC displays the status of the containers in the Containers tab on the Vulnerability Management page. You can also apply the Running Status filter to view either the active or non-active containers.
To learn more, see Viewing the Containers Tab.
View Publicly Exposed Cloud Workloads on the Vulnerability Management Page
You can view the list of cloud workloads that are publicly exposed on the Vulnerability Management page. You can also apply the filter to see the list of publicly exposed workloads. This allows you to prioritize these workloads and fix the vulnerabilities.
The Vulnerability Dashboard for cloud workloads shows the summary of the top publicly exposed cloud workloads with vulnerabilities.
To learn more, see Viewing the Cloud Workloads Tab and About the Vulnerability Dashboard.
View Redundant Packages and Versions
ZPC detects vulnerabilities in the same package and version that is located in different locations. You can view the file path of packages and take the necessary action.
To learn more, see Viewing the Cloud Workload Details.
View Repository Details of Scanned Container Images
You can view the repository details of the image that is scanned for vulnerabilities. Knowing the repository in which the image resides allows you to easily locate the image and fix vulnerabilities.
To learn more, see Viewing the Container Details.
Vulnerability Detection on Ubuntu
ZPC supports the detection of vulnerabilities present in cloud workloads having Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) OS version.
To learn more, see About Vulnerability Management.
Vulnerability Scanning of GKE Containers
ZPC identifies all active images used by containers in monitored Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters and scans the images for vulnerabilities. Administrators can get vulnerability reports for the findings, run investigation queries, and set custom policies based on the common vulnerability and exposure (CVE) findings.
To learn more, see Adding a Vulnerability Scanning Rule for Containers.
ZPC supports REST APIs that allow for code-based alert retrieval. API access requires an API key, which you can create and manage in the ZPC Admin Portal. API key management entails updates to RBAC, expiration handling, and deletion of API keys.
To learn more, see Understanding ZPC API, Getting Started, and About API Key Management.
- Feature in Limited Availability
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Support
ZPC extends its public cloud support with coverage for OCI services:
- Onboard your OCI cloud accounts on ZPC.
- Gain visibility of your OCI infrastructure's security posture on the Cloud Asset Inventory.
To learn more, see Onboarding an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Tenant.
- Feature Available
Alert Payload with Additional Attributes Sent to Cloud Storage Services
Cloud and IaC alert payloads that are sent from ZPC to cloud storage services (AWS S3, Azure Blob, and AWS Security Lake) are enhanced to include additional attributes: Audit Procedure and Remediation.
To learn more, see About Alert Rules, Adding Cloud Alert Rules, and Adding IaC Alert Rules.
Container Workloads Investigation
ZPC introduces you to container workloads investigation by offering you to investigate Kubernetes workloads and gain insight into your container workload security posture without creating alerts or filtering dashboards. You can create investigations based on Kubernetes asset properties and images used by AWS EKS workloads.
To learn more, see About Investigation.
Enhanced Cloud Account Filter
The common filter Accounts now displays both the cloud account name and cloud account ID.
To learn more, see Using Filters.
Generate Excel Copy for Security Policy Catalog
You can export the security policy catalog to an Excel file from the Policies page on the ZPC Admin Portal.
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
Ignore Filters Based on Clusters and Namespaces
To learn more, see Adding Ignore Filters.
Improved Service Coverage
ZPC now offers security posture for the following services for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Service Name S3 Glacier Amazon Connect IoT SiteWise AWS IoT Events AWS IoT Core AWS IoT Analytics AWS AppFlow AWS Trusted Advisor AWS Backup AWS SageMaker - Microsoft AzureClose
Service Name Azure Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Azure Private Link Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager Azure Deployment Environments Azure Digital Twins Azure Confidential Ledger Azure Communication Services Azure Cognitice Search Azure Virtual Machine Extensions Azure Automation Account Runbook Azure Resource Manager Templates Policy Definition Smart Alert Rules Azure Server Farms Azure SQL Virtual Mahcine Azure Network Watcher Azure Private Link Azure Devtest Lab Schedules Azure DNS Azure Files - GCPClose
Service Name DataMigration - Migration Job DataMigration - Connection Profile Dataplex - Zone Healthcare - Dataset Datastream - Stream Datastream - Connection Profile Dataplex - Lake Dataplex - Assets Cloud Scheduler - Jobs Cloud CDN - Backend Bucket
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Types and Asset Categories.
Public Exposure Details for Assets
Assets that are publicly exposed carry higher risk. ZPC now shares a visual indication for publicly exposed assets in the Assets drawer and the Assets table, and includes a filter to search for such assets.
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Type Details and Using Filters.
Scanning Google Artifact Registry for CVEs
ZPC provides support for scanning container images stored in the Google Artifact Registry (GAR). This is in addition to the previous support for scanning container images in the Google Container Registry (GCR).
GCR is expected to be deprecated in the near future and GAR is going to be the default registry for container images and packages.
To learn more, see Integrating Vulnerability Management for Google Cloud Platform Accounts.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Security Policy Title EC2 Instance contains sensitive data EC2 Instance is running an image with critical vulnerabilities Ensure Amazon EFS file systems data is encrypted with KMS Customer Managed Keys (CMKs) Ensure Auto Renew is enabled for Route 53 domain Ensure Classic Load Balancer's listeners use secure protocols Ensure DNSSEC signing is enabled for Route 53 hosted zone Ensure Load Balancer's listeners use secure protocols Ensure Privacy Protection is enabled for Route 53 domain Ensure RDS DB clusters 'auto minor version upgrade' is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB clusters 'deletion protection' is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB clusters encryption is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB instance automated backup feature is enabled Ensure RDS DB instances 'auto minor version upgrade' is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB instances 'deletion protection' is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB instances are encrypted with KMS Customer Managed Keys (CMKs) Ensure RDS DB instances encryption is set to 'Enabled' Ensure SNS topica server-side encryption at rest use an up to date key Ensure Transfer Lock is enabled for Route 53 domain Ensure access logs are enabled for Classic Load Balancer Ensure access logs are enabled for Load Balancer Ensure query logging is enabled for Route 53 hosted zone External account can access EC2 instance contains sensitive data Publicly exposed EC2 instance contains sensitive data RDS Snapshot is shared with an external account Route 53 domain has expired Route 53 domain is about to expire in 30 days or less User without MFA can access EC2 instance that contains sensitive data Vulnerable publicly exposed EC2 instance contains sensitive data - Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure Application Gateway uses WAF Ensure Azure API Management APIs uses HTTPS rather than HTTP Ensure Azure SQL servers are encrypted with customer-managed keys Ensure Azure SQL servers are not publicly accessible Ensure access logs are enabled for Application Gateway Ensure audit logging is enabled for Azure SQL servers Ensure firewall logs are enabled for Application Gateway Ensure private endpoint is configured for Azure Key Vault Vaults Ensure transparent data encryption is enabled for Azure SQL databases Function application with a risky role combination is open to the internet Old Credentials for Privileged Service Principal Old Credentials for Service Principal Ensure that the Expiration Date is set for all Secrets in Non-RBAC Key Vaults Ensure that the Expiration Date is set for all Keys in Non-RBAC Key Vault Ensure that 'Enable infrastructure encryption' for each Storage Accounts in Azure Storage is set to 'Enabled' Ensure that the Expiration Date is set for all Keys in RBAC Key Vaults Ensure that the Expiration Date is set for all Secrets in RBAC Key Vaults - GCPClose
Security Policy Title Ensure that Cloud Storage bucket is not anonymously or publicly accessible Critical virtual machine instance allows login with project level SSH keys enabled Ensure HTTP/S Load Balancer uses HTTPS rather than HTTP Ensure cloud functions do not have admin privileges Ensure logging is enabled for HTTP/S Load Balancing backend services Ensure to use Cloud Armor security policies for HTTP/S Load Balancing backend services Identity without MFA can elevate privileges by delegating as service accounts Non-human identity can create keys for service accounts Virtual machine instance with access to stale data snapshots is exposed to the public internet
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
System Notifications
ZPC supports system notifications that provide information about any possible errors or failures related to configurations or functionality in your cloud infrastructure. Currently, ZPC displays system notifications for cloud account onboarding and data collection failures. These notifications allow you to easily track and resolve the issues immediately.
To learn more, see About System Notifications.
Vulnerability Detection in Microsoft Packages
ZPC supports the detection of vulnerabilities in some of the Microsoft packages such as .NET Framework, .NET Core Runtime, .NET Runtime, ASP .NET, Visual Studio, PowerShell, and SQL Server Management Studio.
To learn more, see About Vulnerability Management.
- Feature Available
Cloud Account Onboarding Enhancements
The Cloud Accounts page offers visibility into onboarding and configuration metadata collection status. Administrators can view configuration metadata issues and possible solutions.
To learn more, see About Cloud Accounts.
Dashboard for Container CVE Scans
ZPC already provides support for the CVE scanning of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) containers. You can now view a detailed dashboard of the container vulnerabilities that ZPC discovered in monitored EKS deployments. Use the filters to view vulnerabilities related to specific Kubernetes clusters.
To learn more, see About the Vulnerability Dashboard.
Enhanced Asset Misconfiguration Detection
EC2 instances connected to a subnet with a default subnet-ACL and a public ID were not detected as publicly exposed. This is now corrected and as a result, a higher number of publicly exposed instances may be observed.
To learn more, see About Cloud Assets and About Alerts.
IaC Support for Bitbucket
ZPC provides support for scanning IaC files in the Bitbucket repositories. You can use Zscaler IaC Scan to scan the IaC files, view the scan results in Bitbucket, and view alerts for IaC policy violations in the ZPC Admin Portal.
To learn more, see Configuring IaC Scan for Bitbucket.
Improved Service Coverage
ZPC now offers security posture for the following services for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Service Name Route 53 AWS Batch AWS CodeDeploy AWS Step Functions AWS SimSpace Weaver AWS Serverless Application Repository Amazon MemoryDB for Redis AWS CodeBuild Amazon Inspector EC2 Networking - Transit Gateways, VPC Peering and VPNs AWS Athena AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Fargate Datalake GEN2 Amazon Kinesis AWS DocumentDB - Microsoft AzureClose
Service Name Azure Fluid Relay Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra Azure Route Server Azure Database Migration Service Azure IoT Central Azure Data Explorer Azure Health Data Services Azure Managed Grafana Azure Chaos Studio Container Apps Azure HPC Cache Azure Health Bot Azure Load Testing Azure Cloud Services (classic) Azure Batch Azure Quantum Azure Internet Analyzer Azure Firewall Manager Azure Blueprints Azure Analysis Services Datalake GEN2 - GCPClose
Service Name ApiGateway Gateway App Engine Cloud Functions Cloud Tasks - Queue Cloud Tasks - Tasks Filestore - Snapshot Filestore - Instance ApiGateway API Config Logging LogBucket Cloud Tasks Queue Cloud TPU Node DataFusion Instance
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Types and Asset Categories.
Kubernetes Support Enhancement
ZPC offers improved Kubernetes support:
- ZPC collects configuration metadata and offers security posture for K8S IAM entities such as roles, role bindings, and service accounts allowing you visibility into the Kubernetes cluster RBAC.
- ZPC collects configuration metadata for Kubelet configurations.
- ZPC closes previously generated alerts for offboarded Kubernetes clusters.
- ZPC offers insight into Kubernetes metadata collection. ZPC displays a new status called Warning when it's unable to collect configuration metadata for certain services.
- ZPC collects configuration metadata only user-generated jobs.
To learn more, see About Cloud Accounts.
New Tags Tab in Alerts Drawer
A Tags tab is available in the Alerts drawer. The Tags tab gives quick access to the asset or identity tags that triggered the alert.
To learn more, see Viewing the Cloud Alert Details.
Package Displayed by Vulnerability Severity
The Asset Vulnerability tab is updated to display packages in ascending order of vulnerabilities, with the highest CVEs count based on severity first.
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Details.
Policy Focus Option Added in Create Ignore Filter
When creating an Ignore filter, you can select Policy Focus under the Policies dropdown on the Filter Scope screen. The Policy Focus option selects if the Ignore filter focuses on assets, identities, or both.
To learn more, see Adding Ignore Filters.
Remediation Recommendation in JetBrains IDE
You can now view the remediation steps within the JetBrains IDE for policy violations detected in the IaC templates.
To learn more, see Configuring IaC Scan for JetBrains IDEs.
Revamped Scanning Rules Workflow for Containers and Cloud Workloads
The vulnerability scanning rules for cloud workloads and containers are consolidated under a single tile to simplify the process for creating vulnerability scan rules.
To learn more, see Adding a Vulnerability Scanning Rule for Cloud Workloads and Adding a Vulnerability Scanning Rule for Containers.
Security Policies
The following security policies are added for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Security Policy Title EC2 Instance is running an image with critical vulnerabilities Ensure that ElastiCache cluster with Replication Group is not listening on the default port Ensure that encryption at rest is enabled for ElastiCache Redis cluster with Replication Group Ensure Amazon Redshift databases are not using the default port Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters are created within a VPC Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters 'cross-region snapshot' feature is set to 'Enabled' Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters are encrypted with KMS Customer Managed Keys (CMKs) Ensure RDS DB clusters are encrypted with KMS Customer Managed Keys (CMKs) Ensure RDS DB clusters are not deployed with the default port Ensure RDS DB instances are not deployed with the default port Ensure RDS DB clusters IAM database authentication is set to 'Enabled' AWS - Ensure RDS DB instances IAM database authentication is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB instances are deployed as Multi-AZ Ensure RDS DB clusters 'Log exports' feature is configured Ensure RDS DB instances 'Log exports' feature is configured Ensure RDS DB clusters 'copy tags to snapshots' feature is set to 'Enabled' Ensure RDS DB instances 'copy tags to snapshots' feature is set to 'Enabled' Ensure Aurora DBs clusters encryption is set to 'Enabled' Ensure Aurora DBs 'log exports' feature is set to 'Enabled'. Ensure Aurora DB clusters 'copy tags to snapshots' feature is set to 'Enabled'. Ensure Aurora 'deletion protection' feature is set to 'Enabled' Ensure SNS delivery status logging is enabled Ensure SNS topic server-side encryption at rest is enabled Ensure that SNS topic does not allow everyone to publish to the SNS topic Ensure that SNS topic does not allow everyone to subscribe to the SNS topic Ensure Classic Load Balancer's Desync mitigation mode is not set to 'Monitor' Ensure Application Load Balancer's Desync mitigation mode is not set to 'Monitor'. Ensure Application Load Balancer redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS. Ensure CloudFront distribution uses at least one kind of logs Ensure CloudFront distribution standard logging is enabled Ensure CloudFront distribution realtime logging is enabled Internet facing EC2 instance can elevate to Admin using ec2-instance-connect - Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Virtual machines with powerful identity Ensure that no custom subscription owner roles are created Ensure Custom Role is assigned for Administering Resource Locks Function App with power identity is open to the internet Power identity without MFA Internet facing virtual machine potentially exposes a vulnerable service to the internet Internet facing virtual machine attached with a powerful managed identity and is running an image with critical vulnerabilities Internet facing virtual machine attached with a managed identity is running an image with critical vulnerabilities Internet facing virtual machine attached with a powerful managed identity is running a vulnerable image Internet facing virtual machine attached with a managed identity is running a vulnerable image Virtual machine Instance is running an image with critical vulnerabilities Virtual Machine with privileged role assignment is open to the internet Function App with privileged role assignment is open to the internet Function application with a risky role combination is open to the internet Service principal with credentials can access unattached disk from the internet Virtual machine with a risky role combination is open to the internet - GCPClose
Security Policy Title New External Keys for privileged service account that already has external keys Non-human identity can create keys for service accounts - KubernetesClose
Security Policy Title Apply Security Context to Your Pods and Containers associated with Deployments
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
Updated Filters for Alerts
The following cloud and IaC alert filters are available:
- Policy Name
- Policy ID
- Theme
- Threat Category
- Cloud Account ID
- Cloud Account Name
- Focus
To learn more, see Using Filters.
Vulnerability Scanning Support for Amazon Linux Versions
ZPC provides vulnerability scanning support for Amazon Linux 2022 and Amazon Linux 2023 versions.
To learn more, see Supported OS and Application Packages for Vulnerability Scanning.
- Feature Available
Enhanced Search Functionality
The search option across all tables and pages in the ZPC Admin Portal is enhanced for improved usability.
You can see the following improvements:
- The list of columns that can be searched for.
- The column headings in tables are highlighted for better visualization.
- The search functionality detects all items containing the search strings and displays the results in the table.
For example, the following image shows the searchable columns on the Business Units Management page.
IaC Support for JetBrains IDEs
You can install the Zscaler IaC Scan plugin on the JetBrains Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and scan IaC templates. You can scan individual files and directories for misconfigurations.
To learn more, see Configuring IaC Scan for JetBrains IDEs.
Improved Date and Time Formats
The date and time formats are now adjusted and displayed using the format that the user has selected for their browser or operating system (OS). For example, the following image shows the date and time format on the Audit Logs page.
Kubernetes Support Enhancement
ZPC now supports Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters. You can onboard Microsoft Azure AKS clusters and gain insight into their security posture via the asset inventory.
To learn more, see Onboarding an Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster.
New Alert Age Filter
An Alert Age filter was added to the alert filter capabilities for more granularity and flexibility. The Alert Age allows you to filter based on the Alert Age attribute. By selecting Alert Age from the additional Alert Filter options, you can filter alerts by exact age, alerts older than a specific age, and alerts newer than a specific age. All ages are measured in days.
To learn more, see Using Filters.
New Alert Attributes
Four new alert attributes are added to the Cloud Alerts table: Cluster Name, Cluster Type, Namespaces, and Associated Cloud. Users can see these in the main Alerts table and the Alert Details Drawer.
You can also search for these alerts using the Alerts Filters.
To learn more, see About Alerts.
Security Policies
The following security policies are available for cloud service providers:
- AWSClose
Security Policy Title Internet-facing Lambda function can manage users and permissions Internet-facing Lambda function without WAF protection Instance accepts inbound internet traffic Role can be assumed by anyone Ensure that SNS topic does not allow everyone to subscribe to the SNS topic Ensure ElastiCache cluster is not listening on the default port Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters are not publicly accessible Internet facing EC2 instance with role is running vulnerable image Internet facing EC2 instance with role is running a vulnerable image and enables IMDVs1 Internet facing EC2 instance with a powerful role is running a vulnerable image and enables IMDVs1 Internet facing EC2 instance with a role is running an image with critical vulnerabilities and enables IMDVs1 Internet facing EC2 instance has a powerful role and is running an image with critical vulnerabilities and enables IMDVs1 Block-public-access control not enforced on private bucket Internet-facing Lambda function with admin privileges requires no authentication Internet facing Lambda function with privilege escalation risk with ec2 connect Internet-facing Lambda function with privilege escalation risk using PassRole action Internet facing EC2 instance can elevate to Admin using ec2-instance-connect Lambda Function With Anonymous URL Access is privileged EC2 Instance is running a vulnerable image Internet facing EC2 instance potentially exposes a vulnerable service to the internet Ensure ElastiCache cluster encryption in transit is enabled Ensure ElastiCache Redis cluster encryption at rest is enabled Ensure that encryption in transit is enabled for Redis ElastiCache cluster with Replication Group Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters enable encryption in transit Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters 'enhanced vpc routing' feature is set to 'Enabled' Ensure Amazon Redshift clusters 'automated snapshot' feature is set to 'Enabled' Ensure DynamoDB tables stream is set to 'Enabled' Ensure DynamoDB tables are encrypted with KMS Customer Managed Keys - Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure RBAC is configured for data plane access control in Azure Key Vault vaults Ensure private endpoint is configured for Azure Key Vault vaults Ensure public access is disabled for Azure Key Vault vaults Function app with power identity is open to the internet Ensure Purge Protection is enabled for Azure Key Vault vaults Power identity without MFA Instance is open to all ports and all IP ranges Virtual Machine accepts inbound internet traffic Ensure that the Expiration Date is set for all Secrets in Non-RBAC Key Vaults Ensure the storage account containing the container with activity logs is encrypted with BYOK Ensure RBAC is configured for data plane access control in Azure Key Vault vaults - GCPClose
Security Policy Title Ensure that Separation of duties is enforced while assigning service account related roles to users Ensure that IAM users are not assigned the Service Account User or Service Account Token Creator roles at project level Ensure that Service Account has no Admin privileges Ensure that Separation of duties is enforced while assigning KMS related roles to users - KubernetesClose
Security Policy Title Ensure Kubernetes Secrets are encrypted using Customer Master Keys (CMKs) managed in AWS KMS Restrict Access to the Control Plane Endpoint Enable audit logs
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
Vulnerability Scanning of Containers in Amazon EKS Clusters
ZPC supports the scanning of containers deployed to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters. ZPC identifies all active images used by containers in monitored Kubernetes clusters and scans the images present in elastic container registries (ECR) for vulnerabilities. You can view and download reports, run investigation queries, and set custom policies based on the common vulnerabilities and exposure (CVE) findings.
To learn more, see About Vulnerability Management.
Vulnerability Scanning Rule for Containers
You can configure vulnerability scanning rules and schedule the scan to run at regular intervals to detect vulnerabilities in container images within the production environment.
To learn more, see Adding a Vulnerability Scanning Rule for Containers.
- Feature Available
Alert Age Attribute
A new Alert Age attribute was added to the alert data. The Alert Age is the number of days since the last time the Alert Status was set to Open.
To learn more, see About Alerts.
Cloud Account Management
ZPC now supports changing business units for multiple cloud accounts.
To learn more, see Managing Cloud Accounts.
Generate Excel Report for Asset Package Inventory
You can export asset package data to an Excel file from the Vulnerabilties tab of the Asset drawer.
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Details.
Identity Classification Algorithm Enhancement
The ZPC proprietary ML algorithm can now determine cloud identity types as human or non-human with more precision.
To learn more, see About Identity Types.
New Time Filters for Alerts
The alert time range filter capabilities are modified and expanded for more granularity and flexibility:
- Cloud alerts have two time range filters: Created Date and Updated Date.
- IaC alerts have three time range filters: Scan Time, Created Date, and Update Date.
The Created Date is the first time the misconfiguration is identified on the customer's public cloud. The Update Date is either the most recent occurrence of the misconfiguration or the latest action performed by the ZPC admin on this alert. The Scan Date is the last time the alert was set to open.
The change allows for filtering on the entire alert lifecycle (in which alerts can close and reopen).
To learn more, see Using Filters.
Policy Catalog Enhancement
You can now enable or disable a security policy from the policy catalog table. When disabled, the policy is not run against the collected configuration metadata.
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
Query Predicate Enhancement
ZPC now supports the following query predicates to be entered via text along with selecting from the available drop-down menu:
- Asset Name
- Asset ID
- Asset Type
- Identity Name
- Identity ID
- Permission Set Name
- Allowed Action
- Permission Set Type
- Group Membership
- Account ID
- Package Name
- Image ID
To learn more, see Creating a New Investigation.
Regex Patterns for Including or Excluding File Paths in IaC Scan
Zscaler IaC Scan supports limited scanning of specific directories within a version control system. You can use regular expression (regex) patterns to specify the file paths that must be included or excluded in IaC scans. The option to include the file path is available under Advanced Settings for GitHub, GitLab, and Azure Repos.
To learn more, see Configuring IaC Scan for GitHub, Configuring IaC Scan for GitLab, and Configuring IaC Scan for Azure Repos.
Security Policies
Added the following security policies for cloud service providers:
- Microsoft AzureClose
Security Policy Title Ensure That Microsoft Defender for App Services Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL Databases Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Containers Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Key Vault Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Servers Is Set to 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for SQL Servers on Machines Is Set To 'On' Ensure That Microsoft Defender for Storage Is Set To 'On' Ensure that Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (MCAS) Integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud is Selected Ensure that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (WDATP) integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud is selected Ensure That Auto provisioning of 'Log Analytics agent for Azure VMs' is Set to 'On' Ensure 'Additional email addresses' is Configured with a Security Contact Email Ensure That 'Notify about alerts with the following severity' is Set to 'High' Ensure That 'All users with the following roles' is set to 'Owner'
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
- Microsoft Azure
Software Package Inventory for Cloud Workloads and Container Images
Customers can run queries on software packages and on threats associated with packages across workloads and container images to help with compliance.
To learn more, see About Cloud Asset Details.
Supported Asset Types
The following asset types are now supported by ZPC:
- Microsoft Azure
- Azure Bastion
- Blob Storage
- App Service
- Azure Policy
- Azure Cosmos DB
- Key Vault
- LoggingAndMonitoring
- API Management
- SQL Server on Google Cloud
- Cloud Spanner
- Firestore
- Resource Manager
- Cloud Logging
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud Functions
- Cloud Bigtable
- Cloud Load Balancing
- Cloud Source Repositories
- Cloud Composer
- Kubernetes
To learn more, see Cloud Asset Types and Asset Categories.
Vulnerability Scanning Support for Google Cloud Platform Workloads
ZPC supports the agentless vulnerability scanning of both Linux and Windows Google Cloud Platform (GCP) workloads. ZPC supports the vulnerability scanning of both non-encrypted and encrypted (Google-managed encryption) workloads.
To learn more, see Configuring Vulnerability Scanning for GCP Workloads.
- Feature Available
Asset Risk Level
The Asset Risk Level shows an asset's risk level based on the number and type of open alerts associated with the asset. The Asset Risk Level is Low, Medium, High, or Critical.
The Asset Risk Level is shown in a column on the Assets page, and users can use the score to filter assets.
To learn more, see About the Cloud Assets Dashboard.
Audit Logs
Audit logs now integrate with additional ZPC modules (vulnerability management and KSPM onboarding) and show information on actions performed in the specific modules.
To learn more, see About Audit Logs and Audit Log Events.
Cloud Account Onboarding Enhancements
The following improved usability and expanded functionality are implemented to the cloud account onboarding experience:
- ZPC now monitors every account, organization, and Kubernetes cluster's state. You can view the status on the Cloud Accounts page.
- ZPC offers clear recommendations for configuration errors and permission handling.
- ZPC offers enabling vulnerability settings, KSPM settings, and AWS CloudTrail settings after onboarding a cloud account.
To learn more, see About Cloud Accounts, Configuring Vulnerability Scanning for Cloud Accounts, and Configuring CloudTrail S3 Buckets for AWS Organization.
Error Message for Vulnerability Scan Failure
Error messages are displayed for vulnerability scan failures. Whenever a cloud workload or container image is not scanned due to an internal or permission error, the scan status is displayed as Failed along with the relevant error message on the ZPC Admin Portal. This message enables you to investigate and resolve the issue.
To learn more, see About Vulnerability Scanning.
Ignore Filter End Date
You can now define an end date for an Alert's Ignore filter. When the date is passed, the Ignore status is removed from the alert and the alert returns to either Open or Resolved, depending on whether ZPC still detects the misconfiguration.
.To learn more, see About Alerts.
Ignore Rules Operationalization
ZPC notifies you when an Ignore rule is no longer valid or operational.
An icon indicating the ignore rule is no longer valid appears at the top-level Ignore Rule table, and the rule is automatically disabled.
The item that invalidates the alert rule is indicated in the Ignore Rule Details view.
To learn more, see About Alerts.
Include Directory Paths in IaC
Zscaler IaC Scan now supports the scanning of specific directories within a version control repository. Organizations leveraging monorepository (monorepo) might not want to scan the entire repository, as it could generate a lot of alerts. By including only the specific directory path, you can use the IaC Scan to focus on improving the security posture of specific parts of the repository.
To learn more, see Configuring IaC Scan for GitHub, Configuring IaC Scan for GitLab, and Configuring IaC Scan for Azure Repos.
Investigation Enhancements
The following enhancements are implemented in Investigation:
- You can now export investigation data to an Excel file and download the report.
- You can now investigate all deployed packages on workloads and container images.
To learn more, see Creating a New Investigation.
Kubernetes Support Enhancement
The following enhancements are implemented in Kubernetes support:
- ZPC now supports Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters. You can onboard GCP GKE clusters and gain insight into their security posture via the asset inventory.
- ZPC now supports onboarding EKS and GKE clusters for multiple accounts belonging to an organization.
To learn more, see Onboarding a Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster and Onboarding an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Cluster.
New Alert Table Capabilities
The Alerts table has new capabilities:
- The left-most and right-most columns are sticky, simplifying alert navigation and actions.
- New indicators appear to show which columns were sorted and filtered in the Alerts table.
- An Ignore End Date filter is available that allows you to sort on the alert end date.
- You can navigate from the individual alert drawer to the policy drawer to learn more details about the policy that triggered the alert.
To learn more, see About Alert Rules.
Policy Catalog Enhancements
The policy catalog table now displays the following additional columns:
- Updated by: View the ZPC Administrator username who last edited the security policy.
- Last Updated: View the timestamp of the last edit on the security policy.
- State: View whether the security policy is enabled or disabled.
- Focus: View whether the security policy is asset focused or identity focused.
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
Secrets Detection
IaC scanning obfuscates secrets such as access keys and database passwords which are present in the Terraform and CloudFormation templates.
To learn more, see About IaC Integrations.
Security Policies
The following security policies are added for cloud service providers:
- Amazon Web ServicesClose
Security Policy Title Lambda with Admin Identity Internet-facing Lambda function with admin privileges Ensure Auto Minor Version Upgrade feature is Enabled for RDS Instances Ensure that encryption is enabled for EFS file systems Ensure that public access is not given to RDS Instance Ensure no security groups allow ingress from ::/0 to remote server administration ports (RDP Port: 3389) Ensure no security groups allow ingress from ::/0 to remote server administration ports (SSH Port: 22) - Google Cloud Platform
To learn more, see About Security Policies.
- Amazon Web Services
Support for Terraform Cloud Pre-Plan
Zscaler IaC Scan supports the scanning of Terraform Cloud templates during the pre-plan phase. This option allows you to see policy violations for specific lines of code within the template file.
To learn more, see Configuring IaC Scan for Terraform Cloud.
Updated Ignore Filter Rules
There is now greater flexibility when creating ignore filters. Ignore filters allow admins to set specific criteria for ignoring any new or updated alerts. The new options include:
- Cloud: Admins can ignore alerts for an entire cloud service provider, such as Amazon Webs Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Kubernetes.
- Policy Severity: Admins can ignore alerts generated for Critical, High, Medium, and Low policy severities.
- Individual Policies: Admins can create and ignore rules based on individual users.
- Ignore Filter End Date: The new Ignore Filter End Date feature lets Admins add an end date to an ignore policy.
These conditions can correlate with each other and other existing criteria.
To learn more, see Ignore Filters.