Secure Private Access (ZPA)
Uploading (Web Server) Certificates
After a (web server) certificate is uploaded to ZPA, it can then be selected when defining an application within an application segment. For defined applications with Browser Access enabled, if the web server certificate is signed by a public certificate authority (CA), then HTTPS should be selected as the protocol. If the web server certificate is self-signed, or ZPA is unable to verify the chain of trust to the public CA, select HTTP. ZPA supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols, and ZPA inserts a Via header in HTTP requests (e.g., Via: 1.1 To learn more, see Configuring Application Segments.
The uploaded signed certificate must include the unencrypted private key.
You can upload up to 1000 (web server) certificates. For a complete list of ranges and limits per feature, see Ranges & Limitations.
To upload a certificate:
- Go to Configuration & Control > Certificate Management > Certificates.
In the Certificates page:
You must upload a single Base64 encoded ASCII .pem file, which includes the certificate and unencrypted private key. If your PKI provided you with separate files or a file in the wrong format, you can use the following OpenSSL commands to create a single .pem file that includes the certificate and key.
The following command creates a combined certificate and unencrypted private key PKCS#12 file (.pfx):
openssl pkcs12 -export -in <certificate>.pem -inkey <unencrypted private key>.key -out <combined cert and key>.pfx
For example:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey unencrypted.key -out combined.pfx
The following command converts the PKCS#12 file (.pfx) containing the combined certificate and unencrypted private key file to PEM format (.pem):
openssl pkcs12 -in <combined cert and key>.pfx -out <combined cert and key>.pem -nodes
For example:
openssl pkcs12 -in combined.pfx -out combined.pem -nodes
Close- Upload a web server certificate
The Upload Server Certificate window appears.
- In the Upload Server Certificate window:
- Name: Enter a name for the web server certificate. The name cannot contain special characters, with the exception of periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores ( _ ).
- Description: (Optional) Enter a description.
- Certificate: Click Select File and navigate to the web server certificate that was signed using your PKI (i.e., a Base64 encoded ASCII PEM formatted file). Make sure that the .pem file also includes the unencrypted private key.
Close - In the Upload Server Certificate window:
- Upload a web server certificate for a pending CSR
- Within the table, locate the Certificate Pending icon (
) next to the certificate name and click the Edit icon.
The Upload Server Certificate window appears.
- In the Upload Server Certificate window:
- Name: Make sure that the correct name was entered.
- Description: (Optional) Enter a description.
- Certificate Signing Request: The CSR text is displayed here.
- Click Download .CSR File.
- Sign the downloaded .csr file using your public key infrastructure (PKI) to create a valid signed web server certificate.
- Save the certificate in Base64 encoded ASCII PEM format (.pem).
- Certificate: Click Select File and navigate to the signed web server certificate you created (i.e., the .pem file). Make sure that the .pem file also includes the unencrypted private key.
Close - Within the table, locate the Certificate Pending icon (
- Upload a web server certificate
- Click Upload.