
About the Dashboard

The ZIdentity dashboard provides a high-level overview of all the users that are managed from ZIdentity, their authentication status, and user management activities in the ZIdentity Admin Portal.

The Dashboard provides the following benefits and enables you to:

  • View the total number of users managed from ZIdentity.
  • Obtain visibility into the user authentication status.
  • Track user management activities.

About the Dashboard Page

On the dashboard, you can do the following:

  1. View the total number of users that are managed from ZIdentity. You can see:
    • IdP Users: The number of registered and guest users accessing ZIdentity through an external IdP.
    • Hosted Users: The number of registered and guest users hosted on ZIdentity.
    • Service Entitlements: The number of users assigned to different Zscaler services. To learn more, see About Service Entitlements.
  2. Select the duration for which you want to view the data. The minimum is 1 day and the maximum is 90 days.
  3. View the authentication status (Success or Failure) of hosted users and external IdP users. The graph depicts the total number of users that accessed the ZIdentity Admin Portal along with the date and time of authentication. You can see the number of successful and failed authentications.
  4. View the statistics for successful user management activities (Created, Updated, and Deleted) on a specific date and time.
  5. View the statistics for failed user management activities (Created, Updated, and Deleted) on a specific date and time.
View the dashboard
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