
Editing or Deleting an API Client

You can edit or delete the API client as necessary.

Editing an API Client

To edit an API client:

  1. Go to Integration > API Clients.
  2. On the API Clients page, click the Edit icon for the required API client.

  3. Edit the information in the Client Information and Client Authentication sections, or select the Resources tab to select a different role as necessary.

    After you assign a different role, the access token issued by ZIdentity is applicable to the new scope for that Zscaler service.

  4. After you've changed the values, click Update.

A message is displayed indicating the API client is updated successfully.

Deleting an API Client

To delete an API client:

  1. Go to Integration > API Clients.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the required API client.

  3. Read the confirmation message, type YES, then click Delete.

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Understanding OneAPI AuthenticationAbout API ClientsAdding an API ClientEditing or Deleting an API ClientViewing API ResourcesAbout Access TokensRevoking Access Tokens