
Adding Users

This article describes how to add individual user accounts for ZIdentity. When adding users, a user can belong to up to 1,024 groups. You can use a CSV file to add multiple users at once.

You can also add and manage users via System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) and single sign-on (SSO) just-in-time (JIT) provisioning. To learn more, see About External Identity Providers.

To add a user:

  1. Go to Directory > Users.
  2. Click Add User.

    The Add User window appears.

  3. On the General tab:
    • Login ID: Enter a user ID. The user ID consists of a username and domain name in email format (e.g., username@domain.com). The username must be unique, and its domain must belong to the organization.
    • First Name: Enter the first name of the user.
    • Last Name: Enter the last name of the user. The user's full name is created based on what you enter in the First Name and Last Name fields and is displayed in the Name field.
    • Primary Email: Enter the primary email address of the user.
    • Same As Login ID: Enable to include the primary email address.
    • Secondary Email: Enter the secondary email address of the user.
    • Status: Enable or disable the user.
    • Department: Assign a department to the user.

      Department is a system-defined attribute.

    • Assign Groups: Select the group to which the user must be added.

      If you would like to provide super admin privileges to users for ZIdentity and all the services linked to ZIdentity, you need add those users to the Zscaler Global Administrators group. To learn more, see About User Groups.

  4. On the Security Settings tab:

    • Change Password Settings: Enable to modify the password configurations. This remains disabled until the user is added to ZIdentity. To learn more, see Configuring Security Settings for Users.
    • Skip Second Factor Authentication: Select this option if you want the user to skip second-factor authentication.
      • Skip Until: Select the date and time up to when the user can skip second-factor authentication. Post this duration, the user must configure second-factor authentication.

  5. On the Additional Attributes tab, click Create New Attributes to add new user attributes or assign the values for user attributes that are already created in the ZIdentity Admin Portal by admins.

  6. Click Save.

    The user details are displayed on the Users page.

Related Articles
About UsersAdding UsersImporting User Details from a CSV FileViewing Entitlements Assigned to UsersConfiguring Security Settings for Users