
Scheduling Reports

You can schedule summary reports for regular distribution to specified recipients. To learn more about reports, see About Reports.

License Admins and Account Admins can create and view all scheduled reports. License Admins can manage any scheduled report. However, Account Admins can only manage a scheduled report for the cloud account for which they have access.

To schedule a report or update a scheduled report:

  1. Go to Reports, then click Add Schedule. Alternatively, go to Cloud Security Best Practices or any other benchmark such as GDPR, then click Schedule.
  2. In the Schedule Report window:
  • Schedule Name: Enter a unique name for the schedule.
  • Benchmark: Choose the benchmark from the drop-down menu. This is auto-populated if you are scheduling from a benchmark page.
  • Accounts: Select the cloud accounts from the drop-down menu. This is auto-populated if you are scheduling from a benchmark page.
  • Status: Select Enabled to activate the schedule.
  • Frequency: Select a schedule as follows:
    • Select Weekly and select a Day in a Week if you want the report delivered to the specified recipients every week.
    • Select Monthly and select a Day in a Month if you want the report delivered to the specified recipients every month.
    • Select Quarterly and select a Day in a Month if you want the report delivered to the specified recipients every quarter.
  • Recipients: Type the email addresses of the recipients.

  1. Click Save.
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