
Onboard Cloud Account API

The Cloud Account API allows you to automate cloud account onboarding via our REST API. The following cloud providers are supported:

  • Prerequisites

    As a prerequisite for AWS cloud account onboarding, you must complete steps 1 through 3 in the AWS Accounts Onboarding Guide.

    POST https://<CLOUDNEETI API DOMAIN>/onboarding/license/<LICENSE ID>/account/aws

    Environment Values for ZCSPM API Domain
    PROD api.cloudneeti.com
    TRIAL trialapi.cloudneeti.com

    URI Parameters

    Parameter Description Required/Optional
    license ZCSPM License Id​ Required


    Type Description Required/Optional
    Bearer Token License Token Required
    Key Value
    Content-Type application/json
    Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key generated

    Request Body

    To learn more about prerequisites for AWS cloud accounts, see the AWS Accounts Onboarding Guide.

                "AccountName": "<ACCOUNT NAME>",
                "AWSAccountId": "<AWS ACCOUNT ID>",
                "AWSRoleName": "<AWS ROLE NAME>"


    Name Type Description
    accountId String ZCSPM AWS cloud account id onboarded
    jobId String ZCSPM AWS cloud account scan job id
    statusCode Integer ZCSPM API status code
    message String Response describing operation result as success or failed

    Sample Response

                "result": {
                        "accountId": "8457c2cd-b615-4c6e-8640-3b8491c89bfb",
                        "jobId": "2e9035d8-db07-4404-a09c-93f5344a8d9d"
                "statusCode": 200,
                "message": "Request Successful"
  • Prerequisistes

    As a prerequisite for Azure cloud account onboarding, you must complete steps 1 through 8 in the Azure Subscription Onboarding Guide.

    POST https://<CLOUDNEETI API DOMAIN>/onboarding/license/<LICENSE ID>/account/azure

    Environment Values for ZCSPM API Domain
    PROD api.cloudneeti.com
    TRIAL trialapi.cloudneeti.com

    URI Parameters

    Parameter Description Required/Optional
    license ZCSPM License Id​ Required


    Key Value
    Content-Type application/json
    Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key generated

    Request Body

    To learn more about prerequisites for Azure cloud accounts, see the Azure Subscription Onboarding Guide.

                "AccountName": "<ACCOUNT NAME>",
                "DomainName": "<ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN NAME>",
                "TenantId": "<ACTIVE DIRECTORY ID>",
                "ADApplicationClientId": "<AD APPLICATION CLIENT ID>",
                "ADApplicationClientSecret": "<AD APPLICATION CLIENT SECRET>",
                "SubscriptionId":"<AZURE SUBSCRIPTION ID>"


    Name Type Description
    accountId String ZCSPM Azure cloud account id onboarded
    jobId String ZCSPM Azure cloud account scan job id
    statusCode Integer ZCSPM API status code
    message String Response describing operation result as success or failed

    Sample Response

                "result": {
                        "accountId": "5fc68c34-1225-413d-879b-02ff5e9c4d9c",
                        "jobId": "bd3c2340-d50d-4dce-8deb-f6e996e2e696"
                "statusCode": 200,
                "message": "Request Successful"
  • Prerequisites

    As a prerequisite for Office 365 cloud account onboarding, you must complete steps 1 and 2 in the Office 365 Onboarding Guide.

    POST https://<CLOUDNEETI API DOMAIN>/onboarding/license/<LICENSE ID>/account/office

    Environment Values for ZCSPM API Domain
    PROD api.cloudneeti.com
    TRIAL trialapi.cloudneeti.com

    URI Parameters

    Parameter Description Required/Optional
    license ZCSPM License Id​ Required


    Key Value
    Content-Type application/json
    Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key generated

    Request Body

    To learn more about prerequisites for Office 365 cloud accounts, see the Office 365 Onboarding Guide

                "AccountName": "<CLOUD ACCOUNT NAME>",
                "DomainName": "<ACTIVE DIRECTORY DOMAIN NAME>",
                "TenantId": "<ACTIVE DIRECTORY ID>",
                "ADApplicationClientId": "<AD APPLICATION CLIENT ID>",
                "ADApplicationClientSecret": "<AD APPLICATION CLIENT SECRET>"


    Name Type Description
    accountId String ZCSPM Office 365 cloud account id onboarded
    jobId String ZCSPM Office 365 cloud account scan job id
    statusCode Integer ZCSPM API response status code
    message String Response describing operation result as success or failed

    Sample Response

                "result": {
                        "accountId": "20103420-7be6-4969-b1d2-cffd943033e3",
                        "jobId": "53f7d814-14ed-4981-85ef-d1862047f54b"
                "statusCode": 200,
                "message": "Request Successful"
    • Prerequisites

      You need to have the following permissions on a project to onboard it on the ZCSPM Admin Portal:

      • Project Viewer Role on the project you intend to onboard
      • Project Viewer Role on the project that has the Service Account
      • Cloud Asset Viewer Role

      If you need the Service Account created on the same project you intend to onboard, then you need to give the project viewer role for the single project.

      You need to enable the following API access on your GCP project:

      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Cloud Asset API
      • Service Usage API on the project that has the Service Account
      • Service Usage API on the project you intend to onboard


      POST https://<ZCSPM API Domain>/onboarding/license/<License ID>/account/gcpProjects
      Parameter Value
      ZCSPM API Domain
      • For the PROD Environment: api.cloudneeti.com
      • For the TRIAL Environment: trialapi.cloudneeti.com
      License ID ZCSPM License ID


      Key Value
      Content-Type application/json
      Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key

      Request Body

          "type": "service_account",
          "project_id": “<project_id>”,
          "private_key_id": "<private_key_id>",
          "private_key": "<private key>",
          "client_email": "<client_email>",
          "client_id": "<client_id>",
          "auth_uri": "<auth_uri>",
          "token_uri": "<token_uri>",
          "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "<auth_provider_x509_cert_url>",
          "client_x509_cert_url": "<client_x509_cert_url>",
          "ProjectIds": [
          "IsExisting": false


          "result": "true",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "message": "Request Successful"
    • Prerequisites

      You need to have the following permissions on a project to onboard it on the ZCSPM Admin Portal:

      • Project Viewer Role on the project you intend to onboard
      • Project Viewer Role on the project that has the Service Account
      • Cloud Asset Viewer Role

      If you need the Service Account created on the same project you intend to onboard, then you need to give the project viewer role for the single project.

      You need to enable the following API access on your GCP project:

      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Cloud Asset API
      • Service Usage API on the project that has the Service Account
      • Service Usage API on the project you intend to onboard


      POST https://<ZCSPM API Domain>/onboarding/license/<License ID>/account/gcpProjects
      Parameter Value
      ZCSPM API Domain
      • For the PROD Environment: api.cloudneeti.com
      • For the TRIAL Environment: trialapi.cloudneeti.com
      License ID ZCSPM License ID


      Key Value
      Content-Type application/json
      Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key

      Request Body

          "ProjectIds": [
          "IsExisting": true


          "result": "true",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "message": "Request Successful"
    • Prerequisites

      You need to have the following permissions on a project to onboard it on the ZCSPM Admin Portal:

      • Organization Role Viewer
      • Folder Viewer Role
      • Project Viewer Role
      • Cloud Asset Viewer Role

      You need to enable the following API access on your GCP project:

      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Cloud Asset API
      • Service Usage API on the project that has the Service Account
      • Service Usage API on the project you intend to onboard


      POST https://<ZCSPM API Domain>/onboarding/license/<License ID>/account/gcpOrganization
      Parameter Value
      ZCSPM API Domain
      • For the PROD Environment: api.cloudneeti.com
      • For the TRIAL Environment: trialapi.cloudneeti.com
      License ID ZCSPM License ID


      Key Value
      Content-Type application/json
      Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key

      Request Body

          "type": "service_account",
          "project_id": “<project_id>”,
          "private_key_id": "<private_key_id>",
          "private_key": "<private key>",
          "client_email": "<client_email>",
          "client_id": "<client_id>",
          "auth_uri": "<auth_uri>",
          "token_uri": "<token_uri>",
          "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "<auth_provider_x509_cert_url>",
          "client_x509_cert_url": "<client_x509_cert_url>",
          "IsExisting": false,
          "IsAutoSyncEnable": false


          "result": "true",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "message": "Request Successful"
    • Prerequisites

      You need to have the following permissions on a project to onboard it on the ZCSPM Admin Portal:

      • Organization Role Viewer
      • Folder Viewer Role
      • Project Viewer Role
      • Cloud Asset Viewer Role

      You need to enable the following API access on your GCP project:

      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Cloud Asset API
      • Service Usage API on the project that has the Service Account
      • Service Usage API on the project you intend to onboard


      POST https://<ZCSPM API Domain>/onboarding/license/<License ID>/account/gcpOrganization
      Parameter Value
      ZCSPM API Domain
      • For the PROD Environment: api.cloudneeti.com
      • For the TRIAL Environment: trialapi.cloudneeti.com
      License ID ZCSPM License ID


      Key Value
      Content-Type application/json
      Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key

      Request Body

          "IsExisting": true,
          "IsAutoSyncEnable": false


          "result": "true",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "message": "Request Successful"
    • Prerequisites

      You need to have the following permissions on a project to onboard it on the ZCSPM Admin Portal:

      • Organization Role Viewer
      • Folder Viewer Role
      • Project Viewer Role
      • Cloud Asset Viewer Role

      You need to enable the following API access on your GCP project:

      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Cloud Asset API
      • Service Usage API on the project that has the Service Account
      • Service Usage API on the project you intend to onboard


      POST https://<ZCSPM API Domain>/onboarding/license/<License ID>/account/gcpOrganizationProjects
      Parameter Value
      ZCSPM API Domain
      • For the PROD Environment: api.cloudneeti.com
      • For the TRIAL Environment: trialapi.cloudneeti.com
      License ID ZCSPM License ID


      Key Value
      Content-Type application/json
      Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key

      Request Body

          "type": "service_account",
          "project_id": “<project_id>”,
          "private_key_id": "<private_key_id>",
          "private_key": "<private key>",
          "client_email": "<client_email>",
          "client_id": "<client_id>",
          "auth_uri": "<auth_uri>",
          "token_uri": "<token_uri>",
          "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "<auth_provider_x509_cert_url>",
          "client_x509_cert_url": "<client_x509_cert_url>",
          "ProjectIds": [
          "IsExisting": false,
          "IsAutoSyncEnable": false


          "result": "true",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "message": "Request Successful"
    • Prerequisites

      You need to have the following permissions on a project to onboard it on the ZCSPM Admin Portal:

      • Organization Role Viewer
      • Folder Viewer Role
      • Project Viewer Role
      • Cloud Asset Viewer Role

      You need to enable the following API access on your GCP project:

      • Cloud Resource Manager API
      • Cloud Asset API
      • Service Usage API on the project that has the Service Account
      • Service Usage API on the project you intend to onboard


      POST https://<ZCSPM API Domain>/onboarding/license/<License ID>/account/gcpOrganizationProjects
      Parameter Value
      ZCSPM API Domain
      • For the PROD Environment: api.cloudneeti.com
      • For the TRIAL Environment: trialapi.cloudneeti.com
      License ID ZCSPM License ID


      Key Value
      Content-Type application/json
      Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key ZCSPM API key

      Request Body

          "ProjectIds": [
          "IsExisting": true,
          "IsAutoSyncEnable": false


          "result": "true",
          "statusCode": 200,
          "message": "Request Successful"
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