
Configuring GCP Organization Onboarding Prerequisites using Scripts

You can configure prerequisites for onboarding your GCP Organization on ZCSPM. Using the scripts is useful when you have a large set of projects on your GCP Organization or want to onboard a selected set of projects from your Organization, either as a list or as a .csv file.

Prerequisite Roles and Permissions

Action Required Roles and Permission Billing Account
Create Service Account & Key Project Owner/Editor
Assign roles to Service Account Organization Administrator
Enable Cloud APIs on the GCP project Project Owner/Editor, Organization Viewer All projects must be linked with the billing account

To configure prerequisites for onboarding your GCP Organization onto ZCSPM:

    1. Open the GCP cloud shell. To set the project, use the following command:
    gcloud config set project <Project_ID>
    1. Check if you are authenticated to the GCP cloud by using the following command:
    gcloud auth list
    1. Download the script by using the following command:
    wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cloudneeti/docs_cloudneeti/master/scripts/gcp-onboarding/download-gcp-onboarding-scripts.sh | bash
    1. Update the script's permissions and using the following command:
    chmod +x zcspm-gcp-onboarding/*.sh
    1. Change the directory by using the following command:
    cd zcspm-gcp-onboarding
    1. Run the following command to create a new service account:
    ./create-service-account.sh -p <project_id> -s <service_account_name>

    This command will generate a summary which will contain the Service Account email address and the key file path.

    1. Copy the key file path and download the key by using the following command:
    cloudshell download <service_account_key_file_path>

    Store the downloaded key in a secure location.

  • Promote the Service Account to Organization level by running the following command:

    ./promote-service-account.sh -s <service_account_email> -o <gcp_organization_id>
  • To enable APIs on all the projects on your GCP organization, run the following command:

    ./enable-gcp-api.sh -s <service_account_project_id> -o <gcp_organization_id> -a


    To enable APIs on a selected list of projects on your GCP organization, run the following command:

    ./enable-gcp-api.sh -s <service_account_project_id> -p “<project_id1>,<project_id2>,<project_id3>

    You can list up to 10 projects.


    To enable APIs on an allowed list of projects on a .csv file, run the following command:

    ./enable-gcp-api.sh -s <service_account_project_id> -c <file_name>.csv

    You can create a .csv file of allowed list of projects by running the following command:

    gcloud alpha asset list --organization=<gcp_organization_id> 
    --content-type=resource --asset-types=cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/Project 
    --format="csv(resource.data.projectId,resource.data.name)" > <file_name>.csv

    The script also enables the required Cloud APIs on the project in which the service account is created.

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