AWS Quick Wins
You can remediate monitoring policies easily with the Quick Wins script. The script creates metrics and alarms for various events in your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.
To create metrics and alarms for various events in your AWS account:
- Log in to the AWS portal as an AWS Administrator.
- Open AWS CloudShell.
- Download the script from GitHub using the following command:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cloudneeti/docs_cloudneeti/master/scripts/aws-alarms-quickwin/remediate-monitoring-policies.yml -O remediate-monitoring-policies.yml
- Run the quick wins script by using the following command:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file remediate-monitoring-policies.yml --stack-name <stack-name> --parameter-overrides env=<environment-prefix> region=<region-name> awsaccountid=<12-digit AWS account Id> emailid=<email-id where you wish to receive notifications> --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
- stack-name: The stack name of the created stack.
- env: Environment prefix, such as prod.
- region: Region name where you want to deploy the resources, such as us-east-1.
- awsaccountid: 12-digit AWS ID of the account where you need to set up the alarms.
- emailid: Email address that will receive the notifications.
- To start receiving the alarm notifications, subscribe to the SNS email request sent by AWS when running the script.
You can scan the relevant cloud account in the ZCSPM Admin Portal and view the security policy results.