Client Connector

Enrolling in the Zscaler Service on Zscaler Client Connector

This article provides instructions on enrolling in the Zscaler service using Zscaler Client Connector based on the OS.

  • To enroll in the Zscaler service using the Windows version of Zscaler Client Connector:

    1. Open Zscaler Client Connector by right-clicking the Zscaler Client Connector system tray icon and selecting Open Zscaler.
    2. An enrollment page appears. Click the menu in the top-right corner of the screen to:
      • View the license agreement.
      • View information about Zscaler Client Connector, including the version number.
    3. Enter a username and click Login. The username must be in email format, unless your organization's admin configured the settings to log in without entering your organization's domain.
    4. Based on your organization’s authentication mechanism, you might be prompted to complete one of the following steps:
      • You might be required to enter a password and click Login.
      • You might be redirected to your organization’s single sign-on (SSO) form. Enter your credentials and log in. The SSO provider in the following example is Okta.
    5. If your organization has configured an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the AUP window appears. You must accept the AUP to proceed to enrollment. If your organization does not have an AUP, the app proceeds directly to enrollment.
  • To enroll in the Zscaler service using the macOS version of Zscaler Client Connector:

    1. Open Zscaler Client Connector by right-clicking the Zscaler Client Connector system tray icon and selecting Open Zscaler.
    2. An enrollment page appears. Click the menu in the top-right corner of the screen to:
      • View information about Zscaler Client Connector, including the version number.
      • View the license agreement.
    3. Enter a username and click Login. The username must be in email format, unless your organization's admin configured the settings to log in without entering your organization's domain.
    4. Based on your organization’s authentication mechanism, you might be prompted to complete one of the following steps:
      • You might be required to enter a password and click Login.
      • You might be redirected to your organization’s single sign-on (SSO) form. Enter your credentials and log in. The SSO provider in the following example is Okta.
    5. If your organization has configured an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the AUP window appears. You must accept the AUP to proceed to enrollment. If your organization does not have an AUP, the app proceeds directly to enrollment.
  • To enroll in the Zscaler service using the Linux version of Zscaler Client Connector:

    1. Open Zscaler Client Connector by right-clicking the Zscaler Client Connector system tray icon and selecting Open Zscaler.

      An enrollment page appears. Click the menu in the top-right corner of the screen to:

      • View the license agreement.
      • View information about Zscaler Client Connector, including the version number.

    2. Enter a username and click Login. The username must be in email format, unless your organization's admin configured the settings to log in without entering your organization's domain.
    3. If your organization has configured an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the AUP window appears. You must accept the AUP to proceed to enrollment. If your organization does not have an AUP, the app proceeds directly to enrollment.

    4. Based on your organization's authentication mechanism, you might be prompted to complete one of the following steps:
      • You might be required to enter a password and click Login.

      • You might be redirected to your organization's single sign-on (SSO) form. Enter your credentials and log in. The SSO provider in the following example is Okta.

  • To enroll in the Zscaler service using the Android version of Zscaler Client Connector:

    1. Open Zscaler Client Connector by tapping the Zscaler Client Connector app icon on your mobile device:
    2. You are prompted to Allow Zscaler to send you notifications. The recommended setting is Allow.

    3. Users with Android version 13 and later receive a prompt that they don’t have post notification permission. The recommended setting is to allow post notification permission.


    4. An enrollment screen appears. Click the menu in the top-right corner of the screen to:
      • Export logs.
      • Uninstall the app.
      • View the license agreement.
      • View information about Zscaler Client Connector, including the version number.
      • Enter the cloud name that you want to connect to.
    5. Enter a username and tap Login. The username must be in email format, unless your organization's admin configured the settings to log in without entering your organization's domain.
    6. Based on your organization’s authentication mechanism, you might be prompted to complete one of the following steps:
      • You might be required to enter a password and tap Login.
      • You might be redirected to your organization’s single sign-on (SSO) form. Enter your credentials and log in.
    7. If your organization has configured an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the AUP screen appears. You must accept the AUP to proceed to enrollment. If your organization does not have an AUP, the app proceeds directly to enrollment.
    8. After the app completes enrollment, allow it to establish a VPN tunnel. If you do not allow the app to establish the VPN, you must restart the app to see this prompt again.

    After the app establishes the VPN, the app is ready for use.

  • To enroll in the Zscaler service using the Android on ChromeOS version of Zscaler Client Connector:

    1. Open Zscaler Client Connector by tapping the Zscaler Client Connector app icon on your Chrome device.
    2. An enrollment screen appears. Click the menu in the top-right corner of the screen to:
      • Export logs.
      • Uninstall the app.
      • View the license agreement.
      • View information about Zscaler Client Connector, including the version number.
      • Enter the cloud name that you want to connect to.

    1. Enter a username and tap Login. The username must be in email format, unless your organization's admin configured the settings to log in without entering your organization's domain.
    2. Based on your organization’s authentication mechanism, you might be prompted to complete one of the following steps:
      • You might be required to enter a password and tap Login.
      • You might be redirected to your organization’s single sign-on (SSO) form. Enter your credentials and log in.
    3. If your organization has configured an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the AUP screen appears. You must accept the AUP to proceed to enrollment. If your organization does not have an AUP, the app proceeds directly to enrollment.
    4. After the app completes enrollment, allow it to establish a VPN tunnel. If you do not allow the app to establish the VPN, you must restart the app to see this prompt again.

    After the app establishes the VPN, the app is ready for use.

  • To enroll in the Zscaler service using the iOS version of Zscaler Client Connector:

    1. Open Zscaler Client Connector by tapping the Zscaler Client Connector app icon on your mobile device.

      An enrollment screen appears. Click the menu in the top-right corner of the screen to:

      • Turn on or turn off notifications on the app icon.
      • Troubleshoot Zscaler Client Connector.
      • View information about Zscaler Client Connector, including the version number.
    2. Enter a username and tap Login. The username must be in email format, unless your organization's admin configured the settings to log in without entering your organization's domain.
    3. Based on your organization’s authentication mechanism, you might be prompted to complete one of the following steps:
      • You might be required to enter a password and tap Login.
      • You might be redirected to your organization’s single sign-on (SSO) form. Enter your credentials and log in. The SSO provider in the following example is Okta.
    4. If your organization has configured an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the AUP screen appears. You must accept the AUP to proceed to enrollment. If your organization does not have an AUP, the app proceeds directly to enrollment.
    5. After the app completes enrollment, allow it to establish a VPN tunnel. If you do not allow the app to establish the VPN, you must restart the app to see this prompt again.

    After the app establishes the VPN, the app is ready for use.


After the app completes enrollment, it's ready for use. For information about Zscaler Client Connector features, see Using Zscaler Client Connector.

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