
About Active Directory Change Detection Policies

In addition to the default changes detected by ITDR in your Active Directory (AD) domain, you can configure custom policies to detect changes in the AD domain based on properties such as users, groups, and computers. You can also notify specific users via email when these changes are detected.

Active Directory Change Detection policies provide the following benefits and enable you to:

  • Monitor an AD domain for specific changes by creating custom policies based on users, groups, and computers.
  • Notify users via email when the changes are detected.

About the Active Directory Change Detection Policy Page

On the Active Directory Change Detection Policy Page (ITDR > Manage > Change Detection > Active Directory), you can do the following:

  1. View the list of AD Change Detection policies. For each policy, you can view:
    • Name: The name of the policy.
    • Domain: The AD domain for which the policy is configured.
    • Email Notification: The status of whether email notification is enabled for the policy.
    • Enabled Scans: The properties such as users, groups, and computers for which the policy is enabled.
  2. Create an AD Change Detection policy.
  3. Edit or delete an AD Change Detection policy.
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