Posture Control (DSPM)

Viewing the Onboarded Account Details

After onboarding the accounts successfully, you can view the details of all the onboarded accounts on the Cloud Accounts page.

To view the onboarded account details:

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > Cloud Accounts.
  2. Click the required cloud account (AWS, Azure, or GCP).

  3. Select the Accounts tab for AWS, Subscriptions tab for Azure, and Projects tab for GCP.

    The tab name varies depending on the selected cloud account.

In this article, the Subscriptions tab is shown as an example. On the Subscriptions tab, you can do the following:

  1. Add filters to view specific accounts.
  2. For each subscription, you can see:
    • Subscription Name: The name of the subscription. Click the name to view additional details:
    • Subscription ID: The unique identifier of the subscription.
    • Business Unit: The business unit assigned to the account.
    • Status: The status of the scan configuration (Successfully Configured, Pending Configuration, Needs Attention).
  3. Select different actions from the Manage drop-down menu. To learn more, see About Cloud Accounts.

  4. Search for a specific account in the searchable columns.
  5. Modify the table and its columns.
  6. Click the Action icon to change the business unit or delete a subscription.
  7. Select multiple accounts and perform the same action on all of them at the same time, like changing the business unit or deleting the onboarded accounts.

The Cloud Accounts page with the Subscriptions tab selected showing basic details about each subscription.

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