Posture Control (DSPM)

Viewing the Malware Details

Malware is malicious software or code that can compromise systems, steal data, or disrupt operations. Common forms of malware include viruses, worms, ransomware, spyware, etc. DSPM detects malware in your resources and displays the details on the Data Inventory page.

To view the malware details:

  1. Go to Analytics > Data Inventory.
  2. Click any Resource Name to view the drawer.
  3. Select the Malware tab to see:
    • Total Malware Files: The total number of malware files.
    • Malware: The type of malware (e.g., Virus, Exploit, etc.) with their respective numbers.
    • The list of resources containing malware data is displayed. For each file, you can see:
      • Volume: The name of the volume.
      • File Name: The name of the file containing malware.
      • File Type: The type of file (e.g., .txt, .doc, etc.).
      • File Size: The file size.
      • File Path: The file path.
      • Malware Name: The malware file name.
      • Malware Type: The malware type.
      • Last Scanned: The date and time the resource was last scanned.
      • Created Date: The date and time the resource was created.
    • Click the Malware Type filter to view the data for a specific malware type.
    • Click Export to export the data and download the report as an Excel file.

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