Business Insights

Adding Tag Categories

You can add tag categories and tags in each category, which can be used to link to workplaces. You can add a maximum of 8 tag categories, and each category can consist of 8 tags.

To add a tag category and tags:

  1. Go to Workplaces > Offices and Locations > click the drop-down menu under the Tags column for any office > Manage All Tags, or Workplace Settings > Configured Offices > click the Tags filter > Manage All Tags.
  2. Click Create Tag Category.

    The Create New Tag Category drawer appears.

  3. In the Create New Tag Category drawer:
    • Name: Enter a name for the tag category.
    • Color: Select a color to represent the tag category.
    • Type: Select Manual or Dynamic. Manual tagging is individual linking of workplaces to a tag. Dynamic tagging allows you to configure criteria-based automatic tagging of workplaces.
        • Name: Enter the tag name.
        • Offices: Select the offices that you want to link to this tag.
        • Click Add Tag to add more tags to the category. Note that only one tag in a category can be linked to an office.

        • Criteria: Select one of the following criteria based on which the offices are automatically linked to a tag:
          • Assigned Headcounts
          • Capacity
          • Hotel Desks
          • Lease End Date
          • Lease Status
          • Permanent Desks
        • Name: Enter the tag name.
        • Operator: Select an operator to set the threshold to satisfy the criteria as greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), equal to (=), Contains, or Not Contains.
        • Value: Enter the value for the selected criteria.

        For example, the following GIF shows how to configure a dynamic tag for linking offices that have a capacity of 500 or less to the High Cap tag and more than 500 to the Low Cap tag.

  4. Click Save.

    The tag category is successfully added. You can view the tag category and its tags on the Tag Management page.

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