Business Insights
About Offices and Locations
The Offices and Locations page provides data for all configured networks in your organization. In other words, it displays analytical data for your organization's workplaces. There are two types of workplaces: inferred locations and configured offices.
- Inferred Locations are Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) locations configured in the ZIA Admin Portal (a ZIA location can also consist of sub-locations) and inferred IP addresses that the Business Insights service concludes as the organization's workplace based on the amount of traffic, the number of users behind the IP address, and more assuring metrics.
- Configured Offices are the grouping of inferred locations into a configured office with metadata. To learn more, see About Configured Offices.
The Office and Locations page provides the following benefits and enables you to:
- View metrics for all your workplaces.
- Manage your workplace more effectively.
- View the data from multiple perspectives, such as maps, charts, tables, etc. to effectively make business-critical decisions.
You can view the metrics on this page as a List, Chart, or Map. This article shows the data displayed in the listed form. To understand the data in a map or chart, see Viewing Offices and Locations in a Map and Viewing Offices and Locations in a Chart.
When a configured office is deleted from the Configured Offices page, the ZIA location, inferred IP addresses, and any new IP address grouped within that office stop aggregating the data for the deleted configured office and are displayed as individual entries on the Offices and Locations page.
About the Offices and Locations Page
On the Offices and Locations page (Workplace > Offices and Locations), you can do the following:
- Download the data on the page as a PDF file.
- View the metrics on this page as a List, Map, or Chart.
- Upload metadata for inferred locations to view more insights. You're redirected to the Configured Offices page. This option is available when you filter the data for inferred locations.
- Filter the data of the entire page for the last 7 days, a week, a month, or 3 months, then choose the week, month, or 3 months from the right pane. The data aggregation for the custom week, month, or quarter might take some time to process.
- Filter the insights by Type and Geolocation, Departments or Division, Days, or User Types. Workplaces with undefined city, state, and country are categorized under Unknown City, State, and Country, respectively. Click Reset Filters to remove any applied filters. Selecting User Types doesn't filter the data unless you have defined user types for your organization in Business Insights. To enable and use this feature, contact Zscaler Support.
- Enable Show ZIA Sub-locations to view ZIA sub-locations in the list. This option is available when you filter the data for inferred locations.
- Search for a workplace.
- View a list of workplaces. For each workplace, you can view:
- Name: The name of the workplace. Click on the workplace name to view workplace-specific metrics. To learn more, see Analyzing a Workplace. If you don't see data for the workplace, hover over the Error icon (
) next to the workplace name to see the reason (e.g., the office is not configured correctly, metadata is not added, the office was configured less than 24 hours ago, etc.) for troubleshooting purposes.
- City: The city where the workplace is located. The city is mapped from the ZIA location configuration from the ZIA Admin Portal for ZIA location-based workplaces. If the value is not specified, Zscaler relies on the MaxMind lookup to locate the city's IP address. For configured offices, this is mapped from the city value specified when configuring offices.
- State: The state in which the workplace is located.
- Country: The country in which the workplace is located.
- Attendance: The attendance percentage for the workplace for the filtered time frame. This is calculated by dividing the total number of visits to the workplace by the total number of possible assigned headcount for the workplace, then multiplying it by 100. This value is estimated for inferred locations.
- Occupancy: The occupancy percentage for the workplace for the filtered time frame. This is calculated by dividing the total number of visits to the workplace by the total capacity of the workplace, then multiplying it by 100. This value is estimated for inferred locations.
- Type: The workplace type, a configured office or an inferred location.
- Tags: The tags linked to the office. To learn more, see About Tag Management.
- Capacity: The maximum number of employees the workplace can accommodate at any time.
- Size: The dimensions of the workplace area in square feet.
- Hotel Desk: The number of hotel desks available at the workplace that can be reserved or rotationally shared for seating.
- Permanent Desk: The number of permanent desks available at the workplace for seating.
- IP Addresses: The IP addresses associated with the workplace.
- ZIA Location: The ZIA locations configured for the office.
- Name: The name of the workplace. Click on the workplace name to view workplace-specific metrics. To learn more, see Analyzing a Workplace. If you don't see data for the workplace, hover over the Error icon (
- Modify the column menu.
- Select multiple workplaces for bulk operation (e.g., tagging).
Link the workplace to a manual tag, create a new tag category, or go to the Tag Management page.

To understand the terms used in Business Insights, see Understanding Business Insights Terminology.