Configuring Provisioning Keys Using API

This article provides information for managing Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) provisioning keys using APIs. All APIs are rate limited. To learn more, see Understanding Rate Limiting.

Prerequisite API Calls

Before you can create a provisioning key, you must get the required details for the following:

Getting Details for All Provisioning Keys

To get details of all provisioning keys:

  1. Send a GET request to the following endpoint in the provisioning key controller: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey.
  2. Provide the following in the request:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer.
  • associationType: The provisioning key for the App Connector Group or Private Service Edge Group. The supported values are CONNECTOR_GRP or SERVICE_EDGE_GRP.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/217246660302995456/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey.

  • {
      "totalPages": "38",
      "list": [
          "id": "6221",
          "creationTime": "1618365768",
          "modifiedBy": "217246660303024936",
          "name": "example_test",
          "usageCount": "0",
          "maxUsage": "2000",
          "autoSign": "1",
          "zcomponentId": "217246660303024937",
          "enabled": true,
          "enrollmentCertName": "Mock Company Root Certificate",
          "zcomponentName": "example_test",
          "provisioningKey": "3||yy6CCpQ8M8QUlGKyFUjUZBspPIxR3n3X2loHsRWt9nt0+b9TMdCqKvrkO8sfdnhMb7l",
          "enrollmentCertId": "2858",
          "appConnectorGroupName": "example_test"
          "id": "6211",
          "modifiedTime": "1626298081",
          "creationTime": "1617747326",
          "modifiedBy": "72057594038008981",
          "name": "example_provising_key",
          "usageCount": "5",
          "maxUsage": "1000",
          "autoSign": "1",
          "zcomponentId": "217246660303024864",
          "enabled": true,
          "enrollmentCertName": "Mock Company Root Certificate",
          "zcomponentName": "test_connector_group",
          "provisioningKey": "3||7b2hqKIV36K7AUPNBQzrPNh9MK8IZaXItNFWwmXQPGeEDfdMk90buQ/qmrefavlkr6Pv",
          "enrollmentCertId": "2858",
          "appConnectorGroupName": "test_connector_group"

A successful response returns code 200. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

This API supports pagination. To get a paginated response:

  1. Send a GET request to the following endpoint: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey?page=1&pagesize=20.
  2. Provide the following in the request endpoint:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer, in the request endpoint.
  • associationType: The provisioning key for the App Connector Group or Private Service Edge Group. The supported values are CONNECTOR_GRP or SERVICE_EDGE_GRP.
  • Valid values for page and page size parameters.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/217246660302995456/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey?page=1&pagesize=20.

  • {
      "totalPages": "50",
      "list": [
          "id": "6221",
          "creationTime": "1618365768",
          "modifiedBy": "217246660303024936",
          "name": "testPkey",
          "usageCount": "0",
          "maxUsage": "2000",
          "zcomponentId": "217246660303024937",
          "enabled": true,
          "zcomponentName": "testPkey",
          "provisioningKey": "3||yy6CCpQ8M8QUlGKyFUjUZBspPIxR3n3X2loHsRWt9nt",
          "enrollmentCertId": "2858",
          "enrollmentCertName": "Test Company Root Certificate"
          "id": "6211",
          "modifiedTime": "1647894135",
          "creationTime": "1617747326",
          "modifiedBy": "3",
          "name": "test_provising_key",
          "usageCount": "11",
          "maxUsage": "1000",
          "zcomponentId": "217246660303024864",
          "enabled": true,
          "zcomponentName": "Test_connector_group",
          "provisioningKey": "3||7b2hqKIV36K7AUPNBQzrPN",
          "enrollmentCertId": "2858",
          "enrollmentCertName": "Test Company Root Certificate"

If not provided, the default page size is 20. The maximum page size is 500.

A successful response returns code 200. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

This API supports a search option to search by features and fields. To search by features and fields:

  1. Send a GET request to the following endpoint: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/73186051597795328/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey&search={searchString}.
  2. Provide the following in the request endpoint:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer.
  • Valid search string values. The search string values are in the format fieldName operator fieldValue. Only search string values that correspond to the values for valid fields and filters are supported. For example, the string maxUsage%20EQ%202 is supported for the Maximum # of App Connectors filter, using the Equals (EQ) operator, for the filter value 2.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/73186051597795328/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey&search=maxUsage%20EQ%202.

  • {
      "totalPages": "1",
      "totalCount": "2",
      "list": [
          "id": "8639",
          "creationTime": "1620326351",
          "modifiedBy": "72057594037987389",
          "name": "App_Connector_Test",
          "usageCount": "0",
          "maxUsage": "2",
          "zcomponentId": "72057594038011104",
          "enabled": true,
          "zcomponentName": "App_Connector_Test",
          "provisioningKey": "1||nDDqXjr077Iv/ThxVzpnZa2OlPQBJinz5EOeZ1weBeTb42n5/GyDiocPAz/byiZnA3haAe43R8YUMO8lsjwWaxM74SiPmz8EkMyaei2yWYigACY5289WAeR+zSVHk0c4l9tFv4Mxe0YIJB88EcSUENpwA4h0INP00H3s5q/n9s5qWzIgC1Iix4OXgxip/fgAUMIb3w1WfHv5woPJ0kBxSKxKJ5zElTHAbqtsE8Cl8Dobb/tC9yoxpqBys8PgLIRJnmiqyBAykMsBCOqUllz76Ng4Nnr/6TbGTRm1Wzjqc48v+7R9V6VIVk7v6a2/SBevNPxvkTD5BnB+llhkTChTCCal3bCKBBx2Q/NrFjPF",
          "enrollmentCertId": "14009",
          "enrollmentCertName": "test1"
          "id": "16173",
          "modifiedTime": "1636950866",
          "creationTime": "1636884834",
          "modifiedBy": "72057594038058788",
          "name": "kalai2-pk",
          "usageCount": "0",
          "maxUsage": "2",
          "zcomponentId": "72057594038059864",
          "enabled": true,
          "zcomponentName": "kalai2",
          "provisioningKey": "1||j1ZdiPJxwjukKf8hzvQ+2uxNZTec/6ct6WxcHLeWHkXTm597Xy2WDvBrTOJaAqpoApXu7qxgPx8IJL7uAwMGJpncHh+v8MB5vdW1ZYAF84gv4j5WyIulAiC1F95j/XIULlTpzD/RYQAVmRfDljeRE7vVUyYHOeL87R5lHtGUtwFyEzciDZR/0AGR3G2Uw+6leeI7l/vrt4MlgE+QaQPInTsOM8PfpDgSUw2NYevXMkwaDb+9wFGEmUzp7rrtYJ9DYihyeJqIrA0gO+XrUPbaAH",
          "enrollmentCertId": "14009",
          "enrollmentCertName": "test1"

If you use the ZPA API PortaI or the Reference Guide to make your API calls, the search field string does not require any characters. For example, maxUsage%20EQ%202 is maxUsage EQ 2.

A successful response returns code 200. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

Getting Details of a Particular Provisioning Key by ID and Type

To get details of a particular provisioning key by ID and type:

  1. Send a GET request to the following endpoint in the provisioning key controller: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey/{provisioningKeyId}.
  2. Provide the following in the request:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer.
  • associationType: The provisioning key for the App Connector Group or Private Service Edge Group. The supported values are CONNECTOR_GRP or SERVICE_EDGE_GRP.
  • provisioningKeyId: The ID of the provisioning key.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/217246660302995456/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey/6211.

  • {
      "id": "6211",
      "modifiedTime": "1626298081",
      "creationTime": "1617747326",
      "modifiedBy": "72057594038008981",
      "name": "test_provisioning_key",
      "usageCount": "5",
      "maxUsage": "1000",
      "autoSign": "1",
      "zcomponentId": "217246660303024864",
      "enabled": true,
      "enrollmentCertName": "Mock Company Root Certificate",
      "zcomponentName": "test_connector_group",
      "provisioningKey": "3||7b2hqKIV36K7AUPNBQzrPNh9MK8IZaXItNFWwmXQPGeEDfdMk90buQ",
      "enrollmentCertId": "2858",
      "appConnectorGroupName": "test_connector_group"

A successful response returns code 200. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

Creating a Provisioning Key

To create a provisioning key:

  1. Send a POST request to the following endpoint in the provisioning key controller: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey.
  2. Provide the following in the request:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer.
  • associationType: The provisioning key for the App Connector Group or Private Service Edge Group. The supported values are CONNECTOR_GRP or SERVICE_EDGE_GRP.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/217246660302995456/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey.

  1. Use the following JSON payload to create a provisioning key and provide the following information about the provisioning key:
  • name: The name of the provisioning key.
  • maxUsage: The maximum number of instances where this provisioning key can be used for enrolling an App Connector or Private Service Edge.
  • enrollmentCertId: The ID of the enrollment certificate that can be used for this provisioning key. To learn more, see Obtaining Enrollment Certificate Details Using API.
  • zcomponentId: The ID of the existing App Connector or Private Service Edge Group.
  • {
      "name": "<Provisioning key name>",
      "maxUsage": "<max usage for this key>",
      "enrollmentCertId": "<enrollment cert id>",
      "zcomponentId": "<connector/service edge group id>"
  • {
      "id": "13191",
      "creationTime": "1632411234",
      "modifiedBy": "72057594038052595",
      "name": "Test App Connector Provisioning Key",
      "usageCount": "0",
      "maxUsage": "300",
      "zcomponentId": "72057594038009372",
      "enabled": true,
      "provisioningKey": "1||b+4GLZRQ6VvCJjgQ9GTwZXbjm55FgTCCXkfgEdy4m8+wEY1b2UMrhHLERsEVJJ5YJ/T9du2H+8Z+txHC5rpUykuA72nyLTDK+",
      "enrollmentCertId": "14009"

A successful response returns code 201, meaning the provisioning key is created. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

You choose the provisioning key criteria you want to include in the JSON payload. Refer to the Adding Field Descriptions section for supported values.

Adding Field Descriptions

The following table includes descriptions of available fields you can use for the provisioning key use cases:

nameName of the provisioning keyYesString
enabledWhether the provisioning key is enabled or notNo

Default: true

Supported values: true, false

maxUsageThe maximum number of instances where this provisioning key can be used for enrolling an App Connector or Service EdgeYesInteger
usageCountThe provisioning key utilization countNoInteger
enrollmentCertIdID of the enrollment certificate that can be used for this provisioning key. To learn more, see Obtaining Enrollment Certificate Details Using API.YesInteger. ID of the existing enrollment certificate that has the private key
zcomponentIdID of the existing App Connector or ZPA Private Service Edge GroupYesInteger
microtenantIdThe unique identifier of the Microtenant for the ZPA tenant. If you are within a Microtenant, you must pass the microtenantId field when making an API call to retrieve data from that Microtenant. The microtenantId can be obtained in the API Keys page, or can be obtained programmatically using the ZPA cloud service API. Access to certain operations are limited when you are within a Microtenant. If you are within the Default Microtenant, pass microtenantId as 0 when making requests to retrieve data from the Default Microtenant. Pass microtenantId as null to retrieve data from all Microtenants associated with the tenant. If the microtenantId is not passed in the request when creating or updating a resource, then the resource is created or updated in the Default Microtenant. To learn more, see Configuring Microtenants Using API.NoInteger

Updating a Provisioning Key

To update a provisioning key:

  1. Use the JSON payload from Creating a Provisioning Key.
  2. Send a PUT request to the following endpoint in the provisioning key controller: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey/{provisioningKeyId}.
  3. Provide the following in the request:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer.
  • associationType: The provisioning key for the App Connector Group or Private Service Edge Group. The supported values are CONNECTOR_GRP or SERVICE_EDGE_GRP.
  • provisioningKeyId: The ID of the provisioning key.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/217246660302995456/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey/6211.

  • {
      "name": "<Provisioning key name>",
      "maxUsage": "<max usage for this key>",
      "enrollmentCertId": "<enrollment cert id>",
      "zcomponentId": "<connector/service edge group id>"

A successful response returns code 204, meaning the provisioning key is updated. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

If a provisioning key is configured using Zscaler Deception, then the update and delete options are unavailable.

Deleting a Provisioning Key

To delete a provisioning key:

  1. Send a DELETE request to the following endpoint in the provisioning key controller: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/{customerId}/associationType/{associationType}/provisioningKey/{provisioningKeyId}.
  2. Provide the following in the request:
  • customerId: The ZPA tenant ID of the customer.
  • associationType: The provisioning key for the App Connector Group or Private Service Edge Group. The supported values are CONNECTOR_GRP or SERVICE_EDGE_GRP.
  • provisioningKeyId: The ID of the provisioning key.

For example: /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/217246660302995456/associationType/CONNECTOR_GRP/provisioningKey/6211.

A successful response returns code 204, meaning the provisioning key is deleted. To learn more, see API Response Codes and Error Messages.

If a provisioning key is configured using Zscaler Deception, then the update and delete options are unavailable.