Digital Experience Monitoring (ZDX)
Release Upgrade Summary (2024)
This article provides a summary of all new features and enhancements per Zscaler cloud for Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX). Zscaler will email a notification to your organization's registered support contacts approximately one week before your cloud is upgraded. To see scheduled maintenance updates for your cloud, visit the Trust Portal.
The following service updates were deployed to on the following dates.
- Feature Available
Wi-Fi Access Point Filtering and List View
The Wi-Fi dashboard has an additional filter for access point prefixes and a tabular view of Wi-Fi access points for devices within your organization.
To learn more, see Monitoring the Wi-Fi Dashboard.
- Feature Available
CSV Download from Role Management Page
The Export option allows you to download a CSV file of ZDX roles from the Role Management page.
To learn more, see About ZDX Role-Based Administration.
- Feature in Limited Availability
ZDX Copilot Additional Enhancements
ZDX Copilot enhancements include analytics upgrades to provide more accurate data summarizations by using graphs and charts to display for better context. ZDX Copilot has expanded its support for diagnostics of Wi-Fi, internet service provider (ISP), data center (DC), endpoint, and call quality issues.
To learn more, see Understanding ZDX Copilot with Use Cases.
- Feature Available
iOS Support
ZDX supports iOS devices that run a compatible Zscaler Client Connector version.
To learn more, see Supported Versions & Feature Compatibility.
- Feature Available
Configuring Templates for Zscaler Hosted Probes
On the Templates page for Alerts, you can create a template to prefill alert rule criteria. On the Zscaler Hosted Probes page, you can then configure a Zscaler Hosted probe to use a template to create an alert rule.
To learn more, see Configuring Zscaler Hosted Probes, About Templates, Managing Templates, and Evaluating Individual Alert Details.
Data Explorer Filters and Group Options
Additional filters and group options are included in Data Explorer configuration to help customize your views.
To learn more, see Configuring Data Explorer Views.
- Feature Available
Remote Assistance Time Limit
The Remote Assistance time limit for both view-only access and full access has been updated to 90 days.
To learn more, see Enabling Remote Assistance.
Self Service for macOS
Users with macOS devices require Zscaler Client Connector version 4.3.1 and ZDX Module version 3.9 or later to configure Self Service notifications.
To learn more, see Configuring Self Service Settings and Supported Versions & Feature Compatibility.
- Feature in Limited Availability
Incident Alerts
You can select Incident as a type when configuring an Alert Rule for specified Incident types.
To learn more, see Configuring an Alert Rule.
- Feature Available
Design Update to ZDX Admin Portal
The ZDX Admin Portal UI design has been updated with a new color palette and typography.
Wi-Fi Name
You can choose to view or obfuscate the Wi-Fi Name under the Device and User Information permission for ZDX roles or when sharing a ZDX Snapshot.
To learn more, see Adding ZDX Roles and Sharing ZDX Snapshots.
- Feature in Limited Availability
Private Service Edge Health Dashboard
Private Service Edge (PSE) Health provides a statistical overview of Private Service Edges in your data centers. View details of overall traffic, internal latency, and transactions within the previous 24 hours to 14 days.
Contact your Zscaler Account team for details.
- Feature Available
ZDX Snapshot for Incident Details
The ZDX Snapshot feature provides a URL that you can share with ZDX users for view-only access to an Incidents dashboard or specific Incident details page. ZDX Snapshot enables users without ZDX Admin Portal login access to view details with limited user interaction. Make sure your subscription level supports ZDX Snapshot and your ZDX role has the proper permission level to share ZDX Snapshots.
To learn more, see Sharing ZDX Snapshots.
- Feature Available
Email Address as User ID on ServiceNow
You can use an email address as the User ID when configuring a Service User Role on ServiceNow for ZDX.
To learn more, see ServiceNow Webhook Configuration Guide.
Network Applications
Network applications are configured with only a single Cloud Path probe and do not require a Web probe. ZDX Scores are calculated using End-to-End Latency instead of the Page Fetch Time of the application.
To learn more, see Monitoring the Applications Overview and Monitoring the Performance Dashboard.
- Feature Available
Zscaler Hosted Monitoring
Zscaler Hosted Monitoring operates from within the Zscaler cloud infrastructure as a multi-tenant service. The service allows you to logically group Web and Cloud Path probes into independent collections to set up your own tests for monitoring performance.
To learn more about the feature and its prerequisites, see Configuring Zscaler Hosted Probes and Understanding Zscaler Hosted Monitoring.
- Feature Available
Bandwidth Test for macOS
To start a Bandwidth Test as a Diagnostics session in the ZDX Admin Portal, users with macOS devices require Zscaler Client Connector version 4.3.1 and ZDX Module version 3.9.
To learn more, see Starting a New Diagnostics Session and Supported Versions & Feature Compatibility.
Hi-Fi Cloud Path
You can start a High Fidelity (Hi-Fi) Cloud Path diagnostics session. Hi-Fi Cloud Path provides additional information for network connectivity or latency based on the defined Cloud Path.
To learn more, see Starting a New Diagnostics Session.
- Feature in Limited Availability
Workflow Automation Integration
ZDX supports the integration of the Workflow Automation Admin Portal that allows you to reroute alerts to the concerned team within your organization based on workflow rules. You can select Workflow Automation as a delivery method when configuring an alert rule. You can also configure a Workflow Automation when adding a SaaS Application Integration.
To learn more, see Managing Workflows for ZDX Alerts, Configuring SaaS Application Tenants for ZDX, and Configuring an Alert Rule.
- Feature Available
Improved Time Granularity for Data Explorer Views
Time intervals displayed in Data Explorer views have been updated to display more granularity, based on your selected time range.
To learn more, see Configuring Data Explorer Views.
Wi-Fi Dashboard
The Wi-Fi Dashboard utilizes existing user and device Wi-Fi data in your organization to monitor device performance. This data can help identify specific locations in which users might have issues with their Wi-Fi access points.
To learn more, see Monitoring the Wi-Fi Dashboard.
- Feature in Limited Availability
ZDX Copilot Enhancements
ZDX Copilot enhancements include dynamic recommendations based on your chat session history, support for Web probe metrics, analytics for device health, and support and diagnostics for Wi-Fi and call quality issues.
To learn more, see About ZDX Copilot.
- Feature in Limited Availability
ZDX Copilot
ZDX Copilot is an assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) and provides an expert, systematic approach through conversation. ZDX Admins can interact with ZDX Copilot to effectively enhance a user's experience in the ZDX Admin Portal.
To learn more, see About ZDX Copilot.
- Feature Available
Deep Tracing Renamed to Diagnostics on Navigation Menu and Page
An update was released that renamed the Deep Tracing term for the navigation menu and page to Diagnostics in the ZDX Admin Portal. Deep Tracing remains as a Diagnostics type. This doesn’t change any current functionality.
To learn more, see About Diagnostics.
ZDX Admin Portal Login Update
The ZDX Admin Portal login process was updated to allow Zscaler to check if ZIdentity is enabled for your account depending on your Login ID.
To learn more, see Accessing and Navigating the ZDX Admin Portal.
ZDX Snapshot for Alert and Diagnostics Details
The ZDX Snapshot feature provides a URL that you can share with ZDX users for view-only access to a specific Alert or Diagnostics details page. ZDX Snapshot enables users without ZDX Admin Portal login access to view details with limited user interaction.
Make sure your subscription level supports ZDX Snapshot and your ZDX role has the proper permission level to share ZDX Snapshots.
To learn more, see Sharing ZDX Snapshots.
ZPA Public Service Edge Incident Type
There is a new incident type on the Incidents Dashboard called ZPA Public Service Edge. The ZPA Public Service Edge incident type provides comprehensive key metrics on Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) traffic at the Zscaler Data Center.
An update was released that renamed Zscaler Data Center to ZIA Public Service Edge on the Incidents Dashboard. This doesn't change any current functionality.
To learn more, see Monitoring the Incidents Dashboard.
- Feature Available
Data Explorer Views
Data Explorer provides the flexibility to create and organize your own customized views of applications and metrics to analyze data.
To learn more about the feature and its prerequisites, see Configuring Data Explorer Views.
Download Data from Device Inventory
Download current device and user data in CSV format from Device Inventory.
To learn more about the feature and its prerequisites, see Viewing Device Inventory.
- Feature Available
Brownouts Subtype for Last Mile ISP
Brownouts is a subtype for Last Mile ISP (Internet Service Provider) on the Incidents Dashboard. Brownouts provide comprehensive key metrics on performance degradation on the Last Mile ISP.
To learn more, see Monitoring the Incidents Dashboard.
Deep Tracing for Android or Android on ChromeOS Devices
To start a Deep Tracing session in the ZDX Admin Portal, users with Android or Android on ChromeOS devices require Zscaler Client Connector version 3.7 and ZDX Module version 3.2 for Windows.
To learn more, see About Diagnostics and Supported Versions & Feature Compatibility.
- Feature Available
ZDX Snapshot for Applications Overview
The ZDX Snapshot feature provides a URL that you can share with ZDX users for view-only access to the Applications Overview and application details pages. ZDX Snapshot enables users without ZDX Admin Portal login access to view the pages with limited user interaction.
To learn more about the feature and its prerequisites, see Sharing ZDX Snapshots.
- Feature Available
ZDX Score Alert Rule Type Removed
The ZDX Score alert rule type has been removed because it is no longer recommended for use. If you have an existing ZDX Score alert rule type, you must migrate it to an Application or Network rule type.
To learn more, see Editing an Alert Rule.
- Feature Available
Integration of Incidents in ZDX Score Over Time
Incident data can be enabled and displayed in the ZDX Score Over Time graph on the user details page. To view the data, ensure your ZDX subscription level supports Incidents and your ZDX role has the proper permission level.
To learn more, see Evaluating User Details, Ranges & Limitations, and Adding ZDX Roles.
- Feature Available
OAuth for ServiceNow Webhook Authentication
You can use OAuth as an authentication type when configuring a webhook for ServiceNow.
To learn more, see Configuring Webhooks.
- Feature Available
Report for Top 100 Users with Poor ZDX Scores
The system-generated report for Top 100 Poor Score Users is available in the ZDX Admin Portal.
To view the report, make sure your subscription level supports system-generated reports and your ZDX role has the proper permission level.
To learn more, see Viewing System-Generated Reports, Ranges & Limitations, and Adding ZDX Roles.
ZDX Score Alert Rule Type
The ZDX Score alert rule type is no longer recommended for use. Any existing ZDX Score alert rule type has migrated to an Application rule type. The correlation between ZDX Score and Application makes the alert more precise and dynamic by considering ZDX Score drops with the web and network metrics.
To learn more, see Configuring an Alert Rule and Editing an Alert Rule.
- Feature Available
Dashboard Filter for Operating System
A filter has been added to the Performance Overview, Applications Overview, and User Overview pages in the ZDX Admin Portal to specify operating systems on user devices in your organization.
To learn more, see Monitoring the ZDX Dashboard, Monitoring the Applications Dashboard, and Monitoring the Users Dashboard.
Report for Active Users by Zscaler Destination
The system-generated report for Active Users by Zscaler Destination is available in the ZDX Admin Portal.
To view the report, make sure your subscription level supports system-generated reports and your ZDX role has the proper permission level.
To learn more, see Viewing System-Generated Reports, Ranges & Limitations, and Adding ZDX Roles.
- Feature in Limited Availability
Location of Stored ZDX Data
ZDX logs and data are now stored in either the European Union (Western Europe, Netherlands) or Australia East (New South Wales).
Contact your Zscaler Account team for details.
To learn more about Zscaler's retention of logs and data, see ZDX Customer Logs and Data.
- Feature Available
Automated Analysis of Poor ZDX Scores
On the user details page, the application tile with the lowest Poor ZDX Score is preselected by default, and ZDX runs root cause analysis automatically on the most recent Poor score. Potential factors are provided that might have contributed to the score.
To learn more, see Evaluating User Details.
Option to Reverse Cloud Path
An option is available when configuring a probe to force a reverse Cloud Path. You can enable this setting when a network device blocks the forward Cloud Path and you're unable to reconfigure the device or firewall.
To learn more, see Configuring a Probe.