Posture Control (DSPM)

Understanding Scanner Instances

DSPM creates transitory scanner instances in the respective regions to perform data scanning on different data stores such as storage, compute, and databases. The orchestrator instance creates the scanner instances with a unique identity. Zscaler's applications are installed in these scanner instances to perform data scanning. For each data store, DSPM creates up to a maximum of 10 scanner instances each with configuration of 16 vCPU and 32 GiB memory, depending upon the number of data stores that must be scanned.

You need to ensure that sufficient vCPU quotas are enabled in the orchestrator account. Such high configurations are required as DSPM scans huge amounts of data, and a high configuration of scanner instances ensures data scans are completed faster than the lower configuration instances that take a longer duration to perform a data scan. The scanner instance automatically pushes the data scan results to DSPM.

All scanner instances are created with tags and the tags should not be deleted or tampered with. The image required to launch the scanner instance is property of Zscaler and it is shared with the customer’s orchestrator account for data scanning purposes. Inbound access to scanner instances is restricted only from the orchestrator instance.

The following tags are added to the scanner instances. You can enable these tags in AWS to track the cost allocation for DSPM. To learn more, refer to the AWS documentation.

  • z-dspm-resource = true
  • z-dspm-scanner-resource= true
  • z-dspm-tenant-id = <tenant_id>
  • z-dspm-tenant-name = <tenant_name>
  • z-dspm-scan-id = <scan_id>

Default Scanner Instances

The scanner instances for the following cloud types:

  • Data Store TypeScan TypeInstance TypeInstance ConfigurationDisk Configuration
    S3Full Scanc5a.4xlarge16 core vCPUs and 32 GiB Memory
    Root Disk: 20 GB GP3
    S3Incremental Scant3.2xlarge8 core vCPUs and 16 GiB MemoryRoot Disk: 20 GB GP3
    EC2Full Scan


    16 core vCPUs and 32 GiB MemoryRoot Disk: 20 GB GP3
    RDSFull Scan



    48 core vCPUs and 96 GiB Memory

    2 core vCPUs and 16 GiB Memory

    Root Disk: 20 GB GP3
  • Data Store TypeScan TypeInstance TypeInstance ConfigurationDisk Configuration
    Blob ContainerFull


    16 core vCPUs and 32 GiB Memory

    30 GB Premium SSD LRS
    Blob ContainerIncrementalStandard_D8s_v38 core vCPUs and 16 GiB Memory30 GB Premium SSD LRS
    Virtual MachineFull


    16 core vCPUs and 32 GiB Memory

    30 GB Premium SSD LRS

    SQL Server

    PostgreSQL-Flexible Server

    FullStandard_F16s_v216 core vCPUs and 32 GiB Memory30 GB Premium SSD LRS
  • Data Store TypeScan TypeInstance TypeInstance ConfigurationDisk Configuration
    Cloud Storage BucketFull


    16 core vCPUs and 64 GiB Memory

    20 GB Standard persistent disk
    Cloud Storage BucketIncrementale2-standard-88 core vCPUs and 32 GiB Memory20 GB Standard persistent disk
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