
Configuring a SCADA/IoT Dataset

You can create a custom dataset for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and use them to create SCADA/IoT decoys.

To create a SCADA/IoT dataset:

  1. Go to Miragemaker > SCADA/IoT Datasets.
  2. Locate an existing SCADA/IoT dataset based on the new custom dataset you want to create, and click the Download icon.

    The SCADA/IoT dataset (.zip) is downloaded to your system.

  3. Make the necessary changes to the SCADA/IoT dataset that you downloaded to meet your requirements.
  4. Click Add Dataset.

  5. In the SCADA/IoT Dataset Details window:
    1. Name: Enter the name for the SCADA/IoT dataset.
    2. Dataset/Templates (Zip File): Click Upload to upload the custom dataset you saved to your system.

  6. Click Submit.

    The SCADA/IoT dataset is uploaded to the Zscaler Deception Admin Portal.

You can use the dataset in network decoys to deploy SCADA/IoT decoys. To learn more, see Configuring Services on a Network Decoy.

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