Cloud & Branch Connector

Deploying Branch Connector & App Connector on VMware Platforms

This deployment guide provides information on prerequisites, how to deploy Zscaler Branch Connector & App Connector as a virtual machine (VM) on VMware platforms, and post-deployment configurations.

This procedure describes the steps for deploying Zscaler Branch Connector & App Connector on VMware platforms. To learn more about deploying Branch Connector & App Connector using a Terraform script, see Deployment Templates for Zscaler Branch Connector & App Connector.


Make sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Grant admins full access to Branch Connector Provisioning permissions.

    The role that you assign admins dictates the level of access they have to the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal. Zscaler provides a default admin account that provides full access to the portal and scope over the entire organization. To learn more, see About Role Management and Adding Admin Roles.

  • In the Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal, create a dedicated username and password for the Branch Connector & App Connector deployment. The password must be at least 8 characters in length and include at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. The password must not contain a $ , &, >, <, ;, ', or ". If the password does not meet these requirements, the deployment fails.
  • Configure a Branch Provisioning Template and copy the Branch Provisioning URL.
  • Download the combined Branch Connector & App Connector OVA image file for VMware ESXi from the Branch Connector Images page.
  • Branch Connector & App Connector uses an API key to authenticate and register the VM with Zscaler. If you do not already have an API key, generate a new key. Then copy the API key from the API Key Management page.
  • The VM requires VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) version 7.0 or later, or the minimum version stated by Broadcom.
  • Configure an App Connector Provisioning Key in the ZPA Admin Portal.`
    • Small VM: requires 16 GB of memory, 4 CPU cores, 128 GB data disk size, and three network interface cards (NICs)
    • Medium VM: requires 32 GB of memory, 6 CPU cores, 128 GB data disk size, and 5 NICs
    • The Promiscuous mode option must be enabled (i.e., set to Accept) on the vSphere switch (vSwitch) or at the port group level. Branch Connector uses the Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) to process traffic across multiple Branch Connector instances. To support this, you must enable promiscuous mode on your Branch Connector service interface.
    • The MAC address changes option must be enabled on the vSwitch or port group.
    • The Forged transmits option must be enabled on the vSwitch or port group.
    • Branch Connectors often share the vSwitch with other corporate VMs, and settings you apply on the vSwitch level are applied to all VMs on the vSwitch. When promiscuous mode is enabled, other VMs might be able to detect traffic going through the service interface. To avoid this risk, Zscaler recommends that you create and use a port group for your Branch Connector service interfaces.
    • If multiple physical ports exist on the same vSwitch, then the Net.ReversePathFwdCheckPromisc advanced option must be enabled (i.e., set to 1) on the ESXi host. If it is not enabled, then multicast traffic loops back to the host, causing CARP not to function properly, and link states coalesced messages are sent. To learn more, refer to the VMware documentation.

Creating and Applying User Data

You must create user data information for your Branch Connector & App Connector VM. For VMware vCenter, user data information is provided during the OVA file import process. For VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi), you must apply the user data information to the VM. You can apply this information to the VM either with an ISO file that you mount via a virtual CD-ROM drive or do so manually to the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ directory. For both methods, you must create a text file containing the user data.

  1. Create your user data in a text file named userdata.cfg using the following template, formatted in YAML:

    • ZSCALER:
        cc_url: <CC_URL>
        http_probe_port: 50035 #Optional to change the port for load balancer status checks from the default value 50001 to 50035.
        api_key: <API Key>
        password: <Admin Password>
        username: <Admin Username>
        - name: vmx0 #For the VMXNet3 driver (required)
          type: physical
          - address: <IP Address/Netmask> #IP configuration for the management interface
            gateway: <Gateway>
            type: static
         - name: vmx1 #For the VMXNet3 driver (required)  
           type: physical    
           fib: '1'    
          - address: <IP Address/Netmask> #IP configuration for the App Connector interface    
            gateway: <Gateway>      
            type: static
        - type: nameserver
          - <IP Address>
          - <IP Address>
          - zscaler.net
        version: '1'
        enable: 'yes'  
        provisioning_key: <Key> 
      #ssh keys are optional
      - ssh-rsa <Key> 

        cc_url: connector.zscaler.net/api/v1/provUrl?name=DemoBC
        api_key: adfads2sd
        password: demopass
        username: bac-demoadmin@12345689.zscaler.net
        - name: vmx0
          type: physical
          - address:
            type: static
        - name: vmx1    
          type: physical
          fib: '1'    
          - address:      
            type: static
          - type: nameserver
          - zscaler.net
        version: '1'
        enable: 'yes'
        provisioning_key: asldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaks 

        cc_url: connector.zscaler.net/api/v1/provUrl?name=DemoBC
        http_probe_port: 50035
        api_key: adfads2sd
        password: demopass
        username: bac-demoadmin@12345689.zscaler.net
        - name: vmx0
          type: physical
          - address:
            type: static
        - name: vmx1    
          type: physical
          fib: '1'    
          - address:      
            type: static    
         - type: nameserver      
         - zscaler.net  
        version: '1'
        enable: 'yes'
        provisioning_key: asldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaksasldkfjalsdkjflaks 
        - ssh-rsa ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCh3ru9CCnEow69WlQyJuxvZJGHcjhcgJzp8XnoKTJk6o1bit+rq4BNyjS0orauMF6fNMHAyGZqDWw6RICvoeh386xNqnD7+AGE9VGz4cPv0CjoV2HvkKnA2Dj8KZFFJ/bBV0BndNdGATsbDnhq0wkJ+WXFmamb9kx4dSDL5ZD15SybFop0b/3JoqXoU+9pxFc0bQ/cediaifCztliI9i7NAmvIUinLy2OlDW/uPEcB8nBgXhAAc9ALe6+Q4wZt8JUdrcF04bgoAHYsNuzyEk4dNvov97JyExCAwzSLomiHFtdzhGw7/o6KhfhxxBRodKy4wQBwDzPbD6EbN9iCqoK8DY4HZ2L7HyQKRjhnnY/Y0uldO0tleogElbk+4LsoyAPjPAbogu89xSOa6D7sl2G+dPpqTlFBmO/3m/2JhBnGU= admin@branchpc

  2. Apply your user data to the VM in one of the following ways:

      1. Apply the user data to the VM as an ISO image:
        • On Centos, install the genisoimage:

          sudo yum install genisoimage

        • On Ubuntu, install the genisoimage :

          sudo apt install genisoimage

      2. Configure the required user data.

        The user data file must be named user-data.

        zuser@hostname:~$ mkdir isodir
        zuser@hostname:~$ cat > isodir/user-data <<EOF #cloud-config
        user@hostname:~genisoimage -o user-data.iso -r isodir/user-data

        You attach the ISO to your Branch Connector & App Connector VM in the Deploying on VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) procedure.

    • You apply your user data at the end of the Deploying on VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) procedure.


Deploying the Branch Connector & App Connector

Perform one of the following procedures to deploy your Branch Connector & App Connector:

  • After you have met all the prerequisites, perform the following steps to deploy your Branch Connector & App Connector with vCenter:

    1. Log in to the vCenter Server with the vSphere Client.
    2. Locate the VMware host on which you want to deploy the Branch Connector & App Connector, then right-click and select Deploy OVF Template.

    1. On the Select an OVF template page, select Local file. Then, upload the Branch Connector & App Connector OVA image file that you previously downloaded from the Branch Connector Images page. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Select a name and folder page, enter a unique name and select a target location for the VM. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Select a compute resource page, select the destination compute resource. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Review details page, verify the template details. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Configuration page, select a deployment configuration for the combined Branch Connector & App Connector image. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Select storage page, select the storage for the configuration and disk files. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Select networks page, select a destination network for each source network. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Customize template page, configure the following deployment properties:
      • Branch Connector
        • Provisioning Template URL: Enter the Branch Connector Provisioning URL.
        • API Key: Enter the API Key from the API Key Management page.
        • username: Enter the username you created for the Branch Connector deployment role in the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal.
        • password: Enter the password for the Branch Connector deployment role in the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal.
        • Management Interface IP Address: Enter the IP address for the management interface.
        • Management Interface Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask for the management interface.
        • Management Interface Default Gateway: Enter the default gateway for the management interface.
        • Domain: Enter the domain suffix.
        • DNS Information: Enter the primary and secondary DNS servers that the Branch Connector should use for DNS resolution.
        • ssh login public key: Enter the SSH public key for logging in without a password.
      • App Connector
        • Provision Key: Enter the App Connector Provisioning Key.
        • Control Interface IP Address: Enter the IP address for the control interface.
        • Control Interface Subnet Mask: Enter the subset mask for the control interface.
        • Control Interface Default Gateway: Enter a default gateway for the control network.
    2. On the Ready to complete page, review all of your configurations. Then, click Finish to deploy.

    To avoid any time sync issues, Zscaler recommends enabling the Synchronize guest time with host option after deploying Branch Connector & App Connector. To learn more, refer to the VMware product documentation.

  • After you have met all the prerequisites, created user data, and applied user data to the VM (if using the ISO method), perform the following steps to deploy your Branch Connector & App Connector on vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi):

    1. Log in to the vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) Server with the vSphere Client.
    2. Locate the VMware host on which you want to deploy the Branch Connector & App Connector and click Create/Register VM.

    The New virtual machine window appears.

    1. On the Select creation type page, select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Select OVF and VMDK files page, enter a unique name for the VM and upload the Branch Connector & App Connector OVA image file that you previously downloaded from the Branch Connector Images page. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Select storage page, select Standard as the storage type and select the datastore for the VM's configuration files. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Deployment options page, select the Network mappings, Deployment type, and Disk provisioning. Ensure that the Power on automatically option is disabled. Then, click Next.

    1. On the Additional Settings page, skip the additional properties for the VM because values entered on this page will not be configured. Click Next.

    1. On the Ready to complete page, review all of your configurations. Then, click Finish.

    1. After the VM has fully deployed, locate the VM and click Edit.

    The Edit settings window appears.

    1. If you applied user data to the VM using the ISO Method:
      1. In the Edit settings window, click Virtual Hardware. From the CD/DVD Drive 1 drop-down menu, select Datastore ISO file.

      2. In the Datastore browser window that opens, click Upload to upload the user-data.iso file you created in the ISO Method procedure. Then, click Select.

      3. Ensure that Connect and Connect at power on are enabled. Then, click Save.

      4. Under Virtual Machines, locate the deployed Branch Connector and click Power on.

    2. If you are applying user data to the VM using the Manual Method:
      1. In the VM console, create a new userdata.cfg file:

        zsroot@zscaler_node : ~ > sudo ee /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/userdata.cfg

      2. Paste in the contents of your user data file.
      3. Press Esc to exit the editor.
      4. Press a to leave the editor.
      5. Press a to save the file.
      6. Reboot the VM:

        zsroot@zscaler_node : ~ > sudo reboot

    To avoid any time sync issues, Zscaler recommends enabling the Synchronize guest time with host option after deploying Branch Connector & App Connector. To learn more, refer to the VMware product documentation.


Managing the Branch Connector & App Connector

After your VM is fully deployed, you can manage the Branch Connector & App Connector VM from the Zscaler Cloud & Branch Connector Admin Portal. A deployed VM is displayed in the dashboard. The Cloud & Branch Connector Monitoring page provides information on the name, group, location, geolocation, and status of your VMs deployed in your branch account.

After verifying deployment, you can configure the following policies:

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