Secure Private Access (ZPA)
About the Health Dashboard
The Health dashboard provides widgets that display the health of your organization's application segments, App Connectors, and ZPA Private Service Edges.
Dashboard Tools
The Health dashboard displays the following information and functionality:
- Search: Search the dashboard for a specific application, App Connector, or ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Refresh: Refresh the dashboard to reflect the most current information for all widgets.
The Health dashboard provides the following widgets:
- Applications
Application health is checked and reported by the App Connectors your organization has deployed. This widget displays the health status of your applications depending on the Health Reporting setting you've configured for them. To learn more, see Understanding Health Reporting.
You can learn more from the following articles:
- Possible Application Health States
The widget displays the following health states for applications defined within application segments:
- Up: The applications are up and functioning as expected.
- Down: The applications are down and not accessible to users. This is most likely because a server that hosts the application is down or unhealthy.
- Unhealthy: The applications are unhealthy but still accessible to users. An application might have multiple servers that host it, and at least one of those servers is unhealthy or down. But because there's at least one server for the application that is up, users can access the application.
- Unknown: The application health is unknown. This status is shown only for applications associated with application segments configured with Health Reporting set to On Access. It indicates that ZPA has stopped reporting the health of this application because it has been more than 30 minutes since a user accessed it. ZPA reports the health status as soon as a user accesses the application again.
If an application has not been accessed by a user or if an application segment was configured with Health Reporting set to On Access, then no state is displayed. Additionally, if an application has Client Hostname Validation enabled to facilitate client-to-client remote assistance, then the application is not shown on the Health Dashboard. To learn more, see Validating a Client Hostname.
Close - Widget Filters
You can view or hide applications based on their health status with the Health Status Filters. You must select at least one filter option.
If there are more than 2,000 applications listed, the filters are not displayed.
Close - Viewing Application Details
For each application, you can view more information about the application in a variety of ways.
- Hover over the application icon to view the following details:
- Name: The name of the application.
- Port: The port used by the application.
- Protocol Type: The protocol type used by the application.
- Last Updated: The timestamp showing the last time the App Connector reported the application's health status.
- Hover over the application icon and click on the graph icon at the top-right. The graphical view that appears visually depicts the servers that host that application and the App Connectors that provide access to those servers. If an application is down or unhealthy, the graphical view enables you to pinpoint the problem.
- Click on an application to see servers that host that application. You can then drill down further by clicking the arrow for a server to see the App Connectors that provide access to that server.
Close - Hover over the application icon to view the following details:
- Possible Application Health States
- App Connectors
App Connector health is checked and reported by the ZPA cloud.
- Possible App Connector Health States
The widget displays the following health states for App Connectors:
- Up: The App Connector is up and functioning as expected.
For App Connectors that are disabled but not yet processed as Down, a Disabled label appears under the App Connector.
- Down: The App Connector is down and not functional.
Close - Widget Filters
You can view or hide App Connectors based on their health status with the Health Status Filters. You must select at least one filter option.
If there are more than 2,000 App Connectors listed, the filters are not displayed.
Close - Viewing App Connector Details
For each App Connector, you can view more information about it by hovering over the App Connector icon to view the following details:
- Name: The name of the App Connector.
- Last Updated: The timestamp showing the last time the ZPA cloud checked the health status.
- Public IP: The public IP address of the App Connector.
- Private IP: The private IP address of the App Connector.
- Version: The software version number of the App Connector.
- CPU Utilization: The CPU usage of the App Connector.
- Memory Utilization: The memory usage of the App Connector.
- Up Time: How long the App Connector has been enrolled and running.
- Active Apps: The number of applications currently active for this App Connector.
- Possible App Connector Health States
- Private Service Edges
ZPA Private Service Edge health is checked and reported by the ZPA cloud.
- Possible Private Service Edge Health States
The widget displays the following health states for ZPA Private Service Edges:
- Up: The ZPA Private Service Edge is up and functioning as expected.
For ZPA Private Service Edges that have been stopped but not yet processed as Down, a Disconnected label appears under the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Down: The ZPA Private Service Edge is down and not functional.
Close - Widget Filters
You can view or hide ZPA Private Service Edges based on their health status with the Health Status Filters. You must select at least one filter option.
If there are more than 2,000 ZPA Private Service Edges listed, the filters are not displayed.
Close - Viewing Private Service Edge Details
For each ZPA Private Service Edge, you can view more information about it by hovering over the Private Service Edge icon to view the following details:
- Name: The name of the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Last Updated: The timestamp showing the last time the ZPA cloud checked the health status.
- Public IP: The public IP address of the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Private IP: The private IP address of the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- CPU Utilization: The CPU usage of the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Memory Utilization: The memory usage of the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Up Time: How long the ZPA Private Service Edge has been enrolled and running.
- Possible Private Service Edge Health States