Secure Private Access (ZPA)
Viewing the Applications Dashboard
The Applications dashboard provides information about applications in your organization.
Dashboard Tools
The Applications dashboard displays the following information and functionality:
- Time Range Filter: View application data over a period between 1 Hour to 14 Days, or you can select Custom Range. If you use a Custom Range, the start and end date must be within the last 14 days. The end can be configured to the selected time in hours and minutes. This filter applies to all widgets on the dashboard except Discovered Applications and Recommended Application Segments by Confidence %. By default, the dashboard displays information for events that occurred in the last hour.
Log information in the dashboard is limited to 14 days. For longer access to the logs, use the Log Streaming Service (LSS).
- Refresh icon: Refresh the dashboard to reflect the most current information.
- Recent Applications Accessed: View the total number for this category at the top of the page, and then view its details in the widget below. This number is based on the applications accessed by users, and it includes all successful and unsuccessful transactions.
- Discovered Applications: View the total number for this category at the top of the page, and then view its details in the widget below. This number is based only on successful transactions.
- Access Policy Blocks and Successful Transactions: View the total numbers for these categories at the top of the page, and then view their details in the widgets below.
- Chart Selection: Select the charts you want to display. You need to select a minimum of 4 charts. All charts are selected by default.
The Applications dashboard provides the following widgets:
- Recommended Application Segments by Confidence %
This widget displays the total number of recommended application segments, grouped by their percentage of confidence. The confidence groups are broken up into 25% increments to show how many recommended application segments had higher confidence versus those that were lower. If you hover over the chart and click a specific section, a tooltip appears with the option to View Recommended Apps, which takes you to the Recommended Application Segments page. Clicking View All also takes you to this page.
Recommended Application Segments must be activated to display the Recommended Application Segments by Confidence % widget and populate it with data. To activate this feature, click Activate Recommendations on the Application Management > Application Segments > Recommended Application Segments page.
Close - Recent Applications Accessed
This widget displays real-time information about the total number of applications requested by users that were accessed in the selected time frame. The widget always uses the current time for its end time even if a custom time range with a different end time is selected.
- Click on an application to view more details in Diagnostics.
- Click the Download icon (
) to export a file (.csv) containing information on the applications accessed for the selected time frame (i.e., Timestamp (in UTC), application (domain name or IP address), port number, and protocol).
- Top Applications by Bandwidth
This widget displays the top 10 applications that used the most bandwidth for your organization in the selected time frame. The percentage of total transactions for the top 10 applications by bandwidth appears in the top right corner.
- Hover over an application to view:
- Name: The application name.
- Bandwidth: The amount of bandwidth used by the application in the selected time frame, and the percentage that amount represents of the total bandwidth used by the 10 applications shown in the widget.
- Click on an application to view more details in Diagnostics.
- Hover over an application to view:
- Top Errors
This widget displays the top errors experienced by users per connection status code, application, App Connector, and ZPA Private Service Edges over the selected time frame.
- Connection Status Codes
You can hover over the connection status codes to:
- View the total number of transactions that occurred with this connection status code.
- View the percentage of errors where this connection status code occurred for the drilldown data displayed.
- Analyze by:
- Applications: This drills down and displays data on the applications impacted by the connection status code.
- Connectors: This drills down and displays data on the App Connectors impacted by the connection status code.
- Show in Logs: To view more details in Diagnostics for the drilldown data that is displayed.
Close - Applications
You can hover over the applications to:
- View the total number of transactions where the application error occurred.
- View the percentage of errors where this application error occurred for the drilldown data displayed.
- Analyze by:
- Connectors: This drills down and displays data on the App Connectors impacted by the application error.
- Connection Status Codes: This drills down and displays data on the connection status code applicable to the impacted application.
- Show in Logs: To view more details in Diagnostics for the drilldown data that is displayed.
Close - App Connectors
You can hover over the App Connectors to:
- View the total number of transactions where the App Connector error occurred.
- View the percentage of errors for the drilldown data displayed for the App Connector.
- Analyze by:
- Applications: This drills down and displays data on the applications impacted by the App Connector error.
- Connection Status Codes: This drills down and displays data on the connection status code applicable to the impacted App Connector.
- Show in Logs: To view more details in Diagnostics for the drilldown data that is displayed.
Close - Service Edges
You can hover over the ZPA Private Service Edges to:
- View the total number of transactions for the error that occurred on the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- View the percentage of errors for the drilldown data displayed for the ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Analyze by:
- Connectors: This drills down and displays data on the App Connectors impacted by the ZPA Private Service Edge error.
- Connection Status Codes: This drills down and displays data on the connection status code applicable to the impacted ZPA Private Service Edge.
- Show in Logs: To view more details in Diagnostics for the drilldown data that is displayed.
- Connection Status Codes
- Top Application Segments by Bandwidth
This widget displays the top 10 application segments that used the most bandwidth for your organization in the selected time frame. The percentage of total transactions for the top application segments by bandwidth appears in the top right corner.
Close - Top Disaster Recovery App Segments by Bandwidth
This widget displays the top 10 disaster recovery-enabled application segments that used the most bandwidth for your organization in the selected time frame. If there was a disaster recovery-related incident during this time frame, it accounts for both the disaster recovery-related transactions and the regular transactions. The percentage of total transactions for the top disaster recovery-enabled application segments by bandwidth appears in the top right corner.
Close - Top Policy Blocks
This widget displays the top access policy and timeout policy blocks experienced by users over the selected time frame.
- Access Policy Blocks
You can hover over the access policy block to:
- View the total number of transactions where the access policy block occurred.
- View the percentage of errors where this access policy block occurred for the drilldown data displayed.
- Analyze by:
- Applications: This drills down and displays data on the applications impacted by the access policy block.
- Show in Logs: To view more details in Diagnostics for the drilldown data that is displayed.
Close - Timeout Policy Blocks
You can hover over the timeout policy block to:
- View the total number of transactions where the timeout policy block occurred.
- View the percentage of errors where this timeout policy block occurred for the drilldown data displayed.
- Analyze by:
- Applications: This drills down and display data on the applications impacted by the timeout policy block.
- Show in Logs: To view more details in Diagnostics for the drilldown data that is displayed.
- Access Policy Blocks
- Top Applications by Users
This widget displays the top 10 applications accessed by your organization's users in the selected time frame. The percentage of total transactions for the top applications by users appears in the top right corner.
- Hover over an application to view:
- Name: The application name.
- Number of User(s): The top 10 applications accessed by your organization's users in the selected time frame, and the percentage that number represents of the 10 applications shown in the widget.
- Click on an application to view more details in Diagnostics.
- Hover over an application to view:
- Applications Discovered in the Past 14 Days
This widget displays the applications that ZPA has discovered for your organization in the past 14 days, with the most recently discovered application listed first.
- Click on an application to view more details in Diagnostics. If the application has not been accessed in the last 14 days, you will not see data for the application in Diagnostics.
- Click the Download icon (
) to export a file (.csv) containing information on the applications discovered in the last 14 days (i.e., application (domain name or IP address), port number, protocol, and internal application ID).
- To define a user access policy or change settings for an application (e.g., enable health monitoring or configure bypass settings), you can explicitly define an application by clicking on Add Application Segment, selecting the applications, and then clicking Define Selected Applications. To learn more, see Defining a Dynamically Discovered Application.
To learn more about application discovery, see About Application Discovery.
Close - App Configuration in Past 3 Months
This widget displays the number of Defined Application Segments (orange) compared to the number of Discovered Applications (blue) in two-week increments over the past 3 months. Ideally for Zero Trust, the number of Defined Application Segments should be increasing while the number of Discovered Applications should be decreasing.
Hover over a graph bar to get detailed information for each two-week increment. Click a graph bar and then click View Recommended Apps to view the Recommended Application Segments page.
Recommended Application Segments must be activated to display the App Configuration in Past 3 Months widget and populate it with data. To activate this feature, click Activate Recommendations on the Application Management > Application Segments > Recommended Application Segments page.
If you are using the Log Streaming Service (LSS), the Users dashboard includes information for a ZPA LSS Client user. This user represents the LSS service, not an actual user. Also, each log receiver is displayed as an application to reflect the data coming in from the service. To learn more, including how to stop the LSS service from streaming ZPA LSS Client logs, see Configuring a Log Receiver.